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Yoda Model!


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I agree with morphius_doh about the skin tone, so I took your ESB pic KMAN, and kind of altered it to what I think morphius and I are thinking of...




or I thought of maybe this skin tone




JK2Net File Master




And no asking for when will it be released! Did you not read Kinja's post?? He will release it when it is finished, and quit asking when will it be released..


anyways...... **EDIT** I fixed the color to be closer to Yoda, so he doesn't have that "puke green" tint to him... Hopefully this is closer to what he will look like

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Very nice Kman!! I saw the earlier previews of this skin and I knew this one would be the one I will download. My only constructive critism would be that the skin on both ears is too perfectly symetrical. I think that a break in symmetry would add a little depth to the character of this model and really emphasize the age of this 800! year old jedi master. Maybe a litle defect or warts/growths would help. Other than that I think you have presented this character perfectly. Thank you for all of your efforts and great job!

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Originally posted by Andy867

Ok, I adjusted the skin to be more pale, but nothing to were it would throw off the skin tone completely.. I doubt I will adjust it anymore, just because that's as close to yoda as I can get with my limited doctering skills...







JK2Net File Master



that's perfect Andy hopefully he'll use this as a plot for him to color with.

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As soon as it is ready, I will also make it available through my website. Won't have to worry about bandwidth problems as it's Fileplanet. If enough people d/l it though, you may have to wait. I don't anticipate it being that bad though.

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I may not have posted anything till now but i've been following this thread since the beginning. You guys have shown nothing but exellence and i am amazed at how good yoda looks. I'm glad you guys haven't given in to pressure and rushed yoda. The more time it takes the better he will be. I am going to have a blast w/little yoda when he's released, running around cutting people down at the shins, lol, especially sith yoda. Keep up the outstanding work and when it's released i will be patiently waiting for it.

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Originally posted by Arco

ok sorry for not posting in a while. anyway my skins are done (as you all know)



well he said it was done, can't wait for release. ummm....kinja I hope you have a server that can handle high traffic, this thing is going to be downloaded ALOT!


great work you guys, you managed to pull it off through the best times and the worst times. Kinja, SithlordII(come back!), Kman, and Arco...I salute you.

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I offer my 2 servers Geocities and Fragland, plus that of the JK2Net File server when it gets back online and I can access it...




Just email me dmccarthy100@charter.net and files@jediknightii.net) with proper instructions Kinja on what you want the stuff to all say, etc...

**EDIT** what was left out of the quote from Arco was that he sent it off to Sithlord-II.... :eek:


This has definitely been an interesting trek.. Overcoming the scaling issues, making th emodel, time, patience, false rumors, 2 unruly characters, one that is trying to be forgiven, another, well, we all know what THAT Is... probably th only guy that will be on everybody's Iggy list... and that of losing a great modeler, who might make a great comeback, and release the model, as per Kinja's request.... (least thats what I hope for)....




JK2Net File Master



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Project: Duality

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