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Is useing a scipt cheating?


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Is useing a scipt cheating?


I meet this guy on a FFA server hi was saying that he had a script for every move and you did not even have to change stance.


Is this cheating or are every one useing scrips?

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well it sure aint playing within the game's normal parameters is it..


while scripting a taunt is ok... scripting a set of chained moves is not.. some lamer added a saberlock script a few weeks ago.. now i can no longer win saber locks when i was a pretty fast clicker..


what happened to games that needed a servers approval for things of this nature.. a scripted jumping back stab is also out



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Originally posted by ShogunBlade

well it sure aint playing within the game's normal parameters is it..


while scripting a taunt is ok... scripting a set of chained moves is not.. some lamer added a saberlock script a few weeks ago.. now i can no longer win saber locks when i was a pretty fast clicker..


what happened to games that needed a servers approval for things of this nature.. a scripted jumping back stab is also out








what he said

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No script is capable of doing anything that you can't do normally, with the exception of macro'd console commands (which would take time to type out in the console) or ramping the mouse turn speed up so fast that it appears that you can instantly look behind you.


Scripts depend a lot on server lag and are very unreliable, if you can't beat someone who scripts all of his moves then practice.

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God damn...


we have already had this discussion.


Scripting is NOT cheating

(until you get to the point of Aimbots and **** like thqat, but that is a 2 page script...)


if you wanna spend the time to script, the designers are OK with that, they allowed you to edit the config file.


Got a problem with scripting?

too bad bucko, nuttin you can do to stop it...its hardwired into the game engine.



Scripting is 100% legal, especially in a game like JK2, where no script could do things like target aquisition, or even actively pursuing a target.


scripts just aid serious players.

(some people like to play without, I am one of them, but I have no problem with scripts)



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Hey Snow,


Does scripting give you an advantage over non-scripters?


I'd have to say that it does. Because being able to reliably do the EXACT move you need WHEN you need it is a SKILL that is learned through practice, whereas you have peered into the Game's instructions, figured out how to do it ONCE perfectly, then bound that to a key so you can do it the exact same way over and over and over and over......ad nauseaum.


So, in the heat of battle, while I (a non-scripter by CHOICE, not ignorance) may miss a key and NOT do a light lunge, all you have to do is make sure you're facing the right way and hit the 'A' key.

Sorry bud, but that ain't fair.


The console was left in for a couple of reasons, they are debugging and testing. You want to play around in your own server with your own rules, that's your business...but when you come on a public server and start owning people with pre-scripted moves, that's just exploiting a needed gap in the program.



By your logic we should be looking for and exploiting every possible thing we can in the game because it's part of the game. I should be TRYING to use an invisible skin, I should be TRYING to script the DFA, I should be TRYING to find a hack that will give me unlimited rockets, or extend my saber range.


I applaud your dedication to the game by going out and learning the moves so you CAN script them, and whether you CAN or not isn't in question, because you obviously can. It's if you SHOULD.


IMO, you should not, because then it ain't YOU fighting...it's your script.

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I gotta agree with Tempest8008...cheating by definition is when a player does something that gives him an unwarranted advantage over another player.


Just because something is possible doesn't mean it's right or legal. It is certainly possible for you to go into a store and rob it, but does that mean it's right or legal? No, of course not.


I think your appreciation of the game will be much higher when you take the time to learn the skill needed to perform all the special moves and combos.


Think about it...

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Scripting, or changing any values that are not the original code setting, is not just cheating, it's also known as hacking the game... And it all ways has been. Not just in JK2 but every gameing realm that I've ever played in...


I've been online gaming for over six years now, and every game that I've played sooner or later someone starts to hack the game from it's original design. It gives an edge to player that is doing it, that the others don't know about that is where the cheating comes in...



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Here is the low down


Tempest: I too do not script, the only scripts I have is the bind to taunt, and my saber color changer.

I use scripts to taunt, skillz to kill



As for everyone else...

esp the dude who said that only some ppl can have acsess to scripts...

you guyts can script too.

all the scripts you could ever want or use are on these forums.

just need to look.


or you can just write your own, not THAT hard.

we all have access to our config files, we can aond DO edit them to suit our playing style.



Nomad said:

"Scripting, or changing any values that are not the original code setting, is not just cheating, it's also known as hacking the game... And it all ways has been. Not just in JK2 but every gameing realm that I've ever played in... "


by his deffinition, something as simple as rebinding a force power to a different key is cheating.

(hell, the method for that is included in the game engine)


anyway, its not a cheat.

if raven didnt want us doing it they would have server side config files or something.

by allowing us to edit them, they have given consent.

it was their choice to use the Q3 engine (I think it is Q3) and that engine has the standard config files.


While I DO NOT script, it is OK to do so.



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Okay, I am new to this game and its gaming engine, so please understand this is just a newbies sincere question....what is scripting?


I am not asking how to do it, just what it is, because I don't understand. Is this how some players can vary their combinations when attacking so fast and smoothly?



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Okay, scripting is for wimps who have no skill in playing games what-so-ever. Kind of like those people who buy the game the day it comes out, but they also buy the player's guide too... Get my drift? Ya, its out there, but does it make it fair? No. Just like real life guys, there are ways of being average incomed and doing it the fair way, and then there are ways of cheating and scamming to become rich. Is it fair? No. Is it out there? Yes. Does that make it right? No. Its all a morality thing, if you have that low of a morale, then fine, be a cheap @$$ and script all you want, but don't be upset when you get sick of the game because you had to be cheap. Trust me, if you want to be cheap, go Play Diablo II, that game lost its value the minute my friend figured out how to duplicate every item in the game. And let me tell you, that game is no fun to me anymore what-so-ever. So I leave you with this final comment, scripting=cheating, but thats life.

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lol, think about it this way


everybody's saying because you can do it it's ok


can you cheat? yes! does that make it not cheat? NO it's still cheating!:rolleyes:


or how about this way


can you break a window or hack into somebody's computer?

YES! does that make it legal? NO!


just because you can do something doesn't make it not cheating or legal...

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Originally posted by Twins of Doom

lol, think about it this way


everybody's saying because you can do it it's ok


can you cheat? yes! does that make it not cheat? NO it's still cheating!:rolleyes:


or how about this way


can you break a window or hack into somebody's computer?

YES! does that make it legal? NO!


just because you can do something doesn't make it not cheating or legal...


Wow Twin, that sounds incredibly similar to what I just wrote above... a lil odd, aint that?

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All Im gonna keep saying is the simple fact that by using the Q3 engine, Raven KNEW that the modifyiable config file came ith that engine.

they knew of it and made no attempt to keep us from editing it.


It may take the skill out of the game...

but only to a certain extent.


having every move bound to a key dont mean **** if your timing is off.


Plus, with scripts there is not enough room to have each one conveniently bound to a key...you run outta room.


Anyway, when it is hardwired into the game engine, I hardly think it can be considered a cheat.



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I use a script to change my lightsaber colour (Disco baby yeah!)

and to taunt.


I feel writting a script to do moves is just making up for a poor player, it is a advantage and if snow thinks just because it can be done its ok then hes a bigger fool than he thinks and since he made it quite clear he uses them he is obviously a poor player. Yes you need timing but you also need to be able to do the move with that timing by removing the challenge of performing the move then you,ve instantly halved your challenge, thereby having a advantage over other players, thats a cheat no matter how you try and disguise it.

A good player can pull the move off with the correct timeing, where as less skilled player like you would need a script as the doing both is obviously way beyong your skill/mental power.

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