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They killed JK2......


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No more patches? Well this game just died.


The only people left will be ass fighters. Have fun ass ramming each other, you deserve it, you killed this game.


Well that and Raven's stupidity.


I tell you one thing this is the last Raven game I EVER buy.


I don't care how good the next game they make is. If they don't fix MAJOR game imbalances I'm not buying another game from them.


I leave with the hope that someone will make a kick ass saber combat mod.


So all you people who hate "whiners" AKA people who try to bring balance to the game.


Heres one less and I think there will be more after their announcement.


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That Tree guy needs a tissue.


As for the rest of you, be patient. You didn't HAVE to upgrade to 1.03... and if you knew more about your computer than where the frag button is located, you'd run your own 1.02 servers.


Failing that, just wait until the next patch is released. You people bitched and moaned about this game from the very start; modding tools have been released with more on the way, there have been new maps and skins, more than a few tutorials for those that can't stand to pull down the freakin console and type "sabercolor" as well as for serious modders...


If anyone's "ruining the community" it's the punk bitches that keep whining. Log your complaint; fine. Log it again; that's cool. A new thread twice a day on "why Raven sucks" is stupid, prepubescent, and smacks of selfishness and short-sightedness. I'm sorry, but all this bloodclot cryin' is really starting to piss me off.

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Developers don't decide when to stop patching. The publisher does. Developers only patch as long as the publisher is paying them to.

It's this way with just about every developer who wants to keep from going bankrupt.

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You will travel to your 'my computer' console.


There you will seek the uninstall command to reinstall JK2 without the patch.


You will continue your jedi training without the bl00bie changes to saber combat of patch 1.03."



-hehe bad attempt at contorting Obi Wan's commands to Luke in Empire-

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