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Well, fair warning to all of you in the US esspecially. The Union contract for the UPS workers is not going to well.


The teamsters have broght thier proposals to the table, and it seems UPS does not even want to look at them. Then get upset if we bring it up again, and even leave the negotiation tables.


The Union workers for my area are going to have a meeting this weekend to have a pre-vote for the strike. ANd bring that to the table and say UPS needs to realize how serious this is.


in 1997 after a vote was called, the UPS union went on strike, for 2 months. UPS corperate thought we would cave in. they thoguht wrong and were held accountable.


it looks like the union will likely go on strike again (early august) unless UPS starts being reasonable. For me, if we go on strike, i will get $155 a week, which is $30 less then what i normally make. I think i can sit on the picket line for that much.


Some of the demnads that are being made by the teamsters.


Stronger language that prevents non-union from working union jobs.

INcreased wages for Part-time workers.


Personally, I have ben harrased, and put under an increased workload with more Disipline then compliments for the work I do. I am ready to strike at this very momment for the poor working conditions, and how I am treated by managment.


I am PROUD to work for UPS, and the drivers i load their trucks for, appriciate what i do for them. They even got together and gave me a $200 gift certificate as a thank you and christmas present. That is why i stay there, and thankfully, because of the strong union, i have great job security.


As a side note, please dont tell how much better what ever other delivery service is. The union needs your support. And frankly, NO other delivery service has the capacity to make up for the business that UPS does.

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