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Spawn with saber?


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Sorry if this has been covered before but I was wondering how I can spawn with my saber (versus spawning with a blaster). Also, I was wondering how I can start a MP game with a different stance than light? Any info would be helpful. Thanks! :D

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Originally posted by Tyrion

Too lazy to change, eh?:rolleyes:


Originally posted by Boreas I think he is more concerned about getting blasted as he spawns in.


yes, and yes :D


so it looks like this isn't possible? :(

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Just bind the saber to a key near your fingers - I use keypad 1 for switching saber on/off, it's nice and close to my move keys and everything else, without being in the way.


As for switching stance to avoid being spawn splattered, just hit the change button, even while dead it works.


Whjat I *would* like to know is if it's possible to bind the three styles to separate keys? So you don't have to cycle through the 3 styles to get the one you want quickly. (I also sometimes get the wrong one because my keyboard failed to register a keypress)

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