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AOTC Saber Fights! - SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!


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Who else thinks that the final battle between Obiwan, Anakin and Count Dooku - and finally Yoda :) is far to short?



Why is Count Dooku sooooo powerful - he defeated Obiwan in 1 minute - although Obiwan is a full trained Jedi in Episode 2.

I understand that Anakin is no match for him, because he is just a padawan - but he could have been fighting more that 10 seconds with two sabers.

Another thing that I dont understand is why Anakin had to "cut" the light off - you dont see much of the saber fight because its simply to dark.

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minor spoiler stuff below
























The darkened battle between Dooku and Anny looked cinematically great imo. I think that's why GL put it in.


Am I the only one that really wanted more 1 on 1 saber battles? I would have loved a 20 minute epic saber fight between any of the Jedi and sith! I actually wasn't impressed with the massive Jedi battle scene versus the droids. Too much was going on with too many quick cuts.


Word has it that GL also cut out a lot of the Tusken raiders death scenes. I heard they showed anny sliceing up the Tusken kiddies and women and he went into a real Darthesque rage. God would I have loved to see that.

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Originally posted by overflow

Who else thinks that the final battle between Obiwan, Anakin and Count Dooku - and finally Yoda :) is far to short?


ALWAYS hehehe...it's never enough :D


Why is Count Dooku sooooo powerful - he defeated Obiwan in 1 minute - although Obiwan is a full trained Jedi in Episode 2.


Dooku is two generations before him...he knows all the moves Obi-Wan is gonna make, and that makes him have the advantage.


I understand that Anakin is no match for him, because he is just a padawan - but he could have been fighting more that 10 seconds with two sabers.


True, but that way it looked more real


Another thing that I dont understand is why Anakin had to "cut" the light off - you dont see much of the saber fight because its simply to dark.


Don't know, worked for me tho :p


Originally posted by Lor20

Am I the only one that really wanted more 1 on 1 saber battles? I would have loved a 20 minute epic saber fight between any of the Jedi and sith! I actually wasn't impressed with the massive Jedi battle scene versus the droids. Too much was going on with too many quick cuts.


True, that's why you will be watching it 20 times ;)


Word has it that GL also cut out a lot of the Tusken raiders death scenes. I heard they showed anny sliceing up the Tusken kiddies and women and he went into a real Darthesque rage. God would I have loved to see that.


Me too, really too bad they cut it, but from Hayden's look you get the picture (he did a great job really [well most of the time])

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I think it made a whole lot of sense for the battles to be fast. The swordfighting I've seen tends to be one of two ways--lengthy, because the people are evenly matched and it ends when one of them outthinks the other, or one of them screws up--or short because one of them is more advanced than the other and he just schools him. Here we see the different levels of skill, Obi-Wan and Anakin are a big step below Dooku, and Dooku is a big step below Yoda.


What's interesting is that Dooku is less afraid of Yoda than Sidious, which could explain why it is that Yoda goes off into hiding rather than facing the Emperor.

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I thought it was too short too. Also, it just seemed weird how Anakin doesn't really react to getting his arm chopped off. He just got knocked unconscious, but then Luke later on screams and is still able to function. I thought they made Anakin getting hurt look like nothing. Luke's looked scene more real and serious.

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Originally posted by overflow

For all who haven't seen the movie - dont read any further

Why is Count Dooku sooooo ...


I copied this from one of my other posts:


Dooku doesn't fight the way the Jedi in the film do. He fights in the old style. The Jedi aren't trained to fight lightsaber wielding enemies they are trained to deflect blaster fire(more slashing). Dooku's style was from back when the Jedi were fighting the Sith (more of a fencing style).


I haven't seen the movie yet but the novel mentions (during the Obi-Wan fight and Jocasta Nu talks about it too) that because of Dooku's fencing style Obi-Wan was no match for him.

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I liked how you saw the tusken thing and it cut straight to yoda. that was cool a la kenbi in ANH. I think you got the point he was on a mad rage and it's alot worse when you hear how he says it and put it to your imagination later it sends a chill down your spine how evil he truly went.

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Why is Count Dooku sooooo powerful - he defeated Obiwan in 1 minute - although Obiwan is a full trained Jedi in Episode 2.


If you also noticed.....Yoda trained Dooku himself. While I'm sure he didn't know the full extent of Yoda's power, he was still trained by one of the most powerful jedi. So him beating Obi-Wan/Anakin isn't anything that amazed me.

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Did anybody notice the hilt on Dookus sabre? It was sorta funky shaped, almost with a joint or crook at the end of it.


I think Lucas had Anakin cut the lights as a way to show that he is descending into the dark side, which was further shown by the fairly evil look on his face as he fought Dooku. Maybe saying that nakin preferred the dark to the light.


Or he just accidently ran his sabre through the power cord. Whichever. ;)



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Well, according to the Episode II visual dictionary, Dooku was trained in Form II lightsaber combat, which is a very graceful form of lightsaber dueling. Obi-Wan is well-versed in Form III, which is anti-blaster fire. Mace Windu is well-versed in Form VII, which is akin dangerously to Sith combat training. So according to the official media, Windu is the best dueler of the human Jedi. Yoda, in all likelihood, learned all the forms and combined them. He had 900 years to do so. ;)

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The final duels were way too short... but then, it does give you a sense of Dooku's power. And Luke just had his hand chopped off--Anakin had his whole arm severed--sides, Luke had to hear that Vader was his father while Amidala just had to feel sorry for Anakin. Anyway... I would've liked to see much more of the Dooku/Yoda fight... but Yoda overwhelmed Dooku so severely that Dooku just had to run... still, the only thing SW2 really lacked was a 5 minute long saber fight ala the Duel of the Fates. I felt that the only fight that felt really complete was the Obi-Wan vs. Jango brawl... frikkin awesome!

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Originally posted by OrecaGuy51














Well, according to the Episode II visual dictionary, Dooku was trained in Form II lightsaber combat, which is a very graceful form of lightsaber dueling. Obi-Wan is well-versed in Form III, which is anti-blaster fire. Mace Windu is well-versed in Form VII, which is akin dangerously to Sith combat training. So according to the official media, Windu is the best dueler of the human Jedi. Yoda, in all likelihood, learned all the forms and combined them. He had 900 years to do so. ;)


Do you know how I could get a visual dictionary?

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