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WIP: Exar Kun


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ok so i have been making a skin. slowly due to the yoda i am workin with taking up my time. anyway here is a pimp...




oh yeah and i think the head needs to be smaller..... are you gonna fix that sithlord?





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will do

i'll look at the scale and try to make it 6 heads tall

btw arco what do you think of the mesh layout for the texturemap? not hard to understand or anything?

j/c, i think there is a bit of warping on the head layout (not the face...) towards the brow, and after some of the issues with vader's mapping, i tried to avoid them on this guy


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That skin is looking good so far brother. However, I have one problem: That tat. OMG I hated that Tat. Take a look at the one Sith is using. I have a b&w pic of it if you 'd like a reference shot.

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hi again

yup, what abs said is correct, and i have a few other images available as well, i was trying to post them last nite but the forum was not agreeing with me






Absath did the face skin up on this one. Arco is also working on a seperate one too, but he's busy with yoda, so we're going ahead for now. Model weighs in around 3300 polys, i decided to hack it up a bit and remove the unnecessary details, etc which were bloating the polycount to over 4k

release should be fairly soon, just getting the skins all finished up



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Wow sith, that looks great, I got a few suggestions though.


could you make his expression...a little more evil? I dont know if you could just skin it like this or you actually have to re-model it but maybe you could make his eyebrows come down and on a slant like he's really pissed off. also what someone mentioned before about the little half smirk would be really cool.


other than that...tone down the purple, re-skin the cape so it doesn't have quite as many folds in it, too many folds for such a small cape




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The Innocent...The Corrupt..

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Originally posted by §ith Lord

could you make his expression...a little more evil? I dont know if you could just skin it like this or you actually have to re-model it but maybe you could make his eyebrows come down and on a slant like he's really pissed off. also what someone mentioned before about the little half smirk would be really cool.


i absolutely agree with §ith Lord and the changes that COULD be made to the face ... it's your model/skin, so as always the final say is up to you.


my 2 cents ... i think the tattoo can be toned down a little more. it seems to stand out too much. i'm not familiar with exar kun all that much, so i don't know if his tattoo is that bold.


incredible job, though. i am extremely envious of the work that is being produced. keep up the great work!

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Originally posted by §ith Lord

could you make his expression...a little more evil?


Throughout the comics, he doesn't wear a very evil face. Yes, he looks cocky, and arrogant, but the face he wears is more like the quiet boy next door, who just so happens to be a serial killer...

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ok well here's a slight update

been busy lately, haven't had much opportunity to put time into exar, and i have been helping a bit to get yoda in-game (brick wall right now... tryign to fix...)

but here is a sample image from a guy who is making his own custom skin for exar, for example -

his name is omar torres, and he is making an excellent dark sith version of exar -



i'm gonna try and get it released with the model to begin with




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