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Godamit!!!! *Smashes a Clown in the Face*

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i hate the fact that there is not going to be an adventure by lucasarts this year, this realy sucks. I was realy disappointed that they did not release one. I think if they did have an adventure at E3 this year it would sell well, and other compines would starting making more adventures.

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Developers today are going on. There are a lot of game series today that still have fans but are "to old" to have any new games made (Commander Keen). Or if they do have a new game made it's just to keep the fans happy. (Kings Quest 8)I don't think adventure games are comeing back.

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Why not? Other genres' popularities come and go... Adventure games aren't going to stop any time soon, especially with Simon Jeffery at the LucasArts helm. He certainly lived up to the 50% originals promise, and I'm sure we'll see an adventure soon, even if not at E3.

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I think there won't be another Adventure Game by LucasArts at all.

There hasn't been a Scumm title since CMI and to be honest, EMI with it's consolish-gamepad interface finally killed real adventures off. (I know of Grim, but there the interface actually suited the setting)


I believe that the announcement of the Sequel to Full Throttle, one of the best (and shortest ;)) Adventure Games beeing an Action-Adventure proves this.


Time to go on..... time to pull out all your old[]/i LucasArts Adventures again ;)

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Originally posted by els.DarkLord

I think there won't be another Adventure Game by LucasArts at all.


A bizarre claim given the official announcement of FT2.


You seem to be forgetting that the original is action/adventure as well. What on Earth do you suppose all that face smashing was about?


And of course there will never be another Scumm game! That engine was retired. There's as much chance as LEC doing another game with Scumm as there is of id doing another with the original Doom engine. But Scumm does not equal adventure games.

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