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Trust me Rich.. you have nothing to worry about with the music... for years people were putting external Star Wars music into their JK levels... and not ONCE did anyone get any s**t from LEC... plus there's LivingDeadJedi's level using DotF and also that Ladder SP level used a bunch of (non Star Wars) copyrighted music... and even if LEC did act... all that would happen is your level will be removed... nothing then stopping you from re-releasing the level without the music...

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if you guys are saying you can't use other SW music in user made levels, then you're going to have to get rid of the other copyrighted stuff too. Darth Vader, the fetts and the rest of the mandalorian armor are all copyrighted. Tatooine isn't an original idea so any maps with that in there are null. Hoth. and for that matter Kamino. They're not in the game


If the copyrighted music is off limits, why isn't the rest of the sw universe.

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Ok, I have administrative leave for a month from work. I AM GUNNA CAMP IT!!!! everyone else, move along. I already got the beta reserved and camped!!!!


Also, I only wanna beta every COOL map I see.... (this, Carkoon, etc.)

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Originally posted by FlashFearless

If the copyrighted music is off limits, why isn't the rest of the sw universe.


Pfft, that's like saying if Napster can't have music trading, then why can Kazaa trade fully functional games and apps that in some cases cost thousands of dollars?


That's just the way The Man works. It doesn't need to follow any sort of logic. You should know that by now. :p

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If lucas arts isn't going to pursue the rest of their trademarks then they aren't going to pursue music either.


And if you don't think companies don't prosecute over every violated copyright then you're gravely mistaken. Action Half-life, a mod for half-life, wasn't allowed to be distributed with game magazine cd's at one time because it included models of characters from various action films.


I'm sure if LA was going to go after something they would have gone after the vader and mandalorian models. If you had really taken business law you should know that all copyright infringement is illegal, not just music.


Also, according to my soundtrack, Bantha Music, a division of Lucas Arts owns the score.


On a side note, kazaa can't trade fully functional games and apps. Along with morpheus, they're going on trial in june or july.


Just for the record, incase this post is confusing (which it probobly is) I'm not saying not to use music and images from the rest of star wars, I'm saying it should be fine, I don't think lucasarts is going to do anything about it. Unless somebody makes a mod that has the exact same idea as an upcoming game or something (somebody was making an aliens vs predator mod for q2 shortly before the game came out, and Fox asked them to stop because it would conflict with their retail game).


sorry if I sound assy :(

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On a side note, kazaa can't trade fully functional games and apps.


Oh really? Might want to go back and do your homework. Kazaa most definately has "fully functional games and apps" available.

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Originally posted by Cray


Oh really? Might want to go back and do your homework. Kazaa most definately has "fully functional games and apps" available.


He meant they are not supposed to allow that, not that the programs aren't capable. Hence the next portion about them going to court. Usually companies don't need to go to court to develop new features for their programs. Programmers are much better at that sort of thing than Judges.



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Originally posted by Lime-Light

ya....BACK TO THE TOPIC NOW. Can we see some more WIP shots?


hear hear... lets see some more screenies rich!



has everyone seen that livejournal thing btw (prepares to make fun of livejournal)


current mood: insane :D

current music: my feet scraping the couch





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Nope, I'm afraid I've reached a slowdown... the building itself I'm having some problems with as I need to layer patch meshes together...which is really not turning out how I want it...


I am attempting to fix it, but it is taking time. :D

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:: UPDATE ::




A little bit more has been done on the platform itself and I finally got the building added how I wanted it... which was incidentally much more difficult than it should have been. Not sure on the dimensions, I may change it up a little bit still.


Also, I have completed the entranceway for the most part... I need to do a little more work on the entranceway itself (you can see some odd lighting on the inside of the entrancecap) but that shouldn't take too long...


And do keep in mind that not one texture that you see there will be in the final, so don't comment on them... :)


In any case, enjoy the pics and look forward to beta when I FINALLY get to it. :p




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Oooh. Purdy. But gee, its a good thing you didn't say to comment on the textures, because I'm going to.


Blah blah blah. Textures. Blah blah blah. Inevitable post. Blah blah blah.


Good work, though. Other than that tower-thing on the end of the platform, it looks pretty accurate.

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I wish you people weren't so redundant. :p


The lighting is not complete. I will likely add a blue light to the top sky shader to give a weak blue ambient looking light to the entire thing.


How is the tower not accurate? I'm going off of screenshots from the movie. If you have access to a copy, look at the scene where Obi-Wan first lands. In the background, there are towers that look much like that one (the thing he enters is the base of one of those towers). The dimensions aren't perfect, but it is from the movie.


Also, I haven't done any of the interior yet, so that's why that it doesn't look white in there.

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Thanks, those patches are hell to fit right. :p


And no outside, this is just the landing platform... duel (and sp mod) map only, so nothing more complex. In the sp version, reborn will spawn in the tower and run out if I can get it to work right, but you won't be able to. :)


I'm considering adding an elevator to the top of the tower inside just cause it would look neat for two duelists to fight on top of the tower (plus it would look neat for someone to fall that far into the water), but I'm not sure if I want to violate it's likeness to the movie for just that... probably won't unless everyone really would like such an addition.


Annd pretty much all of the towers on Kamino look like that, and that was the best one I had a look at, so I used that. :p


The platform itself (which is not entirely complete) will be modelled almost exactly after the Jango-duel platform (though it is a but smaller and not as far a fall down).


And yes, thank you. It is supposed to be dark, that is why it is dark. :p Maybe the makers of the copy you're referencing had the contrast up too high on their video camera to make it look brighter than it really was. ;)

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I cant wait for this map


If someone would make a slave-1 prefab would you think about putting it on the platform?


If not it looks good as is


keep up the good work and I'd rather you have it closst to the movie scene than jk2 duel inspired





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Eh, as I said I reduced the size of the platform early in development precisely because I had no model of Slave I to put on it and to make it better for duels anyway... little late to enlarge it now without a whole lot of work, but I might (big might) make a Version 2 if enough people want one.


But let's not even talk about that until after it's released. :p

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I am planning on making a Slave 1 prefab btw. I know, a model would be better, but I can't model (yet). Anyway, when and if I finish it i'll send it to you so you can play around with it to see if you want to use it or not. And I will of course make 2 versions, Boba's colors and Jango's colors.

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