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Cheating in JKII? How much?


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Not that I've played Counterstrike, but I saw a page that listed all the available cheats for it. Auto-aimers, See through walls etc...

I can't remember what else, but when I saw all these, I thought Jeeezus, unbelievable!!!


Playing IL-2 & Ghost Recon, I've not come across much cheating at all, maybe I'm lucky and they're elsewhere.


So.................how's Outcast at the moment? Pretty free from these saddo's or ten-a-penny?






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From what I have heard and read, this game almost never has cheat enabled servers( am most likely mistaken) but people are VERY cheap in this game. There are several moves that people do OVER AND OVER simply because of the damage it does. If they did it ONCe in a while and with skill, ok, but people are often assgrinder other people trying to backswing/backstab them.

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I don't know about IL-2 but there is a reason why there is virtually no cheating in the Rainbow Six games. It's because it is not an easily cheatable game. The format of the game and the fact that you just can't have different files, with the exception of maps. Plus R6 series games would be entirely pointless to cheat on. If you cheated it just wouldn't be any fun.


As for Jed Knight. It uses the Q3 engine and several games use that and it's been around for a while so it is possible people could easily figure out how to cheat. My suggestion, if you don't want cheaters just join a pure server.

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As one who knows more than I should about game hacks (don't ask) trust me when I say you have very little to worry about. On Pure servers at least. The Quake 3 pure client authentication system not only stops the loading of modified client side files like skins, it also checks your pak files to make sure they are the correct size and have not been altered. There has not been a public pure-crack for Quake 3 since point release 1.17 (about 2 years ago).

Granted there have been exploits such as the r_shownormals wall hack, but they have been very rare.


Making bots and hacks is really quite simple, getting past the pure protection is not.


Where you have to be careful is mods.


Most game mods will run unpure or use dll files in their mods code. This is why mods like Rocket Arena 3 are hacked to death, and others like Urban Terror are not.

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Ahhhhh, that's all good to hear :D


I understand some people use scripts to execute combos/maneurves, but I can live with that. Some people just can't play in the spirit of the game involved.


For example, in Outcast, I play mostly No Force Duels, were there's a lot of fellow, decent and courteous players. Who just love a good old Jedi LightSabre scrap. No Ass-Fighters found there ! ;)


In Ghost Recon, I choose carefully the game I join and that too is free from lamers.


As for IL-2, I love the Friday night air races that certain people run, free from the vultures.


So.........I'm glad Outcast is generally cheat-free and hope it stays that way!

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The reason JK2 hasn't been completely ruined by hacks is because it's not practical. No bot could saber duel as effectively as a person can. The guns aren't exactly designed for an aimbot either. The only real cheat that would make sense is a wallhack, which is a waste of time because you can just max out your sight.

and if you think I don't know what I'm talking about http://www.myg0t.com

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****ing idiot.


Just for those of you who dont know...


if you are on a server or run one, and you see a myg0t guy, kick and ban him ASAP.


the mygot clan is a group of ******* who cant get good at games, so they cheat and cause trouble for others.

they think they are l33t for being *******s.

pure idiocy.


Maybe 1 in 10,000 of cheaters actually has any ****ing clue how to hack or write cheat scripts, the other 9999 are just ******* who have no skills.


Sorry if I sound bitter, idiots like him are what makes CS less fun for those of us with skills.




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Originally posted by SnowMongoose

if you are on a server or run one, and you see a myg0t guy, kick and ban him ASAP.


Ah, the myg0t clan. I haven't heard that name in a while, not since leaving CS after JK2 and 1.4 came out.


You're right, they are HORRIBLE. Just blatent as hell about cheating.


I hope you're talking about myg0t in relation to CS and not JK2, if they've made the jump to JK2, I'm going 2 start looking for a way to permaban them now on all my servers.

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You're right, myg0t does blatently cheat. If they're wearing the tag and they're not admitting to cheating then they're posers. And like I said, JK2 just isn't practical for cheating. That's why cheating clans won't move to JK2, too bad myg0t isn't a cheating clan isn't it? myg0t rages, we just use cheats to help with the rage.

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All you 'extreeme' non cheaters out there listen to me.Cheats are actually a lot of fun . For example on jk2 the cheat 'g_saberrealisticcombat 9' is a lot of fun .

Cheats enable a person who is not good at a game to become good at it and have fun . You can drive an atst on jk2 just to kill a peuny little stormtrooper or just stamp on him until his brains come out.


I have to admit that cheaters on multiplayer are very selfish . They dissable othe players from showing the cheater their abilites and strengths. THEY SHOULD BE ANNIHILATED!!!!!!!









[Obi wans son shall shine]

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Originally posted by [myg0t]NWA

The reason JK2 hasn't been completely ruined by hacks is because it's not practical. No bot could saber duel as effectively as a person can. The guns aren't exactly designed for an aimbot either. The only real cheat that would make sense is a wallhack, which is a waste of time because you can just max out your sight.

and if you think I don't know what I'm talking about http://www.myg0t.com


There is truth in what he said. But also keep in mind; the Half-Life engine is so open ended that it almost begs to be hacked. Notice how RTCW, MOHAA, JO, SOF 2, all seem so hack free compared to games like Unreal Tournament and Half-Life/Counter-Strike?

Once again it's the pure system. You will never see anything other than the "color shooter" bots like Death Adders (if you don't know about color shooters, don't worry, it's not that big a deal), because pure client authentication stops the loading of client side files.

The biggest problem when it comes to hacks, is the Quake 3 network code. Currently there are 2 working hacks; one crashes servers and the other will block/re route client connections.

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Originally posted by Cal-Wan-Kenobi

All you 'extreeme' non cheaters out there listen to me.Cheats are actually a lot of fun . For example on jk2 the cheat 'g_saberrealisticcombat 9' is a lot of fun .

Cheats enable a person who is not good at a game to become good at it and have fun . You can drive an atst on jk2 just to kill a peuny little stormtrooper or just stamp on him until his brains come out.


I have to admit that cheaters on multiplayer are very selfish . They dissable othe players from showing the cheater their abilites and strengths. THEY SHOULD BE ANNIHILATED!!!!!!!


ya, well we're kinda talking about multiplayer...in single player you can cheat as much as you want and nobody will ever find out and it doesn't affect anybody but you

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ooooh !


you "rage"!

so rage....by cheating you are striking back at the society that shuns you for being lil no skill gamers?

ha ha


If you lil punks had real "l33t haxing skillz" we would never know about it....


boo! scary myg0t!




more retardation from myg0t....


Its like they think we respect them for having no skills....


ahh, the joy of america.



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