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Weekly World Report


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Well, since there seems to be confusion over this whole reporter business, I thought we could turn it into a weekly thing, where everyone puts in with some news that's happening in their home country. I'll start off, just so you get an idea of what I mean. Doesn't have to be earth shattering news, just things that you think could be of interest to everyone- gives others a chance to gain a better knowlege of a country as well. If you can't be bothered writing your own articles as such, just post links or something to stories you wanna share :)




Attack of the clones smashes Harry Potters opening weekend takings in Australia :D Whoohoooo. AOTC took $11,967,380, beating Pothead by **** loads as that stupid crappy movie only took $9.2million at the movies on its opening weekend. . Also saw movie attendence rise by a huuuuuuuuuge 163% from hte weekend before- and if the queues I've seen for AOTC is anything to go by- can't say I'm surprised :D




Kangaroo cull begins in country Victoria (my home state) Kangaroos are in plague proporion in Pukerpunyal (yes that's the name of a country Australian town- don't laugh, it's probably aborigional) anyways, the kangaroos are so out of control, the army are moving in and killing them. Most people, including myself are upset at what's happening- due to the fact that Kangaroos are a native animal and could easilly be relocated to other parts of Australia. The same goes for Koalas (which are not a bear, they aint even releated to the bear, they're a marsupial which means they're related to the Kangaroo- sheeesh just wanted to point that out) in which many people want to kill them as well. :(



2 WW1 vetrens have died within days of each otherRay Durston died just 2days after another WW1 vetren Alec Campbell.

This now means that only 15 WW1 vetrens are left :(



Australia is gonna host the rugby union world cup in October and November next year- pffffft personally I don't care, but I'm sure there's someone out there who probably does




So there you have it- just a few things that have been happening in Australia :)

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Guest King Andrei

In Romania, there have been approved some emergency ordonances for keeping dangerous and agressive dogs.


Lately, there have been too many people attacked and killed (or hurt) by Pit-Bulls, Rottweilers or other agressive dogs. This ordonance was put into effect a few days ago.


Dogs like these must always be in leash in a public zone. Exporting or importing of these dogs are prohibited. Sever punishments and/or fines will be given to irensponsible people, who's dog attacks and/or kills a person. Also organising dog fights is against the law.





In a totally unreleated story, Romania's most wanted conwoman Ioana Maria Vlas, who managed to fool 300.000 people in the F.N.I. scam and flee the country a few years ago, is believed to be still hiding in Israel, altough some say she could be hiding somewhere else.

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Guest King Andrei
Originally posted by NiKo

and I'M the reporter.....:rolleyes:


Look, Mr. Watts, I am not lying. Why would I lie about stuff like that anyway?:confused:

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