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An SWGalaxies.net player city!!


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I just woke up this morning and thought to myself, "hey, wouldn't it be a great idea to start a player city?!" Basically what a had in mind would be a city based on either Tatooine or Corellia, all the usual businesses etc, spacesport, arena, all that you can think of and you can see in other cities such as Nabubu. Anoter thing which I think would be wise to include would be a jedi facility, one where people can learn and train to become a jedi (once the rest of us find out how), and this could also hopefully double up as a meeting place for all the jedi in the game, a sort of jedi concil. It would be a good idea to bring all these seperate jedi 'clans' together, as only a small % of the members of these clans will actually make it as jedi, and the jedi would be better off in greater numbers in a facility like this, which would also help to put this city on the map and make it flourish. Basically I want to help create what will hopefully be a great city, able to challenge any of the other player run cities.


Whether you want to help on the political side, set up a business, or make this place your home, post your name here (we will put up a website soon). Oh, and we also need a name for this place!!

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::bangs head against desk:: Ben, we already have one in the making. It's called the Associates. Good idea though. Feel free to join, if you want to help make a seperate website private message me and we'll talk. Join on the Player Association part of the swgalaxies.net main page. The Associates. The only recquirement is that you continue posting here! But as the path to becoming a jedi is different every time I don't think that we can tell others how to become one.

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And frankly, I don't trust them spooky jedi! They give me the creeps! I'll keep a careful eye out for them troublemakers if they make their presence known in my town ;).


(after all, that's more or less how most people feel about jedi in the setting for SWG, aight? A next-door jedi means a high risk of waking up with your entire neightbourhood on fire)

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Anoter thing which I think would be wise to include would be a jedi facility, one where people can learn and train to become a jedi (once the rest of us find out how), and this could also hopefully double up as a meeting place for all the jedi in the game, a sort of jedi concil.

OMG - that's one of the worst ideas I've heard.

1. There's no such thing as a "jedi facility"

2. What's with the "once the rest of us find out how" bit? Becoming force sensitive/jedi changes every time.

3. If we built any kind of Jedi center the Empire would wipe us off the map!!!!

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Yes, I know that not everyone would welcome jedi, but a loyal band of jedi could protect the city from any unwanted presence, and could form a good base for an army. I wasnt sugesting that the jedi would run this place, but putting such an important landmark in the city would help it prosper.

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Originally posted by MikeC

OMG - that's one of the worst ideas I've heard.

1. There's no such thing as a "jedi facility"

2. What's with the "once the rest of us find out how" bit? Becoming force sensitive/jedi changes every time.

3. If we built any kind of Jedi center the Empire would wipe us off the map!!!!



Who said the empire needed to know about it? If it was well planned it would be hidden away from those pesky stormtroopers, and only the most sophisticated of spies would be able to find it. I understand what you are saying though, and depending on the timeline this sort of thing is a definite must once the empire has fallen though. Anyone have any ideas on ow fast the timeline on this game is running? I dont suspect it will be too quick.

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There is no way in hell you will be able to keep a center of Jedi secret from the Empire. People like to talk way too much.


The timeline is between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, so the Empire has not fallen and will crush any attempt to get a group of Jedi together.


Here's one from your won words.

putting such an important landmark in the city would help it prosper

If it's a landmark (and for it to do anything that will help the city to prosper, people are going to have to know about it. In fact, in order to attract Jedi just to get them together, you are somehow going to have to get the word out to them. That means the Empire is going to know as will all the Bounty Hunters. It will bring trouble, not prosperity.

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Ok man, dont blow your top! I was ignorant about the timeline, I was unaware of how fast it went / if it stopped, thats why I asked! No you are right, of course it wouldnt be a great landmark if it were in these times, and I certainly didnt say or mean that it would be a good thing to have if the empire were to come and obliterate the place, so I'm sorry for the mis-understanding. However, you did seem quite worried at the prospect of the Empire coming into this city and "wiping it off the map". I suggest that you rid yourself of the misconception that they will not come in and take over anyway, since by your language you suggest that you are a rebel, and that this is a rebel city.

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I agree with the dates thing. From what I read yesterday it would appear the timeline is pretty much frozen between ANH and ESB. However, I also read that the devs can put in movie related happenings if they so wish. So maybe we WILL see a Battle of Hoth one day.


Can't you see it coming from all the shots of AT-ATs and discussions of battlefields? Personally I think that'd be a huge highlight of playing SWG, something EQ can never do anyway.


As for the city idea with a Jedi training ground thing :rolleyes:. I think we all know my feelings on that one. Mike said everything I could say.

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to begin with.. im not flaming you at all Ben.


but euh.... this is a group of forum members. we say if we have something or want something or have trouble.. we come together... we have a HQ on Corellia and all...... but like i said .. it is a collection of forum people.... so one of them might be empire..... what if he weants a huge promotion or something?? so this is a NEUTRAL city where we just life in peace in.


so Jedi ARE welcome ofcourse.. but we dont tell folks about our city.... we... we.... man.. could someone help me hjere :D.. i lost it

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We should join two death stars to a super star destroyer as a sign of male dominance in the galaxy.


Do you guys really think we could have a jedi-training facility of some sort? I doubt it. The only jedi-training facility I know of is on Yavin 4, after the battle of Endor; run by luke.


Maybe if we find something like a Holocron, or jedi textbook that players can read or use for insane amounts of money ( :) ). We can't put in NPC trainers because NPC-jedi's will be extremely rare. And if we find such a thing alot of people will try to take the artefact inside. Thus we would need alot of defence.


And since we are currently a trade/ manufacturing orientated PA, a hidden base would not suit our needs.

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