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Duel habits that will get you killed


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1:repeated bowing: i don't mind once but everytime yoiu fall down?

2:repeated taunting find taunt me once ok taunt me again i'm attacking

3:those that must saber all the scenery or break all the windows...no redocorating in my duel..thank you

4:those that must duel in the stupidest part of the map like the ship's wing....

5:those that stop to hurl insults...

6:those that want to chat

7:those that want to change map whenever everyone else likes the map

8:and the single most annoying habit....THose who stop to ask how much life you have left...sorry were dueling i'm not gonna tell you and if you keep asking i will kill you...:lsduel:

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10: When I first log on and notice the #1 player is a backstab punk who is killing everyone before me with that move.....You gunna die sucka.


I saw that on ArtifeX's server yesterday when he wasn't on.

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:turning your saber on and off on and off on and off

:switching skins more then 5 times

:jumping over my head attempting backstab...jumping once again over my head backstab..jumping yet again over my head..back stab...i dfa...bye bye

:sith lords are a little slow on the uptake sometimes...like most leaders

:dance dance revolution jedi megamix only on playstation 2

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Originally posted by JR128

10: When I first log on and notice the #1 player is a backstab punk who is killing everyone before me with that move.....You gunna die sucka.


I saw that on ArtifeX's server yesterday when he wasn't on.


i saw somebody using pull-heavy stance backsweep when he WAS on.....dunno who it was though

started with an A, ended with *ASC*

take a guess:rolleyes:

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I totally disagree with #4. I like to duel in places where there is the possiblity of falling. Dueling in confined places is fun too. This restricts movement, which in turn means more skill is required to win the duel.

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Originally posted by gravioli

I totally disagree with #4. I like to duel in places where there is the possiblity of falling. Dueling in confined places is fun too. This restricts movement, which in turn means more skill is required to win the duel.


not really but it can be fun......in a confined area though it doesn't mean more skill...it means who can pull off backsweep/stab first

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