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Padme model in progress

Anavel Gato

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Thanks for the cheers, enthusiasm and feedback guys (and girls? :) )!


About the scale of the head ... I've got pictures of her with a round and also with a narrow head so right now I am not sure about the scale. When the whole model is done I'll see what fits best.


I hope nobody's expecting this model to be done very fast because unfortunately I can't spend that much time on this fun stuff :( Besides this JK2 model I'm also on a Quake3 mod team.

<pimp> It's called Gundam Universe and it's coming along very nicely .... http://www.planetquake.com/gundamuniverse/ </pimp>


But nevertheless I should be done skinning Padme in 2 to 3 weeks and I'll try to post any meaningfull updates of the progress every couple of days.


Cheers! :D

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Sweet-ass avatar, AKPiggot.


Anyways, 2-3 weeks is cool, a project as delicate as this cannot be rushed. Remember all the crappy TPM skins we had for JK when that movie first came out? We need quality, and this model looks to deliver.

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Originally posted by Anavel Gato

About the scale of the head ... I've got pictures of her with a round and also with a narrow head so right now I am not sure about the scale. When the whole model is done I'll see what fits best.

I know a good reference pic (for the front anyway). Go to starwars.com and refresh until the picture is of Natalie Portman in the white outfit. :)

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Originally posted by Anavel Gato

I made this model with Maya. I've always been using Max but am teaching myself Maya and this model was a learning experience for modelling. The modelling isn't that much different but I think that learning to map in Maya will be a whole different story :rolleyes:


Lol...I've spent the past year making the jump from Max to Maya as well...I LOVE the animation tools in Maya, but mapping is the most collosal pain in the ass compared to texturing in Max. If only Alias would just rip off Max's material editor and UVW gizmos the same way Discreet has begun to rip off all of Alias' animation tools and conventions :)

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Originally posted by [sWS]Strider

Any updates on this amazing model?

Not really :(

Been working a bit on the skins for the torso, arms and hands at the same time but I haven't got nearly enough work done to show something. Drawing wrinkles in cloth is hard but I'm starting to get it right :)

I've taken some digital pictures of wrinkled sheets which help great as reference.

Unfortunately my long weekend is over, I'm back @ work so I don't get to move along as fast as I'd like to ;(

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It looks very nice so far, but just some constructive criticism, I believe her face is too chubby, havning been obsessed with Natalie ever since Anywhere but Here, I think that is a very accurate representation of Natalie, but you should make the face thinner so it looks even moer like her,

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Hey, awesome looking model, can't wait to see it in game... think when you are done, you can take a crack at making an anakin skywalker wearing his black jedi robe.?? :-D that would kick soo much ass!!! i would do it myself, but we'd be waiting till I died before I would ever finish!!!

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Anavel Gato <--- That model looks great

(boots are a bit too massive but...)


So anyway you know how to do models....


But do you also know how to get it to JK2 ?


I mean ARE you sure that you can get it

to JK2 or is there still a risk that you finish

that great model but it is never going

to get in to JK2 ?




If you know how to model and how to get it

in and there are NOO PROBLEMS then...


I hope that you make it so that both arms,

or both legs or... doesn't use "same texture.."


I mean same part of texture doesn't appear

in two places of that model.... I mean left arm

could be blue and right arm could be red and

left leg could be yellow and right leg could be

green and left eye could be blue and... and

all that at the same time...




And it would be nice if you could include cloak

which then can be disabled if needs to....

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I don't know how to get a model into JK2. But I have Spacemonkey's manual which is very detailled. I've read it twice and know how to make the caps, place the tags, allign the bones/skeleton and know how to weigh the vertices. After that I need to export/convert the model which is described in there too so I think I should be able to manage. If not....I'll be in here asking questions :)


About the skins .... Both arms will have a separate skin because when her white outfit is ripped one arm doesn't have a sleeve anymore. However both legs will have the same skin. Just because I'm lazy :p and this is also the case for the standard JK2 models. I'll make pretty detailled skins but think that half of it you won't see in the game because of the speed of the action.

I will include a skin of her outfit all neat, 1 where it's ripped and probably team colors too which will be done by giving her arm bands and tool/weapons belt a color. That way you'll also see those colors when her outfit is ripped.


In the first release I won't include a cape but it's a nice though for V2. I would have no clue how to make the cape move nive with the standard bones though.


(boots are a bit too massive but...)

I have changed them completely but the model pic in this thread isn't the last version :)

I'll show that version when I have some skinning progress to pimp. Prob sometime this weekend.


I've seen feedback about the shape of her head. 1 says it's too long and the other says it's too wide. Well...I have reference pics that show her head both ways and I will leave her head alone for the moment. When I am completely done I'll scale her head the way I think suits the model best.

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