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Padme model in progress

Anavel Gato

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I got around to rescaling her head and made her lower arms a bit wider. Also been playing around with my tablet but got a little carried away with the shadow on the back of her arms.


Started on the sounds and managed to rip her "aggressive negotiations" line from one of the trailers. It's really easy with Adobe Premiere but it's hard to find lines from her that don't have music in the background :(




And for ALIEN_JL I threw in a facial shot because I changed some things in her face based on his feedback and comparison between my model and a pic of Padme :)

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I know you are tired of hearing people say FIX THIS FIX THAT, but I say you are done, cept for one area.. the jaw.. I asked my mom to say what she thought of it, seeing as how she isn't into video games, and she said it looked very nice, very photo-realistic... she just mentioned about how the jaw area is too sharp at the edge as she put it.. and I was thinking along the same lines, but other than that small, unnoticeable ;) detail, you are done with it!!!:-D job VERY nicely done Anavel Gato... ! 2 Thumbs Way WAY up says Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times. Harry Knowles of Ain;t It Cool News says" Best Non-jedi Model yet..." **** says Eleanor Ringel Gillespieof the Atlanta Journal-Constitution... See, even some of the hardest critics to please agree with everyone about the model!!! ;)

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Originally posted by iTeM

lacks a bit of detail on her legs, though (just plain white, no shadows and such things)


lol! Did I forget to mention that the lower body doesn't have a skin yet and are still plain grey polys? :)


I'll fix her jawline but I think I'll keep her profile the way it is.

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:) Yeah! now her face is Padmes face :)


But there are still one thing which is clearly

wrong and it is about her hairs


Overally they should be darker (and shiny

at the same time) but at the front where is

the line between hair and skin they should

be lighten (mayber about skin color) and

especially in top of her head (there are

that parting and...)

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When it will be released?


Soon. Whatever that means.

Seriously...I have no clue. Still a ton of work to do and I'm doing this in my free time that's left after my 50 hour job spending time with my newborn son & lovely wife, decreasing social life (damn you computers!:mad: ) and other hobbies :p

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