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Well ... I got kicked by someone who crowdsurfed with his feet forward once ...


I kicked my head against the wall of the school once and the whole school trembled once ...


I had three balls hit at my head very hard and very short after each other once in a game called 'doodschoppertje' (variant van trefbal) ...


I fell from my skates once with both my legs going forward up the same time, so I fel on my 'tail-bone' ... very painfull ...


But I never broke anything tough :)

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Originally posted by Young David

Well ... I got kicked by someone who crowdsurfed with his feet forward once ...


I kicked my head against the wall of the school once and the whole school trembled once ...


I had three balls hit at my head very hard and very short after each other once in a game called 'doodschoppertje' (variant van trefbal) ...


I fell from my skates once with both my legs going forward up the same time, so I fel on my 'tail-bone' ... very painfull ...


But I never broke anything tough :)

Sounds like a lot of bad things happen to your head a lot YD :D

So Rommel, was there a lot of blood? Did they have to call an ambulance?

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Guest Boba Rhett

Gather round children and hear but a few tales of my pain on woe.


1. Fell of the stairs and had my leg impaled on a metal rod. Couldn't walk for 3 months.


2. Golf ball cracked my collar bone when someone, "my brother" through it at me. :mad:


3. Dived for a ball and broke my pinky and the teacher didn't believe it was broken so I went through the rest of the school day with even a ice pack! :mad: that basta....


4. As a prank the upper grade kids turned off the lights, clogged the sink and then let it flood the bathroom floor. I walked in, slipped, fell, then someone else fell on top of me. I broke my tail bone and cracked my hip.


5. I suffer from osteochondrona in my left leg. It's basically a bone growth coming off my femur and in the last few years, it has managed to poke a whole through my muscle and makes me limp sometimes.


that's all I can bare to discuss right now. :o

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Gather round children and hear but a few tales of my pain on woe.


1. Fell of the stairs and had my leg impaled on a metal rod. Couldn't walk for 3 months.


2. Golf ball cracked my collar bone when someone, "my brother" through it at me. :mad:


3. Dived for a ball and broke my pinky and the teacher didn't believe it was broken so I went through the rest of the school day with even a ice pack! :mad: that basta....


4. As a prank the upper grade kids turned off the lights, clogged the sink and then let it flood the bathroom floor. I walked in, slipped, fell, then someone else fell on top of me. I broke my tail bone and cracked my hip.


5. I suffer from osteochondrona in my left leg. It's basically a bone growth coming off my femur and in the last few years, it has managed to poke a whole through my muscle and makes me limp sometimes.


that's all I can bare to discuss right now. :o

Impaled your leg? Ergh!

I'm sorry but 5. was kind of funny. Not that you got hurt but what happened!

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Did I mention already that I once overstreched my neck-muscle during a camp?


I woke and found out that muscle hurt and couldn't move it, nad it hurt like ... you know. I couldn't get up because of it. All the other guys tought I was lazy because I was still in bed and they all stapled on top of me ... auch.


After that I told everyone what was the case so they wouldn't do it next morning anymore ... But ...


Next night I slept somewhere else, so the guys didn't know it was me ... The thought the same as the morning before and did the same thing as the morning before ... again !!!



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Guest Tie Guy

Ok, i've never been seriously injured in my life. I once did a backflip on my trampoline and land square on the outer metal pole with my shins, and i didn't even get a bruise.


But....i have a much less fortunate friend, and he is a major klutz, the biggest one i know. Let me explain his misfortunes to you, it is quite funny.


Ok, he is 15, and he has already had 2 knee surgeries and he doesn't even play sports, he just had messed up knees. Oh, and he had one surgery on each knee.


He has broken about 15 bones. He has broken all his fingers on on hand, and some of them twice. He has broken his collar bone, each leg, and his left arm twice. He's broken 2 or 3 of his ribs too. How did he do all this? I have no idea, but he did. You might say that he have a talent for doing stupid things. :D

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Ok, i've never been seriously injured in my life. I once did a backflip on my trampoline and land square on the outer metal pole with my shins, and i didn't even get a bruise.


But....i have a much less fortunate friend, and he is a major klutz, the biggest one i know. Let me explain his misfortunes to you, it is quite funny.


Ok, he is 15, and he has already had 2 knee surgeries and he doesn't even play sports, he just had messed up knees. Oh, and he had one surgery on each knee.


He has broken about 15 bones. He has broken all his fingers on on hand, and some of them twice. He has broken his collar bone, each leg, and his left arm twice. He's broken 2 or 3 of his ribs too. How did he do all this? I have no idea, but he did. You might say that he have a talent for doing stupid things. :D

Are you sure your not talking about yourself, Tie? It sounds a lot like "A friend of mine..." type stories where the "friend" turns out to be the person telling the story :D

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Guest Tie Guy

Nope, i told you in the beginning that i have never been seriously injured in my life. That guy really isn't me, and he is also hilarious, if not stupid. He was at my school for about 6 years or so.

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Guest xwing guy

Well last year in 7th grade football I got a sparined thumb and a sprained ankle. I nearly stepped on a water mossican once and for you city folks that don't know its a very piosionuos water snake and it was over 3 feet long and we live out in the country where your 10 minutes from town so if I had stepped on it... well it wouldn't have been good for me and I didn't see it cause out here in Texas in the country the sun's bright so you have to walk with your head down so it won't be in your eyes and you have to watch for cow paddies and critters and other stuff so I guess I wasn't wacthing to close was I.

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Guest Gamma732
Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Oh yeah, well I've been attacked by a police dog before. :cool:


Doesn't have anything to do with smoking does it? ;)


Anyone know what an Alpien(sp?) Slide is? Well, I managed to flip the little sled I was riding down one in...ripped open my left ankle, knee, elbow, wrist, and ear....well, the ear wasen't really bad. And luckily my right side is my dominant side so it was painful, I was able to carry on relatively normally.


And for the record, NO, I was NOT intentionally trying to flip the thing.


EDIT: Ok, to prevent further confusion, an alpein slide is a cement channel usually, down the side of a mountain in which you ride a sled down it. It looks just like the aquaducts in JK. If anyone knows what I'm talking about speak up so I don't sound like a moron......whoops...too late ;)

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Guest Boba Rhett

Man, you must of been going lik 45mph! And no, it wasn't because of wacky weedus. Let's just say, they don't take kindly to people picking up their frisbees......

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Guest Gamma732

Well, it wasen't a full flip. It kinda jumped and forced me to land on my left side(It never actually came to a stop till after I got right side up again and forced it to stop). I didn't know quite how to explain it, so I said 'flip'.(Was that confusing or what?). I was going fast....but I don't think it was to fast.....But for all you Alpein Sliders out there: Break into turns!!

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Guest Thrawn

OUUCCHHHH!!! I know how you feel Rommel. I had to go to the dentist last night and get FOUR fillings. My mouth was open for over an hour and a half. Plus the cavities were of course all the way in the back of my mouth. Yikes. AND, this is the worst part, I had too much gum covering a back tooth (my mouth is really small), so he took a laser and burned, yes, burned of the part of the gum! AAAGGGGHHHHH!!! Now my gum is all swelled and very sore. This morning I couldn't clench my teeth together, because it would hit the sore part of my gum. :(:mad::(

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Guest Thrawn

Yeah! Every morning and night infact! How can I possibly get so many cavities when I brush twice a day?! I think the dentist just wanted more money! Well he can take his :swear: cavities and shove them up-What? Oh, sorry. I got a little carried away. Hehe. Ouch!!! :mad:

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Guest Tie Guy

Some people just have bad teeth by nature. I brush and floss as well, but i'm more open to getting cavities. It the same with my mom, and it sounds like the same with you.


Oh, and Leon, i'm one of those "steel" people like you. I hardly ever get sick either. I've got an incredible immune system, and a great metabolism. I eat like you wouldn't think possible for a 15 year old, and i'm still really skinny. My sister on the other hand.......:D My ony real physical problem is i get cramps easily, and my teeth aren't any good.

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Have you ever had one thumb cut off (completely including the bone) and hanging for your hand (3 times people!!!) . Once by a knife once by a jagged edge of a broken mug (slipped:( ) And the last...um...I don't really remeber all I remeber is hanging by a small amount of skin. Needless to say it wasn't a very happy thumb for a long time.:o

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