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Originally posted by Thrawn

Yeah! Every morning and night infact! How can I possibly get so many cavities when I brush twice a day?! I think the dentist just wanted more money! Well he can take his :swear: cavities and shove them up-What? Oh, sorry. I got a little carried away. Hehe. Ouch!!! :mad:


I have no cavities at all :angel: Just 4 missing teeth ;) 2 front ones, 1 bottom, and canine= missing

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Guest Admiral Odin
Originally posted by darthfergie

Have you ever had one thumb cut off (completely including the bone) and hanging for your hand (3 times people!!!) . Once by a knife once by a jagged edge of a broken mug (slipped:( ) And the last...um...I don't really remeber all I remeber is hanging by a small amount of skin. Needless to say it wasn't a very happy thumb for a long time.:o


I learn the sharp items rubbing against a thumb is painful so I avoid it.

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Guest Thrawn
Originally posted by Tie Guy

Some people just have bad teeth by nature. I brush and floss as well, but i'm more open to getting cavities. It the same with my mom, and it sounds like the same with you.


Oh, and Leon, i'm one of those "steel" people like you. I hardly ever get sick either. I've got an incredible immune system, and a great metabolism. I eat like you wouldn't think possible for a 15 year old, and i'm still really skinny. My sister on the other hand.......:D My ony real physical problem is i get cramps easily, and my teeth aren't any good.


I'm like this too. My only bad things are that I'm kinda skinny and my teeht are bad. I'm a steely too. :D Another wierd thing is that I eat alot a breakfast, a little at lunch, and alot at dinner. Is that wierd or what? :D

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Guest Admiral Odin

so I don't eat breakfast, a little lunch and a lot at dinner. What you do isn't to strange, a lot of people do that.

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I've had the delight of cracking my head open twice (once on a sidewalk and another time on a bedframe), breaking my arm playing basketball (the week of high school basketball tryouts), breaking my leg playing soccer (a week before high school soccer tryouts), spraining my neck (i couldn't move it for two weekd and i had to wear this ridiculous neck brace thing, i looked like an idiot), i have osgoodslaughter in both my knees, and i have this weird, unknown problem with my...um....thing (not one doctor i've gone to knows whats wrong with me, i've even had two ultrasounds on my lower behalf, but nothing, IT'S VERY FRUSTRATING!!!! )

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Guest oninosensi

I slammed into a concrete wall at 70mph, bounced off it, and crossed 3 lanes of traffic, and walked away without a scratch.


Bruce Willis, eat your heart out. :D

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Guest Gamma732

Wow. This thread starts with Rommel's announcement. Then our consolations to Rommel, then our injury horror stories, then to our teeth, and then to our eating habits. Talk about staying 'on topic' ;)

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Guest xwing guy

I'm a steely like Tie guy too, don't get hurt or sick hardly any at all, thats rare for a person who lives out in the country in Texas.:D But I've got pretty good teeth however.

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Originally posted by Darth_Rommel

I broke my arm yesterday- so you won't see me post much... :( And when I do they will all be very short posts.. since I can only type slow :ball:


Hey, Rom, get well, but this should make you feel better: an 8th grader at my school broke an arm, a leg, and his thumb while playing soccer. Now doesn't that make your pain seem less? Needless to say he's LOADED up on pain killer! 'Course you probably are, too.


By the way why does your status say "unregistered"? How do you have a name thingy if you are "unregistered"? I'm confused! :confused:

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Guest Gamma732

When you reach 1000 posts, you can have whatever rank you want. He made his 'Unregistered'. I think it refers to a forum problem from a while back. I'm not sure......t'was before my time.

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Guest Tie Guy

Ok, here's the deal. A while back, when some people were spamming a little, they changed everyone's rank to "registered." Except for me, coz i was already over 1000. So i said that i would might change my name to "guest" or "unregistered" a little while later, after everyone had changed back. Then, recently, Rom, decided to change his name to "bantha fodder" when someone made a thread about being one. Then, just a couple days ago or so, he changed his name to "unregistered" to be funny i guess, i kinda like it.


did you catch all that? ;)

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