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books were first, films should be EU... books are often better anyway... and i want Boba to live, so I'll kick everyone's ass who says he's dead :fett: btw, in the movies, boba looks like a sissy, not like the dangerous bounty hunter that he is...

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books were first, films should be EU...

Although I enjoy EU and seek to them when questions arise that are not answered in the films - cause let's face it, it's the only thruth we have then :D - there are only one thing that goes above that:

The Movies! (refering to some contradiction issues that has arisen due to these new movie editions)


Nothing else is above that, not even the novelization of the films.



I'm not saying you can't imagine it's what happens, just that you can't use references from books/comics etc to answer real SW questions.

You can, Gavor, you just can't use them if the movies clearly states something else.


Lucas is not gonna sitt there and explain every little question about the Star Wars Universe - which by the way wouldn't be this big had it not been for the EU, not even just concerning movie related stuff - that arise. You explain one thing, and another or more questions arise.


Lucas is interested in one thing:

To tell the story of the Skywalker family - Anakin and his kids.

That is all.


So that leaves a whole galaxy to create stories about, not to mention over 25.000 years of history behind it. And since they are never gonna get filmed by GL, they are just as true.


It's up to each and one of us to decide what is the true Star Wars Univers, and for many, EU is part of that Univers.

Movies STILL comes first though.

Remember that and Star Wars can be a much larger place then if you just believe in the movies.



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I like some of the EU stuff(like reference books that flesh out the universe and give background to details in the movies) but I don't like the books and comics. They're someone elses take on what happens. Thats just me though! :)


I know for other people the EU material is important and enhances their appreciation of SW. I think theres too much of it and some things, like Luke becoming evil and the emperor returning, cheapen the whole SW experience. For me.


Giving it a little more thought I'd say I dont like the material that continues the story of the main characters past ROTJ. Unrelated stories, games and whatnot using different characters don't fuss me.

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The planet Coruscant may have first been mentioned publically in an EU book, but who is to say that Lucas didn't already have the name and idea of the Imperial Center already picked out but just didn't use it in the origional?? You know how many things changed from teh origional script! :)


Also, Bothans were mentioned in ROTJ, so the name isn't made up! As to what they look like, well, those kinds of things are always left up to interpretation! :)



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Originally posted by General Theros

The planet Coruscant may have first been mentioned publically in an EU book, but who is to say that Lucas didn't already have the name and idea of the Imperial Center already picked out but just didn't use it in the origional?? You know how many things changed from teh origional script! :)


Also, Bothans were mentioned in ROTJ, so the name isn't made up! As to what they look like, well, those kinds of things are always left up to interpretation! :)



uhm george HAD a different name for coruscant.... but he choose for the book name.. ill ask Redwing what that name was..
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