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The official skin request thread!


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Okay, this is now the (un)official skin request thread of the forum. If you would like a skin to be made, you just post here with your ideas and maybe someone will do it for you...or something. Not me, 'cause I suck.


I would personally like to see a Corran Horn, and a Ganner Rhysode skin from New Jedi Order. This is the best pic I could find:



Someone please give it a shot!



Edit: Okay, the pic's not working... um, just copy and paste, I guess.

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I would like to see an Anakin Skywalker skin that has him robed, just without the hood. like in the movie when he goes and kills off all the Tusken Raiders. I mean the one that was made looks nice and all, but I think him wearing the robe makes him look more like how he will eventually turn to.. Vader. The Black robe, the dark vest and clothing attire. I think he looked better with the robe.

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Originally posted by Darth Maniac

Clonetroopers (Inc. command officers), watto, robed emperor, robed dooku, robed Anakin, a twilek skin, and all Jedi Council members (Especially a decent Mace Windu skin).


u could read my mind. was just thinking of that.



i think i should summarise all request: All movie skins :)

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Skins or Models that I'd like to see made:


1) Battle Droids


2) Imperial Scout Troopers (you know... those guys who rode the Speeder bike in "Return of the Jedi")


3) Imperial Star Destroyer Commander in Black Clothes (I think the one in the game is grey)


4) A decent Gui-Gon Jinn skin


5) Imperial Snow Troopers


6) Yoda

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1) master yoda




3)kyp durron


4)Onaconda Farr




6)Kir Kanos






9)Bail Organa


10)Captain Panaka


11)Even Piell


12)Max Rebo


13)Dash Rendar


14)Ben Skywalker


15)Saesee Tiin


16)Quinlan Vos


and last a scout trooper!!!!!!!!!!!!

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First a couple that I've not seen requested too much but would be really cool to have. We already have nice skins of both Yun and Jerec from JK1. So, why don't we complete the package with:


* Maw

* Sariss

* Boc


Boc might prove difficult to model perfectly given his dual sabers, but until duel sabers is a reality in JO, just one would certainly work.


Maw is cut in half and floats via an anti-gravity device at his waist. I'm not sure how much of a problem this would cause in modeling but I'm guessing there's a way to make his legs invisible?


I could care less about skins of Pic and Gork, however. :)


Other Skins that I'd like to see:


* Plo Koon

* A really good Emperor that's not a re-skin of a reborn

* A really good Darth Maul--the one we have is pretty good, but...

* Count Dooku


And BOTS. I love it when a skin.character has a BOT to it.


Mt two cents...


- DT

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Originally posted by teleguy

Guri fromShadows of the Empire


BRILLIANT! my man. I was just gonna say a decent Vong from th NJO--That's New Jedi Order for all of you who don't read the books--but Guri would be awesome and I wouldn't think she would really need a new model. Just a Padme model or even Jan's. Hey, IF you can skin, get the Nude Jan skin and put Guri's outfit on her. ;)




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Originally posted by teleguy

Guri fromShadows of the Empire


BRILLIANT! my man.

I was just gonna say a decent Vong from th NJO--That's New Jedi Order for all of you who don't read the books--but Guri would be awesome and I wouldn't think she would really need a new model. Just a Padme model or even Jan's.


Hey, IF you can skin, get the Nude Jan skin and put Guri's outfit on her. ;)




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How about an Aayla Secura skin? (The sexy blue Twi'lek Jedi from the Dark Horse comics and the EP II AOTC Arena fight?)


I'd say almost a match for Guri in skimpy, revealing yet decent outfit sexyness?

And Amy Allen who portrayed Aayla Secura in EP II 'filled' the role quite well.


Anyways, I'd so love an Aayla Secura skin!!! If you know of any or have one, feel free to E-mail me at another_agent_smith@yahoo.com


(I also posted this request as a new thread, hadn't seen this one, sorry about that.) :p


Anyways Aayla Secura skin wanted!


P.S. : Don't tell my gf! :p I'm getting her the outfit already! Now if I could find some nice blue paint and all. Hehehe ;):p

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There's a pretty good Kir Kanos being made, almost done even.


There's an Amidala being made. Thread is not too far down in the modeling section.


I'd like to see Corner Jax (from Crimson Empire) with his black imperial gaurd suite.

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