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WIP - Anakin Skywalker

The Librarian

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Hey Garik Where do ya get the sounds from......ive been looking for EP2 ones all over the web


Plus for an Anakin Taunt i thought you could have


"One Day....Ill Be the Most....Powerful Jedi Ever!"


But pain and fallling sounds......i dont really know... i mean he was a bit quiet for a guy who had his arm lopped off

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For a taunt you really need something that doesn't get too annoying when repeated-- the Luke Skywalker taunt is a fine example of this. And of course one that fits well. Perhaps "I am a slow learner"... but I don't really have any good ideas for that.


And for pain sounds, if you get stuck you could always just rip sounds from other characters whose voices are vaguely similar.

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I've already found some nice taunts, for my mod I need 3, and even that was no real problem.

"One Day....Ill Be the Most....Powerful Jedi Ever!" is not so good, to whiny.

My favourite is "I'm ready for the trials" and it's good quality. I also like "I'm sorry, I don't have a choice".

"I am a slow learner" has too much background noise.

But I am not sure if I'll find enough pain sounds and so, so maybe I will use existing one that are similar. I'll tell you, when I have enough. :)

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anakin is my favorite character in the SW Universe now, take your time and make him excellent because you have lots of people waiting and drooling for your final message telling us that it's done, take your time and to the rest of you, please no more "is it done yet?" messages or this bump ****, i don't like going through 12 posts of *bump* just to get to and update message or pic and also, to those who don't know, it isn't how a model is looking that determines it's readiness, it has to go through testing and what not so it doesn't crash your computer or do something worse, so for future reference don't ANYBODY post "oh it looks great you can release it now!"

work hard librarian, i'd give you a hug but it might make me look goofy hugging a computer :rolleyes:

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I think i know what could make him look more like the FILM ANAKIN and not the ACTOR.....


I think its all really in the shading under eyes and the fact that anakin is sort of progessing towards the DARKSIDE!!..so experiment with that see what you get...Plus you have no hair.....get a good round the head model to really determin the actore from the character


Looks great though.....


My Choice Taunt


"I Hate Sand"..............LOL Of course not that one


these two


"Ive Learnt This Lesson Before"

"Powerful Jedi Ever"

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Originally posted by The Librarian

Weeelll .. I tried using the same image for both sides ... heres what I came up with.. see what you think..




Excellent start but I think you should try and give him a more furrowed eyebrow look to give him that brroding appearence he had in the film....


Also for a taunt how about "I hate them!!!... I HATE THEM ALL!!!"

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You are close, but he says "I'm taking him NOW!"

The whole conversation for varification is

Anakin: You are going to pay for the all the jedi you killed today, Dooku.

Obi-Wan: We'll take him together. You go in slowly, and I'll foll(gets interrupted by Anakin)

Anakin : I'm taking him NOW!"

Obi-wan : No, anakin! NO ! NO!

*Anakin getting shocked the hell out of by Dooku's Force Lightning.*

Dooku: As you see, my jedi powers are far beyond yours. Now.. Back down.

Obi-Wan: (absorbs :lightning into lightsaber) I don't think so .


Well, that's enough out of the movie... GO LIBRARIAN!!!

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Originally posted by Klorel

possible taunts for anakin:


-"some day i will be the most powerful jedi ever"

-"I slaughtered them all, like animals"

-"excuse me, i'm in charge of security here m'lady" and cut out the

m'lady part

-"jedi business, go back to your drinks"

-maybe him yelling when he's ripping appart sand people

-or perhaps a good taunt will have to wiat for episode III. hope not though :rolleyes:


I want that one! :D

"Jedi business, get back to your drinks."

Either that or him yelling when he's ripping people apart. ^_^


Btw, that face is awesome. Hands down to ya. :D

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Originally posted by YoDa2k2

Damn it.... not another photo realistic face :mad:


errrm, if your making a Model of a guy from a movie, whats wrong with that........I like the Photo Face, all it needs is some cleaning up.

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