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A few additions to my previous post, some things i forgot.


I make a grand announcement...


To all those players that wish to play in a friendly server I welcome you.


We strive to provide you a different environment. A server where lightning is disabled in order to stop lighting spam kills. A server where excessiveuse of the backstab or backswing or any of its incarnations are prohibbited. The move may be used but excessive use will get you kicked.


We also provide a safe and courteous environment for those jedi who feel like resting, or observing or taking a screenshot or to. If your lightsabers off you are now officially a spectator. You may not use the force or your lightsaber in an act of hostile agression. If you use the force your lightsaber must be on. And vice versa if you see someone whose lightsaber is off, they are now a non-target. This is a common courtousy issue which is enforced strictly. We like to provide a mature, but fun envrionement.


Many respect this move for a server, some dont. If you do not agree, there are many servers out there. If you enjoy this sort of thing, we embrace you.


KnightHawk's Saber Only FFA

Server Version: 1.03a



just open console and type /cg_dismember 2 and your set for life.


We also support the following skins:


5d6, absath, admiral, anakin, aurra, black wolf, black_wolf, buuzza, clonetrooper, darthmaul, dooku, dragonland_sith, ep1_obi-wan, eskape, jonathanodell_darthmaul, mace windu, mandalorian, maul deluxe, mooncurser, nakedtav, obiwan, pad, solo, thecrow, vader


They can be found at http://www.jk2files.net some http://www.jediknightii.net!



No attacking someone with they're saber down

Lightning is disabled

No spammers

No Excessive use of the backstab or backswing...

Any and all Ass-fighters are kicked on sight.


Rule violations WILL get you kicked. And in a hurry I might add.


We at the server, enforce this policy very strictly. We let the move be used the way it was designed to be used. The move was created and implemented for use to attack someone who comes from behind. It was not designed so players would run around an eniter map backwards, or duel backwards, or purposefully always put yourself in front of someone to kill them witha backstab, or in general go into combat with the intention to fight backwards in hopes of getting a one stab kill.


The move was not designed to do this, and we do not support how people have manipulated it and have taken advantage of it.


So this is a polite warning. We welcome anyone who supports the rules, If you do not, please do not cause trouble, simply go to another server.


I PRAXEUM, one of Knighthawks few select admins, welcome you...


See you on the battlefield...





P.S. contact me at praxeum@eternalgraphicstudios.com if you have any questions, comments, complaints, or wish to be removed from the ban list... Thank you

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The Rock says, this server is awesome. Admins on 90% of the time, and ready to boot you jabroni's that are looking straight down and seemingly attacking nothing.


Do you use backstab as a finisher? Or maybe a pull/backstab combo? Thats fine, just don't do it 800000000 times in a row, cause you'll get kicked. Don't come back crying about it either, as the rules are well posted and you *usually* get warnings.


Also, you know that easy target standing there with his saber down and a little control panel above his head? Leave him alone. That's not an invitation to kick him to death, or grip him to death, or push him off a cliff, or run up and backstab him. It means he's NOT fighting, and you shoudl respect that. Now, this doesn't mean that when your getting the Smack laid down on you that you just turn off your saber and hit ESC to save your butt either. If you don't want to fight, make it obvious.




Anyways, this server rocks. Lots of regulars (myself included). Why play on a server where the admin comes on maybe, MAYBE once a week to enforce or not enforce any rules they have. Why play on a server where half the people are looking down trying to get in a backstab, and then thinking they are elite becuase they got the frag title.


Come to our server and have The Rock Layeth the Smacketh Down on your..well, you know the rest!



The Rock

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Bring it on I say!


It's funny when you have an FFA game, a person that obviously didnt read the rules or assumed they wouldn't be enforced, and about 7 guys chasing him around becuase he won't stop assfighting.


It happens all the time on this server. You get one guy that just refuses to follow the rules, and the other players, knowing the rules well, team up to kill him just before Da Boot!


All are welcome, but unfortunatley, only a few can handle it (IE They get kicked cause they cant follow rules) ;)

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I just tried playing on this server, and I have to say, I was pretty disappointed. There was no admin, so clearly, the rules were broken left and right.


Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but at the start of the map, I saw the following:


1.) No spamming backstab

2.) No attacking when someone has their sabre down

3.) No force.


So, at first, when I joined, there were a number of good players on, people obeying the rules, having fun, etc. But, pretty soon, people started slipping some. One guy decides a duel has gone on long enough, so he pulls me down and backstabs me. Another guy joins and just starts pulling and pushing people left and right. Now, again, I may be wrong here, but I thought that the rules on the greeting page say "No Force". If that means no lightning, well, then maybe that should be stated explicitly. Yes, all the force powers were enabled, but I figured this was more so that you could have jump and throw involved, and not have to deal with trying to figure out how to disable specific powers.


Regardless, the force thing isn't so big a deal to me. I just want to see people play by the rules. That's the whole reason for GOING to this server, after all.


Anyway, after a while, these people keep signing on and doing the backstab CONSTANTLY. I mean, getting into a cluster, then spamming the backstab move. This one guy, Goatchclaw or something, just kept doing it. I tried to vote him off a number of times, but to no avail. You'd get maybe three or four votes to kick, but with 12 people playing, it wouldn't work.


So I guess my advice to PRAEXIUM and the rest of the gang is either have an admin on whenever you put the server up, or find yourselves an admin bot. I doubt an adminbot will do the job, though, since much of the stuff you guys want to prevent are things that probably can't be checked by a bot, and are more judgement calls by the admin.


But if you don't have any way to really enforce the rules, your server will (and did) degenerate into just another backstabbing spam fest.

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I feel pretty much the same as Solo. The greeting page said Some force may be disabled but what, is not said on the page. No Admin, rules broken left and right, no enforcement. But I had a good time none the less, and I'm sure next time I'm there I will have a much more enjoyable experience.

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Well, sorry for your bad experiences guys, but when an admin is on, the server is awesome. Now, I'd suggest you guys keep checking back, and try it out when an admin is on.


The problem is, backstabbers tend to FLOCK to servers that say No Backstabs, due to the fact that they think they can win easily using it, since everyone else won't be.


Unfortunatley, unless Raven gets off of making SOF2 or whatever they are working on, and either A) Allows the messages that display for sabers to be customized so that you can tell HOW people were killed, not just that they were, or B) actually fixes the code to make backstabs/swings work right....there's not much automation that can be done.



As for the force powers, the No Force when you enter the game is a Raven error, as I believe it always says that when the force powers are altered (I may be wrong). Lightning is not available, other than that you can use whatever.


As for combo pull/backstabbers, its legit unless they spam it. Using it as a finisher isn't that bad unless thats all they do.


We have 5 admins, 4 more than any other server I'd guess. But even then, there are holes where admins cant get there. More times than not, there will be one, or atleast a group of regulars that can get a vote together.




Come back and check on us, it gets better.


The Rock

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Well I was having a **** load of fun until a plauge called SDALLSTAR joined. Completey disreguarded all rules with absolutely zero respect for anyone and everyone. I was personally struck down 53 times with my saber off, while typing while in out of the way areas, and while watching duels from out of the way areas. The last 2 shows this thing's dedication to ruining everyones game, actively seeking to destroy everyones fun. I had lots of fun(until it came in), but I have to say I will not return unless this certain individual has been dealt with, but then again, the admins done care.

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I saw ya there. (good duels) Yeah, that guy was a pain. One minute he'd be ok, the next he'd be an ass. Didnt he get kicked? Maybe after you left, I dunno.


There were a few *******s there. Banshee6, Spider-Man, Kourni-something. And a few others. But mostly, people were cool. I like that server, and I will be back to it.



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We sure try guys, but still even with 5 admins not enough to cover every time slot. :(


Personally I generally play from about 10PM on to 4AM. Praxeum usually same hours. Solarfire our newest admin is on a bit earlier. Currently the morning hours Pacific Standard Time are probably not covered by anyone.


Voting is enabled and I strongly encourage regulars to utilize it to help enforce the rules.


And yes the server screen does say forcepowers are disabled. But only lightning is. Everything else works fine.


And to clarify the rules a little...


Putting your saber down is not tactic you should use to get out of a battle and save your butt. Successfully run from your opponent get safe then put your saber down. That is entirely acceptable. But putting your saber down just to save your butt is not. The intent of that rule is to create a more of a dueling environment and less of a typical FFA enironment.


Backstab/Backsweep is really a rule I do not like to have. But when your on a server with 10 people and 8 of them are running around backwards, or are using nothing but pull/backstab, something is wrong. Those 2 moves are not only a little buggy, but have no real disadvantage to they're use. And for being such powerfull moves they should have more of a disadvantage. There's not even a good reason to use anything else but those moves. I've spent many games spamming them, just no good reason not to use them. Particuarly the pull/backstabbers. The only real defense against them is to use absorb. Otherwise your just screwed. They hit they're bind and in one swift move your done for. Or to do the exact same to them, and then we still end up at the same result a server full of pull backstabbers.


And lightning... I'm still not sure if it's a good thing or bad thing. We like to have more dueling going on in the server and most of the time lightning spammers disencourage that.

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A server really thrives when it has communication from its players. SOmetimes its difficult to have an admin all the time. If someone is on there whose ruining your experience. please email me theyre name at praxeum@eternalgraphicstudios.com or icq me at 2441548. and that way the next time they are on we can take care of it


Communication will help us filter out the bad and keep the good. We are trying to get more admins currently but still welcome you all to come.



The server does enfore these rules strictly, unfortuneatly untill we get enough admins we cant control it all the time which you people should realize. If anyone would like to be an admin during the day shift please contactme or Knighthawk. Once again, please try your best.. And Ill take care of ALLstar...


Sorry to all those who were there during this mornings spamming of backstab. THIS MORING WAS A MASSIVE FAILURE!. One thing you must udnerstand is some people READ THIS MESSAGE AND WENT THERE PURPOSEFULLY to ruin it.


ONCE AGAIN. If someone is causing trouble and theres no admin, Let us know so that fool will not be able to return



Thank you




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Originally posted by ShockV1.89

I saw ya there. (good duels) Yeah, that guy was a pain. One minute he'd be ok, the next he'd be an ass. Didnt he get kicked? Maybe after you left, I dunno.


There were a few *******s there. Banshee6, Spider-Man, Kourni-something. And a few others. But mostly, people were cool. I like that server, and I will be back to it.



Good Duels? Ya kicked my ass :p But no he didn't get kicked when I was there, except when he got kicked in the face by me. And yes, your list is quite accurate, however Allstar gave me 10 times more grief than the others.
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