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I've given in to the darkside...


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After playing 1.03 for awhile I have found my previous strategy to be ineffective. I used to rely on heal and pull with alot of rolls and kicks thrown into a mostly saberist strategy. Alas, I have fallen away from the rightuous path and have become a bitter lightning fiend. I have given up the old medium slash tactics and slipped into a whirlwind of lightning, pull, and the occasional backslash finisher. I feel so dirty, someone help me.

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funny, i just started using light after all that lightning and gripping just created a pretty blue glow around most of my opponents. maybe i'll go back and try rage +speed, but right now there's still a lot of people who dont notice "absorb" too much and continue to use lightning or grip as their main force attacks.

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I've strated playing without any force powers at all, except Jump and all the saber stuff. Not even push and pull. the reason is, if i get good at using no force powers, when i use them i should be even better. That's the theory, anyway :cool:

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rofl solar hehe.



i have only once played light side.. first time i saw some guy go invis and try to attack me i got pissed and was like wtf is that, he told me jedi mind trick, so i tried it.



regardless of which side gives the best advantage.. i like dark side, always have... always will

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I don't have any points on heal...the force power has been nerfed so much that it practically isn't worth the points anymore. Just like the dark side I might add (although I never really used the dark side so...). My suggestion is for you to get rid of it FAST and waste those points on something more valuable...

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