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All I want is a GOOD fight!!!

Jah Warrior

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Please please please, somebody help.


Like I say all I want is a good fight with people that dont try a special move on you every couple of seconds. It seems virtually everyone is obsessed with getting an easy kill as opposed to working at a kill.


I'm not trying to say never use specials but for god's sake not very single time the opponent gets near you. Maybe I'm missing the point but I want swashbuckling fights like in the movies, where theres blocks and parrys. attacks and counter attacks, not just some show off who has learnt all the flashy moves and running round pointing their backside at you at every available opportunity.


I am not saying this through sour grapes as these folk are predictable to say the least. I just want a good battle for once.


Even after all this time it seems as though the problem is getting worse. The same principle applies to the beatem up games, any fool can win with a 1 hit kill but to win using regular moves at the right times is so much more satisfying.


Am I the only person left that likes to fight properly now?


Are there any servers that frown on the abuse of Power moves where I would get a good fight?


If anyone knows please do let me know.


PS before anyone suggests that its because I cant do these moves think again, I can do most moves at will but choose not to in order to get a better fight.


Peace to u all

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Originally posted by SPY_imr1

Hello there, Jah Warrior! Are you feeling stupid? I know you are but hey, I'm gonna kill you anyway in just a few moments! Yes, what makes you think I can't do that over the Internet? ;P


did you even read the post?

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Originally posted by Jah Warrior

Like I say all I want is a good fight with people that dont try a special move on you every couple of seconds. It seems virtually everyone is obsessed with getting an easy kill as opposed to working at a kill.



Ahhh...this is music to my ears :)

(ignore the Spy-whatever retard)


I want a good fight too, but it seems that every time I try something..a new combo or whatever, the other guy just SPINS AROUND, PUSHES HIS BUTT AGAINST ME AND BACKSTABS!


That is so *dirtyword-dirtyword-dirtyword* LAME! I mean...what can you do, except sweep him the next time. You know there's no use blocking and waiting for an opening or trying some cool moves when the other will backstab every *dirtyword-dirtyword*-time he gets close. IS THAT FUN? NO!


Damn, I really hope to find a good server with decent people...well actually, I did find one...I'll PM it to you.

I got a 100+ ping on it so it's not so good for me, despite of my god-like talents. :D


Yeah right..

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i make a good fight and can do Backstap without that you even see my BACK, but i hate Fighting Everyone just ran At me Backward it looks so stupid... i make a lunge attack and he is dead......BORING :mad:

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I agree, everyone is out for kills these days (much like spammers are for post counts). To me the kills do not matter. It's wether I get a good fight or not. I dont care wether I die or not, it's probably inevitable. But having a good fight that lasts 5 minutes is the best part. There's no skill in killing, but there is skill in making your enemy think...

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I agree whole-heartedly. I find myself playing this game less and less because more often than not it IS a gank fest. As far as I can tell, lame play tactics spread like a disease. The more people use these moves over and over the more people feel they need to do the same to get *some* kills. It's contagious.


Who wants to join a server just to be fodder for the lamers?.


I run my own server and usually kick spammers and abusers, but lately it seems that is all anyone is doing. Sure I may run into one person that likes to fight well, but it is becoming less and less frequent. Every once in a while I do find myself playing with some folks that don't abuse the killer moves and it's a great game, but it only happens about one out of ten times I log on.


I think we should start a thread for people that like to actually PLAY the game and have fun. Then we can designate servers to play on and keep all the lamers away.


I wish there were an easy solution, but you really can't do much about it.


*sigh* ( thinks about going to play JK2, but decides he'd have more fun watching the grass grow)

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I just stick with 1.02 servers. There are, of course, DFA whores up the whazoo, but I'll take them over the janitors. It seems the janitors haven't found their way into 1.02 yet.


P.S. Remember me, Jah? That one map with the skinny bridge over the water? That was one fun duel map, back in the day. (back in the day=a month ago in JK2 terms)

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I couldn't agree more jah warrior...


As it is now, i NEVER use special moves at all, in a vague attempt to show that winning without lunging, dfa'ing and backstabbing can be done.


If a person kills using these moves everytime, i just ask him if he could kill me without them. People usually replies: "no." and that is very scary.


Don't get me wrong, people can use these moves as much as they want, but i just want to show people that winning can be done without relying on them (which most people do).

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Jah, we have agreed before and we're agreing again ;)


I always play no force/no throw so I can't just resort to throwing an assfighter to death. Throw ruins a potential great fight.


It's the mentality out there; winning is all, how you play the game is irrelevant. Sad.



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I think it may be worth my while looking into setting up a server as i have two PC's.


Problem is the other PC hates JKII for some reason, its 1Ghz but doesn't like it when i try to get it working. Never mind thats my problem.


What I will do is set it up and PM the ip to you all (when that will be I do not know)


I will also enforce a strict spammer kicking rule. Then we won't have to deal with these plonkers. Hopefully by word of mouth we can get something going. Lets see.


Peace to you ALL.



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Points well taken there Jah!!


But here is my theory....


Sure, the game cam out early, and everyone wants to win... but soon people will start to get bored of that, and they will start trying out different things, and soon most people will view the game like the few of us. Just wait for the smoke to clear, and things will start to shape up nicely!! Another patch would help also!

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Points well taken there Jah!!


But here is my theory....


Sure, the game cam out early, and everyone wants to win... but soon people will start to get bored of that, and they will start trying out different things, and soon most people will view the game like the few of us. Just wait for the smoke to clear, and things will start to shape up nicely!! Another patch would help also!

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Originally posted by =SSC=Kal-El

Oh I can make one right now, but it will lag you so much, you will want to kill me and my wider family ;)


That's not a good thing. I'd make one, but it would be a fantasy one, and it would leave you wondering why I use so many horrible drugs...

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