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Why would anyone use Dark Force in 1.03?

Ready Wan

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and yes, i will pull and back stab. i just wont enjoy it.


Exactly my feelings.


Before the patch, there was NOTHING I didn't enjoy doing in the game. I loved the guns, the force powers (on both sides of the force) I loved the pace, the style, the feel.


Now when there's a pull/backswinger around, I have to pull/backswing to keep up.


Now I have to go on endless ammo hunts, to avoid becoming a camper.


Now I have to choose between a long drawn out sabre fight the probable end of which is that some third party will appear and backswing us both,.. and running away.


Now I don't have the option of playing a game while using the dark side, because it's now crapola.


Oh Joy.

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Originally posted by w1ggl3s

if anyone things 1.02 light force pwrs where underbalanced you havnt played saber/force ctf.


absorb is the single most un balanced force in the game. In one button (much like 1.03 backstab) you can effect five - six offensive force pwrs. What other force pwr can do that?


True cheap force power


And you 1.03 dark force players with incredeble hearing. Soon as i see you even start a spell absorb is back on. Im pulling you down. And your dieing .


Try that on me. You never player VS a skilled Dark Jedi.


I only play 1.02, I was one of the first to get frustrated with Grip and Drain and Lighting and say to myself how can i beet that stuff. I read my manual and have been an absorb whore ever since. but in 1.02 atleast darkies had a chance if they had good teammates.


I no need any help to kill you.


Solo dark vs 3/4 absorb defenders ='s Dead dark.


ROFL bring it on i kill them all of you.


Solo light absorb/protect/heal vs 5/6 absorb defenders ='s a fight where a good absorb player could take out half if not all.


Not hard to do absorb to kill players and think we are skilled. ( say a extra super thanks to absorb cheap force ).


Because ive lost faith in raven I doubt they will change absorb to only suck mana and not change the effect of the offensive spell.


Absrob need to only take mana and STILL got affected. After that Light and Dark will be MORE balanced.


Or give rage the same effect of absorb.


Rage sucks. Stupid force.


No they will change the pwr of backstab. Add more blocking and Make it so sabers can only hit with the pwr Off.


Not realy. Force on or off not realy change anything with me. If i want to kill you. Wish luck to you.






Welcome dude. Come play VS me at FFA full force saber only server.


[1MAN]BloodRayne - Co-Leader of [1MAN]JK2



"The blood on my hands is merely proof of my ambition"

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I play FFA teams just about all the time and I have no problem winning pretty much every game using the Dark Side. I have all points on jump, push, pull, saber skills, grip, and lightning.


The problem some people have with not winning has more to do with either not playing long enough to learn the game or only practicing a couple things (assfighters).


Absorb is only a problem if you let the person using absorb play to their style and not do your thing. As soon as I start getting pulled I do a back flip and kick them each time they do it. Or I just let them run out their absorb by flailing around trying to hit me.


Now when there's a pull/backswinger around, I have to pull/backswing to keep up.


Yep. I've actually had people call me assfighter because *they* were spamming it and using ONLY that move so whenever someone does that to me, that is their choice of deaths for the rest of their time on the server. Or I kick them to death, which is pretty much as helpless a feeling as when you are pulled and backstabbed.



As for the patch, I love the heavy saber style much more now, but some thing need fixed.

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Originally posted by Nathan Wind

you shouldnt have to edit your play style to make it fun. flaws are flaws.


You misunderstood me. I meant that people using absorb try to force you to play to *their* style by flipping on absorb then pulling you to backstab you or whatever. To beat them you can't let them force you to play to their style.

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Yep, dark powers are pretty useless in 1.03. The only time I use dark is when Im playing CTF with my clan/team. We have a capper using Speed + Rage and a midfielder with Team energize supporting him. The other 3 team members go light. Might also have a darkie with Team energize in TDM.


But that's playing as a team with my WD bros. Using team heal/energize on people who don't understand teamwork in pub servers is a waste of mana.


Light is very superior to dark in FFA and Duels.

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You guys are such ****ing whiners.


I play with dark all the time and have no problem winning... and I NEVER SPAM any move.


The name of the game is Timing and Skill, kids... your choice of force powers is irrelevant.

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Originally posted by Orangina_Rouge


It would be a pleasure for me to rape u using light side to prove you how much you are wrong


Many have tried. Many have failed. What exactly would you do?


Absorb? It doesnt last forever.

Heal? You heal, I drain.

Push / Pull Sweep? It better be scripted and spammed son, if you expect it to work on me.

Speed? I can evade you regardless of your speed if I want to.


I am not saying I win every fight, but I do win most, regardless of Light or Dark.

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Originally posted by Halowse

Many have tried. Many have failed. What exactly would you do?


Join a 1.03 server ( ho man ......this cost me to say that :D ) and shut your braggin mouth

Someone sayin he can kill an opponent of equal skill using dark when the other use light is just hallucinating

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Originally posted by Spider AL

I love listening to weekend warriors like Halowse lecture Nathan, Torment, Orangina and myself on how to play the game. Har-de-har-har, it is to laugh.


You guys make it sound like a chore to play this game.


The fact is I do win a lot, and I do it without being overly dependant on special moves or force powers. Why is that so hard for you to grasp?

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Originally posted by Halowse

Why is that so hard for you to grasp?


Since u don t seem to want to accept my challenge and prove me you can , i don t see why i would believe you ......

U re online and i m too .....why is it so hard to prove me that the dark side is SO powerful :rolleyes:

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What challenge? I did not see any mention of server names, IPs, or times.


I would enjoy an opportunity to fight someone who thinks they have skills. Maybe I'll learn something. Maybe you learn something too.


I am available to play most nights between 6:00pm - 12:00am PST.

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gamesdomain.co.uk - Duel (01) to (06) : IP to 28075


PST is GMT - 8 Right ??? If so Meet at 11:30 PM PST


Search For Orangina_Rouge


Plez answer for challenge before 3:00 PM PST ( it s 12:00 AM Here )


Would be glad to be wrong ( i was a hardcore Darksider ), but i don t think i will

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PST is Pacific Standard Time. I am on the West Coast of the U.S., if you are indeed in the U.K., I believe the connection quality may be very poor. Nonetheless, I will try to find you at the time you specified.

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Was at time on server said .....waited during half an hour ( thx man ....i waked up early for nothing ) and had to duel some guy using no force ( yawwwwnn ...anyway i won )

So i win by forfeit ...Light side is indeed stronger :rolleyes: ( note to self ...never challenge braggers on forums ;) )

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IF you enjoy playing as a dark side player, play it. As for balance, the lightside has been more powerrful than the darkside from day one. It's nothing new in version 1.03. I exclusively play darkside and even though the lightsiders have the advntage I still enjoy playing.

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In my opinion, the Darksider has the advantage. In a one-on-one duel, all a Darksider has to do is to wait for the buzz of Absorb to go away, and then suck out the Lightsider's remaining force power, and then zap them with lightning until they're dead. Is it lame? Could be. But it also works, which can be interpreted as powerful. And yes, the Lightsider can go invisible, but so what? If they do that, I just run around until they appear again, and then I Drain/Lightning them. It's not that hard, and it's quite effective.


Is there something I'm overlooking???

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Vagabond, that would be a very good tactic..but no light sider in their right mind turns it on and LEAVES it on..I turn it on when I attack, and when he backs off or I do I turn it off..


Or i turn it on..when he attacks me with force power..then when eh stops I turn it off...This way it doesn't suck up my force power...

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