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Defending against Kickers


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I use a cable connection, but one of the servers I play on puts my ping higher than usual (but hey, I like the server, so what can you do).


What are some good defenses against kick? There are some players that I compete with that I can usually out saber in a duel (UNLESS) they chain kick: one after the other, followed by attacks when I fall. One uses a simple kick script that is just brutal. Anyway, suggestions?


Thank you.

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heh well there really aren't any other ways to defend in a NF.


Either stay the hell out their way or kick them first, that's about it.


could probably do some collateral damage by either doing a blue stance lunge or the middle stance leap, but that's not really a counter, it's kind of a tradeoff.


If the area has a lot of room try doing a backward roll as they come towards you, hopefully meeting them wherever their jump lands them and opening an opportunity for attack.

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kicks are awesome :) midair moves are always awesome! some of the best are DFA'ing a kicker, kicking a DFA'er, or my favourite (only happened to me once), 3 people colliding in mid air, two DFA'ing each other at 180 degrees, and a perfectly timed (or fluked, more likely) flying backslash takes both out from 90 degrees.

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Thanks again, Xzzy.


I think the blue lunge works alright. I have found that usually if I yellow special the kick still connects which moves me backwards and open for a saber throw.


So ducking and blue lunge look like the best bet for now.


Big Mexican, what is a flying backslash?

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Update: Lunging and ducking work ok against normal kicking (wish there were more variety in the defense options though); however, against a kick script they are virtually useless--especially when your ping is higher that the kick scripter.


That is a bit disappointing. I enjoy a challenge, and consider losses to be a sign that I am not adapting; but, a kick script in the hands of a halfway decent player is pretty ugly.


Any further countering suggestions in force and no force? :)


Thanks again.

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> against a kick script they are virtually

> useless--especially when your ping is higher that

> the kick scripter.


This is one of the biggest flaws in 1.03, right up there with the backstab/sweeps. It made kicks reliant on ping, which not only removed the ability to front kick from people on modems, but turned every "joust" into a contest of the pings.


If two people attempt to kick each other at the exact same time, EVERY time, the server will give the kick to the guy with the lower ping.


Personally I think kicks should be blockable.. how effective do you think a kick would be if the guy's foot landed on your saber? Kicks should also be moved back to tapping jump once, and the wall kick should be either taken out or require two taps to trigger.

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What's the point of forward wall jumping? I mean, you can possible jump off a wall and land behind your opponent, which is a nice play to be, but when the guy sees you running into a wall, is he just gonna stop and start swinging and then you land right in it?


Side kicking is a bit more useful because in narrow hallways when someone shoots you to make you move out of their way, you can just jump off the wall and still land in front of them. But even that is a bit silly.

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wall jumping is a cool idea, but it doesn't give you enough of a boost to be helpful.


If you could do a full force jump away from a wall it might be worth having in game, or maybe if it gave you a brief speed boost pushing you away from the wall.


The way it is now it just makes you totally defenseless so the guy chasing you has time to set up a death blow, since the range on a wall jump doesn't give anywhere near enough of a leap to propell you away from an attacker.

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This thread really shows what the biggest problem is with the design of this game, I mean people are binding scripts to do a move that requires that you hit 1 button twice, COME F*****G ON! you would do this for one of 3 reasons: 1)Your a NOOB 2)Your lazy 3)Your both. Sure it helps for those who are plagued with 56k but to me thats not an excuse, Adapt to the lag, get a faster connection or quit playing. Get rid of the kiddie scripts for kicking and you might be able to defend against this just because of the simple fact that your throwing human error in the mix. /Rant off/

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Originally posted by Admiral Derski

This thread really shows what the biggest problem is with the design of this game, I mean people are binding scripts to do a move that requires that you hit 1 button twice, COME F*****G ON! you would do this for one of 3 reasons: 1)Your a NOOB 2)Your lazy 3)Your both. Sure it helps for those who are plagued with 56k but to me thats not an excuse, Adapt to the lag, get a faster connection or quit playing. Get rid of the kiddie scripts for kicking and you might be able to defend against this just because of the simple fact that your throwing human error in the mix. /Rant off/



4) they're not very smart

5) all they wanna do is get kills



but to get away from it i would suggest rolling or sidestepping if their running at you, it's not exactly the easiest thing to get away from....

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came to this thread because I just got called a "scripting NooB Kick f*g" because 3/6 times when I kicked this guy, he fell down. I have never 'scripted' dont know what it is, and dont care to know. Anyone else palying the game by the book and still getting yeled at ad nauseam for kicking some serious booty?

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