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Future of X-Wing Franchise ?


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New to the forums, but have been playing the Xwing / Tie Fighter series since the original.

Does anyone know if there will be any future games in this series ?

It would be amazing to see what could be done with today's graphics cards if a new game were developed. :deathstar

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I, for one, hope it isn't over, but I'm not holding my breath.

An interesting thing: The "Knights of the Old Republic" trailer features a few brief clips of what looks like a XWA-type space battle. Then there's always the "SW: Galaxies" space-combat package promised that might be along the same lines.

Hopefully these will remind the Powers-That-Be at Lucasarts of the games that the company was founded on. The seem to be coming out of thier several-year funk and are getting back to making award-winning games again, recalling thier glory days.

If the results of that LA poll we all filled out a while back has any influence over the game designers, then another space flight-sim is inevitable, but it might be a while before we ever see it. Until then though we might have to make do with watered-down knockoffs like "Starfighter"

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There are no console flight sims.


Let is look to the current king of the flight sim: Microsoft.

For the xbox they have Crimson Skies II, which is an arcade shooter.

For the PC they have Flight Sim 2002 and Combat Flight Sim 2 with CFS3 currently in development.

Saying any game involving flight on a console is a flight sim is blasphemy.

Developers aren't entirely stupid. They know you can't pull off a flight sim with a literal handful of buttons.



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Well, right now Lucasarts is focusing on games for the new trilogy. Hopefully they will take the time to atleast make an expansion pack for XWA. Hopefully after Episode III, we will see new SW Classic games along the lines of XW,TF, and XWA.

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Thats what LA should make!.Something along the lines of Janes USAF or Falcon 4.0. Have you seen the manuals for these games?!,,,,

Well maybe not as high tech as that, cuz old George wants to please the kiddies, but us old guys like technical stuff sometimes.

Just a dream really, to see a "real" space simulator come out with todays hardware!.

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Wow, a new game, done with todays graphics ::starts drooling::


Seriously though, Jedi Starfighter, while still just a console game, was very high quality. The level where you have to take out the TF mining operation... I was in awe. Just amazing. I've always wished that LA would come out with a Rogue Squadron and XWA hybrid. It was always the atmospheric vs. the space, and there really was no middle ground. But when you think about it, about half the stuff they did (Like in the Rogue Squadron books) was atmospherical. Especially the important stuff. I am looking forward to the SWG space pack though, because that could be very nice. The ability for us to play on an open storyline, actually fighting for what we want, that would be monumentous. The other thing I think they should do though, is allow for the advancement of officers amongst the various fleets, so that you have fleet deployment throughout the galaxy for actual reasons, not just helter-skelter.


And that's all I have to say about that.

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