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Is it worth paying 65,55 $ ?


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Is it worth paying 65,55 $ or 44,98 GBP for Galactic Battlegrounds plus the Clone Campaigns?

I love Star Wars I love computer games but it is so much money! How long will it entertain me? Will I want to play it again after I finished it?

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I just read your post in the other thread, but I thought I would reply in this one.


If you like, you could try playing the demo. You can find it HERE


Its about 70 mb in size. You can give it a try if you like and see for your self hands on. 65 bucks is a lot for a computer game, but I guess its not that bad if you are including the expansion too.

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You can play the demo but...

The demo is one of the most boring mission in the game so it doesn't give you a good idea of the game.


The multiplayer part is better but you can only play as the rebels or Galactic empire and (This is my opinion) the other civs are more interesting to play with.

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Well like I said in a previous post asking a similar question I would ask if you have played AOK. It is very similar as it uses the same engine. As for spending $55-$65, if you have any interest in it I would just buy the first game and get a feel for it. It will give you many hours of game play and give you an idea whether you want to jump in and buy the x-pack.

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You really should get the game. It is worth spending the money because it is fun to play, and it is customizable, as there is a relatively powerful map editor that comes with the game. You can create almost any cenario you want with a little time using the editor. I like the game, but other people might have different opinions than me. Feel free to share them.




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Guest DarthMaulUK

The demo is not very good and I feel put alot of people off buying SWGB.


SWGB isn't a bad game although it does lack alot in certains areas, however, Clone Campaigns addresses alot of the issues in the original game and unlike most add-on pacs, CC comes with a host of new units and of course 2 Episode II Civs - both are very cool.


Having been lucky enough to test Clone Campaigns and play it, I feel it improves SWGB 100% as the guys @ Lucasarts have worked very hard on it over the past few months. Not many games companies actually listen to the input of their fans.


So go and buy it!!



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