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WIP: Sidious\Palpatine very early model

Adonai Saboath

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Thanks guys :D I hope those pics still arn't too dark. I'm not sure why they seem to come out darker for other people, perhaps I have my gamma set too high over here :)


Cheshire, he deforms pretty well. The robe initially bunched up around his legs, but I've worked through that problem, I also have a little bit of stretching under the arms, but I beleive that's due to the weighting. I may or may not change it, It makes the robe seem a little baggier the way it is. Thanks for all of your help Cheshire, I could never have gotten even this far with the model without your help :)


Ive got some more skinning to do, I just hope I can do this great classic charecter some justice. That's pretty much all that's left now, that and the sounds, which nomad is editing


Right on schedule :)


CT :lightning


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Hey everybody, I figured I'd post a couple of shots of Palp's face. Sidious's face is still in it's early stages, so I'll post a few shots of him as soon as I get a little further along. Let me know what everbody thinks. I think he needs some extra work, I'm just at a loss for what to do next






I'm going to also post this over in the skinners forum too, but figured it was ok to post here because technically I'm on topic, and some some great skiners also follow this forum.


CT :lightning


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But since Darth Sidious IS Emperor Palpatine, shouldn't they look like one in the same?


Anyhow, great job Toonces. One thing I noticed is that his mouth looks more like he's sick than angry and evil. Not sure what is it exactly, but it might just be a skinning thing.

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heh, I'll work on his expression, perhaps put an evil grin on him or something.


I origionally started the model just to make Emperor Palpatine, but figured with some minor modifications to the hood and robe I could do a convincing Darth Sidious too.


I'm coming out with two versions, one of the younger, episode 1-2 Sidious/Palpatine and one of the RotJ Emperor Palpatine. The major diffrences being the face, and how the hood is positioned, and lastly the skin tone.


Ok, this is a really really early version of Sidious's face. The hood is going to for the most part completely cover the upper half of his face. I've got alot of work to do on him, but so far he's looking halfway decent



One thing I'd like to do is to make a ctf palp/sidious as a hologram, like that one charecter you used to be able to select way back at release. I've got no clue as to how to do that, but I'm going to try and find out


CT :lightning


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Originally posted by Toonces

One thing I'd like to do is to make a ctf palp/sidious as a hologram, like that one charecter you used to be able to select way back at release. I've got no clue as to how to do that, but I'm going to try and find out.


i'm thinking you might have to use a shader to accomplish this. and even though he's technically a ghost in JKII, what not take a look at morgan katarn? the transparent blue is pretty similar to the hologram. and hopefully with the shader you could get the ghost image to have the noise/interference to make it look hologram-ish.


btw, i really dig the subtle difference between the models with the position of the hood. although the whole palpatine/sidious thing confuses the bejeezus out of me (who's who in what episode), this model's coming along wonderfully! keep up the great work.

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Im liking what I see but have a few sugestions. I'll try and get my points accross tomorrow but the last little bit has been busy for me with work so Im tired a lot. One thing I wanna say now though is what is that purple shade on the inside of the hoods? Also can you post a picture of a side view of the Sidious skin/model so that I can make certain it is as it is supposed to be =)

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The purple shade on the inside is just a a texporter place holder. That area ingame is all black. The one in the 3dsmax is just a blank (or purple ;) ) texture.


I'll get some shots up for you tommorow DarExc :D The model still has some weighting issues, (robe bunches up, sleeves dont quite hang naturally enough) that thanks to Sithlord-II's excelent guidance (and some major playtesting by our sound man nomad)I'm confident I'll be able to remedy :D


Lots to come :D


CT :lightning


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This should be on the first page during this great day for our community! I insist that this model should be included in the desires of the many that are waiting for Yoda and the large number of other great models being worked on!


Toonces, you are doing a great job. As it is right now, besides the few minor things with the skins and hands that you haven't finished yet, this model is EXCELLENT! So far, somehow, the model truly captures the essence of The Emperor. The posture helps along with the robe sleeves... and the beautiful hood.

What is even better news is for all of us is that Toonces is working on making it even greater! He's going to town on weighting and playing with the robe, which should make this model way over the top on the Evil Scale :lightning *which is a very good thing for a model of The Sith Master*


I'm finishing up the sounds tonight. I've been being so picky as to what sounds I'll place where... mainly because Toonces told me I have some time to decide :nut:


I've been looking forward to hearing some of the critiquing DarExc has promised. As, no doubt, this character is an area of expertise for him :lightning


Fortunately, it seems to be so for Toonces as well.


When all is said and done, this will be a truly great addition to your model collection...

I have forseen it.



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Ok Im tired but here goes, The first part of Sidious that should be looked at is the hood and face positions. Now looking at different pictures and the toy you can see that it would be possible to see his intire face from looking below his chin, like if Yoda were to look up he would see Palpatine under the hood like this...




now if you look at him from the side on a little bit of an angle this is what sticks out.






Then here is looking at him eye to eye at the front.




also notice in that pic just how far the folds at the bottom of the hood actualy go. Also if you look at him from the front any time you will notice his rather large adams apple and all those other details on his neck. One other thing is the line going down the middle of the robe, it is quite prominate and goes right to the bottum (this is where it would open up). I know it is probobly not possible to make the shadow disapear if you duck and look up or something so I would just sugest making the shadow as it is in that last picture.


Now the last thing is if you look at him from the very side at 90 degrees you won't see any part of his face but you can see where the bends are in the hood down the front side.




Now for Emperor Palpatines face (this is the other model I mean). I think he needs some orange around the eyes. This poster I have (I didn't take this picture though) realy shows off his face and I wish I could get my digital camera going to take a closer pic.




Also notice his eyes, they are a little bigger in the picture. You may also want to concider making him have an evil smile because I remember him frowning only a couple times ever. For his lips I think you should add a little bit of colour to them because as you can see from the gallery EmperorJello provided earlyer in every pic he has a little bit of colour in his lips. Not to much but it goes all around them.




Another thing is I don't think his skin is quite that grey maybe just give him a little more colour to his skin because the comparison is quite different.





Not so much in this one but he appears to be more white here



I'll let you sort that out though. For now do what you can and I'll nit pick some more out of the next screenies =). Hope I made a little bit of sense, Im off to sleep now.

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Thanks for the kind words nomad :D I must say that your definatly the right man for the sound pack :D Take all the time you need.


Thanks for the critique DarExc, I'm definatly trying to get them as close as possible to how they actually look within the limits of the software of cource. I'm going to take some artistic liberties of cource, but I want to make a model that everybody is happy with, he's for the community :D Check your PM's DarExc, I could use your oppinion of something.


Time for a little update. I've re-weighted the robe (thanks for the great advice Sith) so it doesnt bunch up at all in the back. I have a little clipping problem in the side, but I just have to make a few adjustments to fix that. Right now the sleeves are a little too stiff for my tastes. I'm going to work with weighting them to the torso to make them look a little more natural, as soon as I fix the clipping problem with the robe.


I'm also looking to grab a couple skiners, I havent really asked anyone yet, but that's my weakest area, and I'd definatly like to be able to release some top quality skins with the model. I have a background in art, but It's been kinda hard to translate that into photoshop. I'm still going to release my Palpatine skin when I'm finished with it, (the robe looks rather good) and my holo sid as soon as I figure out the shaders, but I'm going to look for some really good skiners that can do him more justice than I.


I'll post some new shots as soon as I make some more progress. In game he's looking really good, things are coming along nicely :)


CT :lightning


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Hey, I just had the chance to check out how the model has been reworked (although Toonces is probably continuing to work on it right now, as I type)

Let me just say that I love it!

He has improved the robes and their flow Tenfold! And they weren't bad before, not by a long shot. Now, I'd say the robes are damn near perfect. Well, at least in my opinion.


This model is VERY worthy of any of the best skinners out there, so please, if anyone with the talents is interested, by all means I suggest talking to Toonces about it since he is looking.


As far as I can see, Toonces model will represent this monumental character perfectly :lightning




"Everything that has transpired, has done so according to my design."

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Arco, Grafox, I'm humbled, and honored that you guys are intrested on skining him :D send me an e-mail at snltoonces@yahoo.com and I'll get him out to you both.


Unfortunatly I didnt have any time last night to work on him, but I did fix that clipping problem that was driving me nuts this morning. I'm probly going to bring out the robe just a touch more in the front. I'm also trying to weight certian areas of the sleeves to diffrent bones on the torso. My goal is to have it so the sleeves behave as lifelike as possible. They are a little stiff right now compared to the hood and robe, but I'm making alot of progress :)


To answer your question Harukaze, I'm sure you could take the finished model and go to town. He's a little hunched over, but if you wanted to make the robe brown, or whatever color you'd like, and change the face and hands, he'll look quite a bit diffrent than Palpatine. Most of the models that have been released so far have been very specific, either not completely humanoid, or wearing certian armor/clothing that makes the charecter really distinct.


nomad, you are too much :D I'm not sure how far I would have gotten without you. The Palpatine sounds are fantastic, my Brother played with him late last night (he was on my computer for hours, the reason I didnt use my computer until right now) and he loved every min of it :) I'll get an updated glm out to you today to check out :)


Much more to come guys, I cant wait to see what Arco and Grafox come up with :D


CT :lightning



P.S. DarExc, check your e-mail in about 30 mins, I didnt forget about ya yesterday, I was just occupied with the family :)

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That's GREAT news that you guys have volunteered to do the skins!!

I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do. :D


Keep up the great work.


This model will control the galaxy... secretly, silently, occasionally on page 2... away from the greedy, impatient nose pickers :lightning


(no offense meant towards non-greedy, or impatient, nose pickers) :p





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