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The Pull-Backsweep/Backstab Song!


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Grab your partner,

throw them down.

Turn you back,

and spin around...


Use your saber,

Use the sweep.

Then get accused,

of being cheap...


Pull em down,

Stab the back.

People with think,

you use a hack.

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you forgot the last 2 verses:


do the same thing,

99 times,

go on lucasforums

and post corny rhymes.


whine and bitch

that it does take skill,

then run around

and look for n00bs to kill!


this guy's a great example of an egotistical backstabber who gets so full of himself from getting tons of kills with a skill-less move.

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Pull your pardner

to the ground

and I'll steal your kill

as you turn around


As you whine and whine

about your loss

It's a DFA

that I will toss


So pull/spin/spin/pull

all you like

for "The Cow" will land

the Final Strike!



Doh-see-doh your innards,

While I slice up all your gizzards..

you will come to see

you cannot hack me

as I stand alone....The Winner!



Apology in Advance! LMAO







Stealthy Cow (Mooooooooo)

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I hope that in the next patch, if you perform more than 5 Backstabs or Pull/sweeps every 10 seconds, then your skin shall be changed to Jed Clampet or any other Redneck and then this tune starts playing so people know what you do ;)




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MY OPINIONS ON THIS MATTER ARE MIXED......You cant have a move there and not use it....but dont be a cheap bastard and do it all the time. I just came of a server where everyone bar 2 or 3 is running around backwards stabbing people, whether I'm pissed cos I kept getting killed or not that's a different matter. But for the love of jebus, just as that move is there to be used so are all the rest. My soap box is crushed now, I shall retire....


Cheers The Fraz....


Mon the Scotland. :racer:

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