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Excited to be here!

Revik Val'Thek

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Hello all!


I have left Everquest for Jedi Knight 2, which has staisfied my Star Wars craze ever sense I saw the movie on T.V. when I was 8. I know about Star Wars Galaxies, which will replace my Everquest addiction that I am living without right now. Everquest was my favorite game, and I am sad to leave all my friends, high levels, and experiences behind, but I feel like I have 'beaten the game'. Yes, this is impossible in Everquest, but having experienced and beaten most of the monsters in Everquest after years of playing, I feel a change is needed.


I am a Star Wars nerd, but aren't most of us here? An Everquest-like Star Wars game is a dream come true for me and my gaming time.


I look forward to seeing all you online, and on this forum!


.Revik Val`Thek ~ Future Trandoshan.

............Sneedo ~ Future Rodian..........


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Hi and WELCOME!!!!


An Everquest-like Star Wars game

Noce that you like this idea, but if you seek an Star Wars version of EQ, then this isn't it.

Noone has ever made a game like this.

There are no classes, only professions, and you can change that profession as you go along, just like in real life.

The play area is huge. One planet equals 256km^2 to explore, and there are 8 planets so far. :D


Anyways, again WELCOME!!!! :)

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read the stickies please :D


and Jan is right :D


C ya around


-Wraith 8-





"NO," Lara said. Several Wraiths and Rogues laughed outright.

Face put his head down for a moment, then raised it,

his expression one of long suffering and turned to Wedge.

"Is this what it is like for you?"

Wedge smiled. "You have no idea."

"From the bottom of my heart, I apologize, most sincerely,

for every time I spoke up in a mission briefing.

I mean it." Face said.

Wedge nodded. "I appreciate that,

but I have to tell you: you've only just started to suffer."

X-wing book nr. 7. Solo Command

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