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Power Droid Strategies


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I noticed that there hasn't been much talk about power droids (that I've seen) since the expansion came out. I was wondering, how often do you guys use power droids? How many would you typically make during, say tech-1? Do you use them at all or do you just continue to build a bunch of power cores? They seem like they be good to use in a forward base. And do you remember to research the power core technologies? OK, enough questions, time for some answers (please :) ).

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Power droids are apparently great for forward bases. Haven't tried them with a rush, yet, although I see no reason why they shouldn't be useful in this regard, since they save you a) the worker time needed to get a PC up and b) enough carbon for about three troopers - which is a lot, early in the game. Gonk, gonk, smile.


I also use them for powering ore and nova dumpsites, which are typically a bit far away from the main base and only actually need to be powered for a minute or so in the average game - not worth the carbon for a powercore, but you might benefit from the slight edge in research speed if you send a Gonk over there. Gonk, gonk, tee hee.


Finally, in combat - this is not my idea, I can't take credit for it, but someone over at Mr. Fixit came up with this and I can't remember his name. Send them into a fight and the story is that enemy units prioritize them, gaining you a few seconds of freeplay - much like leading an air assault with transports to soak up the damage while your fighters wreak havoc. Gonk, gonk, chuckle.

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Ditto, I used them move them about for ore/nova facilities and for forward movements. They also work fairly well if you can stick them with a jedi master or so and you want to start converting buildings... like shield generators...



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So, you guys prefer to use them outside your main base. I use them early on in a game, but later, I prefer the power core. PCs are far more sturdy and reliable than PDs. By then, 200 carbon is a cheap amount of resources to pay for a PC (only unless your TF :( ).

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