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To all who believe in a "pure" duel


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"pure" duel: Duel with no force powers, just the lightsaber.


If you come on my server and bitch about people using force powers just leave. No one is making you stay there. There is no reason for you to stay and complain about it.


If you were unaware that some force powers were allowed, get over it and leave. whining about it is stupid.


I am tired of this "holier than thou" attitude of some of these saber "purists".


I won't even get started on the "saber code" issue. If you are on my server and you don't see people abiding by the "code" then leave. Don't whine, no one wants to hear it.

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It is, to a degree, universal--but I for one don't like reading a rudely worded post that addresses the users of the forum at large (a group I'm a part of) and tells us that we behave like idiots. Anyone that's dueled with me knows that I am generally quit polite, and only really get rude if someone is extremely rude to me or to a friend of mine.


There are better, and more polite ways to word it so as not to offend people. I'm not sure how to do this, but can't you make it so that people connecting to your server get this message? Wouldn't that be a more effective solution than just complaing to anyone who will listen?


Just some ideas...

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Originally posted by shelto39

Point taken. You don't like offensive wording, and I don't like people who bitch about other people playing within the rules.


...yes. Well I can't imagine why anyone would complain on your servers...


if you dont like the way things are on a server, leave. dont complain. simple as that.


And if you don't like how people are behaving on your server, ask them to leave. Simple as that :)

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Originally posted by shelto39

"I am tired of this "holier than thou" attitude of some of these saber "purists".


...He says from the pulpit. Its funny when people complain about "holier than thou" attitudes and then proceed to preach.

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