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N00B Bashing


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I hate N00B bashers, i'm not a n00b basher myself and i well usually defend N00B's.

But lately it has been getting annoying when a N00B joins my server and starts asking me questions that they can find the answer to in the manual. Do these guys even play single player first? I usually tell them to check the manual and they usually do, but yesterday someone wouldn't and kept bugging me. I didn't want to have to kick him but i did because he (urinate)ed me off.


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Originally posted by morte_man

I hate N00B bashers, i'm not a n00b basher myself and i well usually defend N00B's.

But lately it has been getting annoying when a N00B joins my server and starts asking me questions that they can find the answer to in the manual. Do these guys even play single player first? I usually tell them to check the manual and they usually do, but yesterday someone wouldn't and kept bugging me. I didn't want to have to kick him but i did because he (urinate)ed me off.



a lot of the time they've downloaded the game off of kazaa....and i know what you mean, read the manual first...i just tell em to go to my site because it has all the info even though it's still underconstruction


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kazza? what the fuheck is that?

I'm a friend to the noob also. the question I most often get is:

"how do I talk (taunt)?"

then I tell them and they bind taunt and then run around doing nothing but taunting and get themselves killed. we were all noobs once. I was almost kicked form the first game I ever played. we should be nice to the noobs now cause in a few months they'll be kicking our butts:D :jawa:fett::ewok:

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Originally posted by greedo626

kazza? what the fuheck is that?

I'm a friend to the noob also. the question I most often get is:

"how do I talk (taunt)?"

then I tell them and they bind taunt and then run around doing nothing but taunting and get themselves killed. we were all noobs once. I was almost kicked form the first game I ever played. we should be nice to the noobs now cause in a few months they'll be kicking our butts:D :jawa:fett::ewok:


kazaa is a file sharing program that you use to download programs, music, etc kinda like napstar


(don't read into this, i bought the game!):cool:

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I remember when I was a n00b. I must admit I didn't properly read the manual and I'd only played a couple of level's of single player. I would get my fat bum kicked all over the shop. I remember thinking, how do I do that lightning thing and that grip thing and how do you do that backstab thingy and how do they do the colour's in the name thing. I didn't want to ask people and make myself look more stupid so I decided to get out the trusty manual and can I say it makes damn fine reading. I learnt how to configure my force powers etc etc etc and entered the game again with fresh hope. The first time I strangled someone and dropped them over a ridge was such a buzz and I'd done it all by myself. I must admit, i'm a pretty good player now coming top 3 most games. Anyway, my advice to newbies: read the manual and check the forums for answers to questions. There is bound to be a thread on the subject you want an answer to.


To all the n00b bashers out there, shame on you, you too once entered the game for the first time. Try to remember how that felt!


Lexx :leia:

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haha yeah, i remember when i was new to this game too. at first i couldnt figure out how to use any force powers so the first couple of times i played it was without any force :p i still had fun just using the light saber and i quickly learned how to use the fp's. but if i didnt find out how to use those force powers, i woulda looked in the manual sooner or later, instead of asking someone.


i dont mind teaching n00bs stuff, as long as its not some cheap or annoying move, or something that's easily found in the manual. just last night someone kept asking me how to use force powers and i kept telling that person to look in the manual. but of course he or she didnt and kept asking. either they're extremely lazy and want easy answers to easy questions, or they pirated the game...either way, they dont deserve help.

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heh heh. I remember my first game with bots. I didn't know how to use force powers either so they all kicked my butt. so I looked in the book, binded (bound?) the fun FPs (e.g. grip, lightning, push and pull) and created a new game with bots. needless to say I got my butt creamed again. but did I go off to my little corner with my tail between my legs whimpering? NO! I played again and again and again. and pretty soon I was kicking bot butt so I joined a real MP game... and got my butt creamed. but I hung in there and like Brit Chick (heh heh, Lexx :naughty: ) I now finnish in the top two or three all the time. now I help the new guys joining their first game.:ewok::fett::jawa:newbie:

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Read the forums here.....

Newbi-won-shoebie is now the masta!


lots of info on forums there is!

Newbs are funny for the first few days you can grip them around bash their heads into walls ... all the fun stuff ...until they learn of absorb or something ...oh well... :( boohhoo :D

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So called 'n00b bashing' is sort of like a rite of ascension. hehe...


Myself, I played the single player game for about....3 min. Just didn't do it for me (the same with HL and countless other games).


I just picked up what I needed to do by playing online. It took me 3 weeks just to crack 10 frags, but I loved every second of it.


Funniest thing I saw was a 'padawan' asking how the backstab was done. This one guy said to meet him at the 'dojo' in Bespin, and he would demonstrate.


I high-tailed it there to see what would happen; this guy told the 'padawan', "This is how you do it". Then proceeded to backstab the 'padawan' 5 times in a row before the 'padawan' had the presense (?) of mind to ask, "HOW do you *SETUP* that move?". At which point, we both told him. He had to DIE 5 times before he 'got it' and asked the question


Sad, in a way, but it was funny as hell at the time.


BTW, before anyone comments negatively about this, we took the time to teach the 'Padawan' AND each other a few things after that, after ribbing him a bit about allowing himself to be killed repeatedly like that. He was a good sport, and a fast learner.....

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Newbs are funny for the first few days you can grip them around bash their heads into walls ... all the fun stuff ...until they learn of absorb or something ...oh well... boohhoo


HAHA that was me just a couple of weeks ago. actually, i was the one using grip and bashing people against walls, or throwing them off of ledges...but after i found out how easily absorb countered all the dark force moves i switched to light. plus i dont know how a dark force player could survive a backstab after being pulled down.


but still, the grip+wall bashing technique is the coolest looking move in the game IMO. it looks especially good with the Darth Vader skin sithlord-II made.

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As a server admin, I have to personally draw a line about helping people. Its tough enough trying to run a server, enforce the rules and still get enough time to actually play and enjoy the game myself as it is.


When I see people say "how do you taunt?" I will usually wait a bit before answering because someone else usually does.


When I see someone ask "How do I use Force?" I tell them to read their manual. Some things are too long and complicated to explain in the context of a game and I personally am not going to help people who've downloaded the game.

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