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(Thanks to all the people who have contributed to this thread.. namely UGG, and other forum lurkers.. :D)



Quake 3 Coding-related sites:


Q3 Center's Coding Tutorials

Quake Style's Tutorials

Juz's Coding Tutorials

Jazzd's Coding Tutorials

Urban Software's Quake 3: Arena Coding Tutorials

"Making Q3ASM Actually Work"

Quake3World's Coding Tutorials

Human Debris Coding Tutorials


Star Trek: Elite Force Coding-related sites:

Compiling QVMs without Visual C++



Misc Coding-related sites:

Quake III: Team Arena Menu Files

Quake DeveLS (Quake 2)

half-life programming (Half-Life)

Quake 2 DLL Programming (Quake 2)

Inside3D Q2 Tutorials (Quake 2)

Quakesource (Quake 1, Quake 2, Hexen II)

Bluesnews DLL Basics (Quake 2)

QuakeC Extreme Tutorials (Quake 1)



Quake 3 Coding-related forums:

Quake3World: Modifications Programming

QDeveLS - Q3A Message Board

PlanetQuake | Quake 3 Mod Making



Misc forums:

Raven Software (UBB - Old)

Raven Software (IkonBoard)



Compilers / IDEs:

GameIDE (Q3IDE?)

Borland C++ Builder

Borland C++ 5.5 Free Command Line Tools

V IDE for GNU g++ & Java







Need the SDK?

Download it from JK2Files.com



Does the source require Microsoft Visual C++ to compile the source?

No -- you can use the compiler that comes with the SDK to compile directly to a .qvm. It's merely an additional enhancement to use MSVC.



How can I use the compiler that came with the SDK?

There are four .bat files that came with the SDK, buildvms.bat, cgame.bat, game.bat, and ui.bat -- when run, they will do two passes of compilation, the second one generating the .qvm(s).



Getting syntax errors or file not found errors when trying to use the build VM .bat files?

Try using the ones from this site (thanks UGG!):




Does the SDK include both Single player and Multiplayer source code?

The SDK only includes multiplayer sourcecode.



What effect does sv_pure 1 have?: (From Quake3World Forums)

  • Only PK3 files can be loaded - no discrete files at all with the exception of..
  • .. Files with a .cfg or .menu extension can always be loaded.
  • Only PK3 files that the server has can be loaded by clients.
  • Each PK3 the server has thus-far loaded is required by all clients.
  • PK3 files must match identically (same byte-size and CRC) between server and client.


Get an error similar to this?

ERROR: Bad cgame system trap: 302

Update Jedi Knight II: Outcast to the latest patch (as of this time, 1.3).



Get an error similar to this?

==== ShutdownGame ====


Loading vm file vm/jk2mpgame.qvm.


ERROR: programStack corrupted in compiled code


----- Server Shutdown -----

recursive error after: programStack corrupted in compiled code

Try packing the .qvm file into a .pk3 (don't forget to include the path!)



Want to load your DLL files into the game?

Run JK2 with this command line:

X:\JK2\GameData\jk2mp.exe "+set r_fullscreen 0 +set fs_game modname +set vm_game 0 +set vm_cgame 0 +set vm_ui 0 +set sv_pure 0"

To check if your DLL(s) was/were loaded, type




If any of them return "2", then that DLL has been loaded.


An alternative method is setting viewlog to 1 (+set viewlog 1), and it'll report something like loading <module> dll instead of loading <module>.qvm. if it's done correctly.



Reply here if you have any other good resources / help.. :)

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I got some of those for ya! :)


This is a great EF compiling guide, if a little messy.



This is good too, but the author needs to be smacked in the head with a web design book ;)



I'm trying to get the code to work with other compilers and IDEs, but not having much luck. My limited knowledge of this is really showing up :( Anyway, if you want a stab at it, try these.






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Quake3 mod forum with some coding topics.



Raven's BBS might be helpful, though they don't have an Outcast forum yet.




The rest are old Quake or Quake2 coding links. They're still good for learning how DLLs and mods work.


Huge Quake 2 coding site by the Code3Arena guys. http://www.planetquake.com/qdevels/


Quake2 Coding tutorials.






Quake2 DLL basics.



QuakeC tutorials


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Originally posted by normal

Does the source require Microsoft Visual C++ to compile the source?

No -- you can use the compiler that comes with the SDK to compile directly to a .qvm. It's merely an additional enhancement to use MSVC.


How? Command line? Special instructions?


Then what I have to do to apply the built source code? (Please include these answers in your first post)

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*BUMP* [edit] wait -- why am I bumping it? it's sticky! .. lol [/edit]


Slightly-major update, I added all of UGG's links into the main post, fixed up the post a little, added a question for Nemios' request. And, the biggest thing of all, mattwindu made this topic sticky. Yay! :D:cool:



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Nemios


How? Command line? Special instructions?


Then what I have to do to apply the built source code? (Please include these answers in your first post)


You run the .bat files in the source code folders - there's one for each module, game.bat, cgame.bat and ui.bat. There's also a general buildvms.bat which makes the vms for all three modules at once (so you don't have to run the three bats separately...)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Agh. On Win98 and spent several hours trying to get the .bat files to work only to find out that I have to download new ones. And now, for some reason, the cgame.bat one isn't working (though the game.bat worked fine). I compiled the client side game dll dealio and followed the exact same process as for the game vm. Is the cgame.bat file that came from http://ugg.codealliance.ca/modbat/ faulty as well or am I just an idiot?

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  • 3 months later...

I used a program called DoxyGen on the MP source, just to see what it would do. It didn't do the best job of crossreferencing, but it doesn't look bad.


Why do this? - you might ask?


Because I often spend a lot of hours away from my IDE machine, and it's nice to be able to read the source, even when not coding.



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  • 4 months later...


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