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Has anyone ever seen this player...?


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Anyone seen a player by the name of ZeroSaber or something like that? Someone from my school is supposed to be using that name, but I can never find him on the servers he says he plays on or in a player search...


Soo...anyone seen him, or a name like his?

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Ok fine, Get your list of servers (hit refresh). Click the 'find player' button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Type your buddy's name in the box. Click Search. *tada* If hes online, he will show up.

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1. ZeroSaber is the name he gave be about a week ago, but I can't find him online when he said he would be, and at school I haven't seen him...


2. Also, darth dragon, you are such an ass hole. You're the kind of scum that make this place miserable.

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Getting a bit hot in here, calm down people.


Lets launch an international search for this player, I'll inform the missing persons lists, you people start a thread to see if he actually exists.


We'll find him eventually Emon, don't worry.

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Well, usually my credo is "there is no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid answers".


But in this case - sorry Emon, no offense - I don't see the point in this question.


1st thing: If you perform a player search, you need to know the players exact name. If you don't, you're in trouble. The guy's name could be ZeroSaber, zerosaber, zero saber, serosaber, SeroSaber, ZEROSABER, ZERO_SABER, ZERO-SABER... you get the picture? (By the way, serious question, can you use wildcards in the player search?)


2nd thing: What if someone saw him? What's the point!?! "Yeah, I saw that guy, his name was like zerosaber and he was on that...um.... FFA server." ???? And now what??! You think, anyone remembers the ip address of that server? And if so, you think the guy is still there? What do you want to do, sit in the server and wait for him?!


3rd thing: If you know the guy from school, it is probably really easier to find a guy you know, you probably know the (real) name of, you know what he looks like, you know the area he lives in etc., than finding a 3D avatar, whose name can be changed upon starting the game every time (maybe his name is R2D2 by now!), whose looks can be changed by choosing another skin etc., don't you agree?


Emon: I don't mean to "insult your intelligence" or be a jackass or whatever, in fact this interested me why someone would post such a question. That is the reason why I answered.


To me it still seems like "hey I can't find that one book I read last month, the title is something like bla bla I think I left it on the table in the living room. Has anyone seen it?"



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If you perform a player search, you need to know the players exact name. If you don't, you're in trouble. The guy's name could be ZeroSaber, zerosaber, zero saber, serosaber, SeroSaber, ZEROSABER, ZERO_SABER, ZERO-SABER... you get the picture? (By the way, serious question, can you use wildcards in the player search?)


I've had luck in just putting in a portion of the player name... for instance "ero" would have returned all of the above.


But since this thread is going.. and there are so many helpful people... I was wondering if anyone knows where I can find that website I was on the other day... it started with "wwww" something and ended with "net." If anybody runs across it, BOOKMARK IT and let me know!:rolleyes:

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heh, wondered about that digl... saw the title, and thought "this clown made another thread about the same thing??? cant be the same one, its got less replys. gee who would of thought people would answer with the same dumb reply- HEY! WAIT A SEC!":D


jokes on me;)


oh yeah, why not try "qtracker" its freeware, and has a playertracker built in... seems to work good, but I like the features on ASE better...



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I came across a player of this name only yesterday.I have sent you the details in a private message.Though with the huge amount of people who play this game the chances of it actualy being your mate are fairly slim.


Good luck!

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