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Wanting to be a Jedi in the future....


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When Galaxies comes out I plan to go the route of the Jedi from the very beginning if possible....Im looking for a group of people to get hooked up w/ before the game comes out to help me out so I can get to be a jedi fast an help out my fellow members...anyone interested in having me, drop me a line. I've been involved w/clans before I'm a big Counter-Strike player. Just lemme know. Thx.


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There's a lot of people here who want to be jedi, Look at some of the threads about them. However, we know for a fact that you will not be able to "teach" other players how to be jedi, since it will be unique for everyone. Good luck though.

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Yeah, I realize alot of people will want to be Jedi. Thats why I plan to expand into the Political aspects of the game as well. Just putting out my resume if you will, an tryin to get affiliated with some groups before the games release.

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oh god =P i hope we dont get too many of these as jedi. "d00d im gunna be a jedi 1st and shiyat! can anyone here powerlvl me so i can gets all the phat lewtz?" is basically what he sounds like.


read up on how the jedi will be chosen, before you get your hopes up.


actually...on second thought get your hopes up, and then post back here when you realize you can't be a jedi like you wanted to. it will amuse me.



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why dont you guys just leave the jedi hopefuls alone. Noone likes a spammer. This thread was meant for this certain induvidual to gather future players to work on being a jedi. so what if they will never become a jedi? at least they tried unlike some of you. Just keep your damn immature thoughts to yourself and leave the jedi hopefuls be.

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Who said we didn't want to be Jedi?!? (some of us anyway)


Our concerns are for the people who are so into becomming a Jedi that when they don't, they'll might be left with the feeling of having wasted all those hours AND money on a game that doesn't let you play as a Jedi.


And guys?

He said 'if possible'. So that says very much about how he thinks his chances are. He obviously knows that there is a chance he won't be a Jedi.


As for the rest of the post, I think it's a little early to start asking people for help to become a Jedi. Altough your chances are high that you will get many friends in-game (and off-game ;) ), none of those may become a Jedi. You could very well be the only one in that group. :p



Oh, and Welcome!!!!

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Welcome mate.


Guys, instead of getting our backs up everytime someone new appears and spouts off about becoming a jedi/bh or whatever, why dont we take the time to point out the sticky thread and maybe explain how the Jedi system works.


Don't get all worked up about it, i know its hard not to :). But we should be here to point people in the right direction. If they're fixated though, neh, what can we do. They'll either be very dissapointed(likely) or very happy (unlikely). Its not our loss, but it could be our gain if wehelp them understand the world of SWG.

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That a boy, make new friends.

lol koffin


But yeah, I do agree that we need to stop bitching at the jedi hopefuls. As we get closer and closer to game time more and more people will come here and start posting things like this. The best thing we can do is ignore them as we have all said our peace. Welcome them, tell them to read the sticky if you want, and then leave it be. We're not going to get anywhere if we keep bitching about them.

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Originally posted by Gaalgoth

lol koffin


But yeah, I do agree that we need to stop bitching at the jedi hopefuls. As we get closer and closer to game time more and more people will come here and start posting things like this. The best thing we can do is ignore them as we have all said our peace. Welcome them, tell them to read the sticky if you want, and then leave it be. We're not going to get anywhere if we keep bitching about them.


Ahh...well done.


Spoken like a leader.


Perhaps their is still hope

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