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RGB sabers beta !


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I'ne sent you an e-mail because I have a problem with the extending saber, the sound is there but the blade doesn't change length. I used your code, so I thought you would know where to look in my code, I could not find the error.

So I've sent my code to you in the e-mail with the problem, so you can take a qucik look at it, and you'll see immediately "ah, this guy forgot this and that"


For the saber it is the following: I used the saber with the original code and with your RGB, and with your code every saber is shorter than the original, don't know why.

But i can still try to improve the saber sprites if you like, this is something I am really good in.

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less than 2 mins to find your bug :D


in cg_players.c in the cgame so ...

you forgott to replace SABER_LENGHT_MAX by lmax


that s it should worrk now...



btw i aggre we should do a complete New Jedi Order mod THAT would be cool !


are they other kind of sabers or sabers modifications that i could add to my mod ??

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Ok, the next lot of people want is a selector for the saber hilt.

The next thing Luuke wants ;) is the possibility to activate the second blade when the first blade is activated.

I tried this, but I got some strange things with the animation or the whole prog crashed.

And one last idea I read about is to add stances 4 and 5, not just replacing the old.

Hmm, I will find something else when I think about it any longer. :)

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beta 8 already :

here it is :

New TCK MOD beta 8


as always the sources will follow in half an hour -> 1 hour.


goto the control/other setup screen to bind your key to

extended saber.


you can now configure 2 colors : in the same menu.


enjoy !


tell me what you think of it .


garik = i was talking about the novels or movies ...

Is there any other kind of sabers...

Corran and Gantorris have (had) a dual phase lightsaber.

Darth Maul a double edged saber.

Any other ???

(i read most of the books but asking doesn t cost anything..)

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Hmm, I think there were no other saber variants. I've read nearly all novels, only the novels that are available in german, but I think that are all. There were characters that had 2 lightsabers, but that's another problem, animations and so. And there were force activated sabers, but that's no difference.

Hm, I've read on an website that there is a young jedi in one of rhe books that will come that has some sort of saber with infrared waves, that is nearly invisible, and that emits heat, so that the character can't use it all the time, and has to reduce the intensity, and then the saber is visible in pure red, no core.

I'll go search the web and find the link, so you can read it.


edit: It was no book, it was a character from a RPG. So it's no kind of official, but if you like to read it anyway it's at


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very cool mod man i love playing with the extend button making it bigger and a diff color!


I was wondering is there any way to have the same color on both blades (when double blade is out) when its not extended and then press the button and both blades change(instead of having 1 blue and 1 red when not extended)?


you know what I'm saying?


very cool anyway ( im just not a fan of having 2 diff color blades in dual blade mode)

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I love the color change for the extended blade, for the dualblade I think it would be better to have the same color for both blades.

From pragrammer's point of view it is again a good job.


Have you thought making it possible to activate the second blade when the first is activated?

This would mean we need a command that let's the player take the animation status he has when the saber is deactvated, but the blade is still on. Then maybe the second blade can be activated without deactivating the saber first. What do you think?

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dood, sweet mod. i love the dual colors. i have a blue and red (light and dark side) and i was wondering if there is any way to change where the second blade came out of. cause to get darth mauls saber right, it would be 2x the size, but if you model that, it comes out middle of the hilt. can you think of anything? maybe look for tag_flash2 for it?

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The motion blur on the second blade of the dual saber is the same color as the first even if they are set as different colors.




I am continuing my campaign to get the hidden saber stances included :)


I also reckon you should have seperate commands used to active and deactivate the two different blades on the dual saber. This would mean you could activate the original blade then activate the second without deactivating the first. You could also deactivate the first and just fight with the secondary blade!!

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Originally posted by rut-wa jodar

Is it possible to use bots saber colours i.e. luke`s green saber or Mace windu`s purple saber in Team FFA games instead of BLUE & RED sabers ?????

I think that is easy. When I looked through the code I found some entries for that, I don' know if this were the only entriees, but that's something I can easily find out.

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Originally posted by rut-wa jodar

Is it possible to use bots saber colours i.e. luke`s green saber or Mace windu`s purple saber in Team FFA games instead of BLUE & RED sabers ?????


yep just open the bots.txt

and edit it !

look for luke and set the right settings for his sabers.

When you have a custom saber, you are not affected by the teams color restrictions and neither are bots.


for the bots who are not in the bots.txt but in script/name.bot

well open the .bot file and change it as usual .


i ll check for the bug !

i ve corrected the bug here is the patch :

be sure to put it in the tck directory.

here it is


the source is here

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To all those clammoring for the fourth and fifth fighting stances, they do not exist in MP, period. That does not, however, mean they cannot be coded, and likely will be, but please understand that every single movement must be detailed out in the humanoid animation code used for every move in the game. What does that mean to you? Well, it means it's a true female dog to code, to put it politely. It is equally difficult as making up one's one fighting stance entirely from scratch. Well, perhaps not, but close enough to it.


My recommendation is to be utterly thankful people like Garik and especially Tck exist to code for us and please be patient until they have the time to get around to every little thing we want ^_^ Although, knowing them, eventually we will get just about every thing we want ; )





Now I wish I knew how to code, cause I have the sudden urge to craft my own unique fighting style ^_^

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