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Jedi Sports!!!!!


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Official Jedi Sports Rules:


======================JEDI SOCCER=======================

Object: To get the "ball" into the enemy goal

Players Needed: One person to be the ball (a stormtrooper w/ no force powers and crouching always), at least 2 players on each team

Players Reccomend to Have: A ref that will call the penalties (discussed later)


Teams Determined By: What skin your using


Reccommended Level: Any level where there is two equally large areas in which the ball can be pushed into

How to Play: Both teams should have maxed out force push and pull, The ball gets either pushed in by the ref or sits in the middle. Then the teams attempt to push it into the other teams goal. If it goes out of bounds (either determined by the ref or the boundaries are agreed upon before the game) it must be pushed in by the team that didn't push it out. If a player should happen to kill another, that player must sit out for a either: 1) Predetermined time or 2) the time the ref decides


Multiplayer mode: FFA



======================JEDI GOLF=========================

Object: To hit the "ball" to a predetermined area in the least amount of hits


Players Needed: 3 Players per team (a ball, a tee, and a club), a "flag"


# of Players Recommended: Any # of players divisible by 3, then add 1


Teams determined by: Who you pair up w/


Recommended Level: Streets


How To Play: The tee should have maxed out force grip, the club should have maxed out force push, and the ball should have no force powers, except jump perhaps. The rest you'll have to figure out ;)


Multiplayer Mode: FFA



Skills Built in Jedi Soccer: Accurate Pushing/Pulling, Team work


Skills Build in Jedi Golf: Accurate Pushing and Gripping, Team Work, Pushing Physics






These games are very challenging and are very fun as well. I recommend this for any clan that wishes to have fun and improve their force power usage. I also recommend this for just a group of people on a server that'd like to do something different :)

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ORIGINALLY posted by Soulless

Jedi golf sounds to tricky and not as fun.



Its actually really not to hard. I recommend practicing on a level w/o any pits and trying to hit something w/ the ball. The only hard part is if you go for a hole in 1




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Well last night I was playing it and I went to the "Nice People ONLY" server. I got everyone organized and everything... it was awesome. I think someone should run a dedicated server for Jedi Sports. I would, except I have a firewall up and don't wish to take it down.




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Originally posted by Bungalow

Instead of using an actual player, why don't you just push or pull an item or weapon, well I guess using a player as a ball would be cooler


The reason is no item can be pushed far enough :(, if there was one I'd do it. What we REALLY need is a mod of it though. That'd be awesome!




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