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Obi Wan ep 1 and 2 model


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Any update on the progress of this exellent model??


cant wait for this one to be released!


I spose jedi robes for the models are out of the question? :)

(they really would add to the authenticity of those obi/jango fights on the kamino platform)



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The model is incredible. Far better than anything I've seen in the actual game. Congratulations on your fine artwork. I've been looking for a good Obi-Wan, but mostly found crap. I'm certain once this model is released, I'll never use another one.


Which brings me to my question/request- Will you release it so that it's usable in SP? Because if you do, I'll forever be in your gratitude.<-- Nevermind, turns out every MP model can be used in SP. Damn me for not reading.


I seem to have my lips firmly planted to your buttocks at this point, so I'll shut up and say I'm really looking forward to seeing a skinned model. Keep up the good work.

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Since you were taking requests for slight alterations for alternate characters....


I would *love* to see a slightly modified episode 1 model for Obi-wan. The only thing that would need changing would be to take that nub of a pony-tail on the back and add some length to it, making it into a real pony-tail down to the shoulders.


For a quick run-down on the character, with portrait...



As I said, I think this is only a minor modification, and I'd kill to see it done! *begs*

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Hey Tex, great work so far.


I was just wondering that if you are doing slight alterations of characters using your Jedi outfits, could you perhaps use some of the heads of the characters that are already in the game. Personally i would kill for a model using your body and a Chiss(the blue skinned guy) head and hands. And i'm pretty sure some people out there would like to see a rodian (think Greedo) in a Jedi outfit. Maybe even Kyle in a Jedi outfit. I'm not sure how much trouble it would be, but seeing as these heads are already modeled it would probably be less trouble than creating entirely new heads.


Just an idea.(Must have Jedi Chiss):D


Ps. I already asked this question in your Qui-gon thread, but it seems this is your main thread so i decided to ask it again.


PPS. Keep up the great work, the models look great and i'm sure the skinned versions will look incredible

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Great looking models!

All three of them look really incredible. Can't wait to see them in the game.

About ANH Obi-Wan, please don't make him without his long robes. Even when he wasn't wearing his Brown Hooded Robe, his under-robes were long and down to his ankles. I really want to see a model of "Old Ben" released with the quality of what you're doing with Qui-Gon and them, but not with the wrong clothes.

All I'm saying is that the models you've shown so far look fantastic because they represent the characters very well. ANH Obi-Wan deserves the same representation. If you're only going to make models with similar clothing, I suggest that you don't make him incorrectly.

Just my opinion, and obviously you can do what ever you like :)


Great job so far, and...

May the force be with you.

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This may well be entirely off-topic, but Shawn I can't quite make out if your avatar is Ewan McGregor or Charlie Sheen. Hmm.


Oh yeah... for the Qui-Gon skin, make sure you find someone who can totally WORK beards. The success of this model hangs on Mr Gon's facial hair. After all, it's the most charismatic thing about him. *coughs and sneaks out* (oh yeah and the models themselves are AMAZING-- they make the ones that came with the game look like Kryten's [Red Dwarf] head.)

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