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Obi Wan ep 1 and 2 model


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Looking amazing so far......cant wait till there out.... i have an idea for taunts and sounds


Okay from watcing the film i found that Obi wan isnt a really aggressive guy hahahaha....so this is the most threatening he got in both films


EP1 Obi-Wan Taunt:--"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" maybe it could work hehehehe (thats where qui gon gets killed)


EP2 Obi-Wan Taunt:- Either "You Havnt Learnt Anything" or one of his cheesy one liners like "She seems to be on top of things" even though that isnt really suitably for an Obi wan Taunt...maybe somone else can find somthing that fits it well


:D :D :D :D

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T3rr0r stop spamming, just cause you come from that piece of crap we all like to call bfp, doesnt mean you should just fit at home and spam like in the bfp forums. Though ironic its like deja-vu with these forums, bfp all over i say, and your part is starting. Yes the part where you spam and get 1000 posts, and become a mod after enough ass kissing, seen it once, and pretty sure it'll happen again :rolleyes: .

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I thought t3rr0r was doing another taunt idea for the model like i was....


I was just about to aggree with him about


"Youll Be the Death of Me" for a good taunt


:D :D :D :D


Ya may have been confused but then again i havnt seen him spam :D :D :D





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Can you please give us a date of when ur models will be released?


They're cool and awesome, can't wiat any longer to use them!


Good luck to u and please finish them earlier!


( hey, t3rr0r, good thing we've got avartars from same pic but definitely i did'nt copy urs, mines bigger, cool, pal! )


May the force be with all of you.



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Or...maybe somthing even more sinister......


Maybe.... while we wait like pawns... he is using his models in a bid to take over the WORLD.......LOL


or were all just compleatly crazy over these models and he's just pilling up the tension LOL

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You Fools! - these models are so popular and high in demand even thou production only commenced a few weeks ago,

he's currently meeting with his lawyers to try and find a way to make money off these little babies. But the big cheese (GL) wants a 98% cut and full control of the models so now we'll all be waiting for months while they battle it out, and in the end GL's gonna charge ya $39.99 for the official JO model pack add-on.


so next time think twice b4 posting crap like -


"hey cool model when will it be released"


send it here - dumbass@spam.com


he's probably using all his spare time getting these models done and to do 1 is an effort but to do several is RATHER TIME CONSUMING! so don't hassle the poor guy, all he needed was a few suggestions and some pointers to get him satisfied with his work and back on track. In future modelers won't bother post WIP's in forums and we won't have the same quality without the community input - also it's hard when the modeler has problems coz no one sees the part that says " Hey need help with this b4 releasing it" and the model stays unfinished and the ppl who may be able to help them can't be ****ed reading through

200 lines of - "BUMP"

and ppl who want an extra stripe on the skin to match there variant POTF figure..........and another thing.............ramble - mutter................


soz gonna stop that was more than 2cents worth :)

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Originally posted by Tap[RR]

T3rr0r stop spamming, just cause you come from that piece of crap we all like to call bfp, doesnt mean you should just fit at home and spam like in the bfp forums. Though ironic its like deja-vu with these forums, bfp all over i say, and your part is starting. Yes the part where you spam and get 1000 posts, and become a mod after enough ass kissing, seen it once, and pretty sure it'll happen again :rolleyes: .

tap, stfu. you're the one with the clan tag. :p anyway, if everyone else can bump, i can too. especially when it drifts to the 4th page.


and yes, i also thought that would be a fun taunt. :)

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I thought you were doing a taunt afterall.....


Hey TEX... take ya time man....cause im sure with all the other models ya doing.....Its comming along great......Im still happy enough with the origional models on the first page.. no need to change em :D


Oh yeah.......Even though i BUMPED!.. on this page it was only to save its interest....plus it was like the 2nd time ive ever bumped.... :D


And Beastie......Is it true about the Lawyers n stuff. cause if he can get money off em. fair play to him.....And still i wont mind paying the odd 20 bucks for a fair share of high quality Models...

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heh, thanks,


uber sith, beastie was kidding with the lawyers and making money with it... and also im not changing the models in teh first page, im just gonna skin them, those are just the meshes.


Ive been skinmeshing the models but got into trouble and had to start all over again, i think i can have them ready for skinning on sunday...


bye guys.

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