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Obi Wan ep 1 and 2 model


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but over half the posts are *bump* which also defeats the purpose of having a thread because you can never see the information you've been waiting for because someone keeps asking the same question 9 or 10 times and think that it'll get answered even though the modeler(s) haven't posted in over a month and only they know the answers

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If only the author posted then he wouldn't get constructive criticism that he could relate to in order to improve his model. But I do agree that people 'BUMP' far too often. If you want to bring up someone's post then make it a little more constructive.

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Originally posted by SithBrakiss

yes......just simply bumping doesnt work.....you must do something like this

*Seismic Charges the Post to the top*



or how about just letting it fall to the depths of the forum? wow, looks like even "*Seismic Charges the Post to the top*

*Brief Pause......*BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMF!" isn't necessary, i sometimes amaze myself

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only some times, others i can't believe how people take everything so literally, i mean it's a thread for a model, right, we've established that people like to give criticism for it and the authors post updates, so why do we have to have *bump!* all the time? it's an honest question and i don't see the point in 4 pages of *bump!*followed by a :p or :D, it makes no sense to me, now i'm sure someone is gonna come up w/some lame ass comback but i can't do anything about that, i only asked people to stop this *bump!* ****, it gets really annoying and i know i'm not the only one, and i know a majority of the posts on some people are *bump!* so take away that and they're a "newbie" as you put it, everyone's "logical" thinking means someone's a newbie by their post count, not how long they've been visiting this thread, great logic isn't it?

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Well then Anakin, I will have to admit -- I quite agree with your point, HOWEVER:


Your posts regarding how much you hate 'bumping' have 'bumped' this thread more than anyone else has.


Describing your opinion on this matter in another persons thread dedicated to promoting their model is simply rude...if you don't like people 'bumping' then don't do it yourself. This is not the place to start arguments about your opinions on other people...there are other forums on the internet where that is accepted, this is not one of them.


Now, to keep this thread on track:


The models are looking great so far, hopefully our hosts come back to finish the job...I have several reference pictures if needed, PM me for them if ya like :).

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i will stop putting pissed off posts up if people stop putting *bump!* on the threads, i'm sorry to the authors of obi-wan for basically spamming up their thread, but i am kinda disappointed in the lack of updates, or maybe i haven't seen them (wonder why?) but iffen people quit putting just bump in a post then i'll be happy and we can go on living, but unless that happens you'll hear more of/from me, if not on all threads (impossible) then at least this one, anakin, and padme, seein as how those are the best lookin models comin out (in my opinion) and to the authors, great lookin model, i hope to see some update messages and/or pics, take your time w/the model, don't give up your life so you can complete it, by all means go have fun:D

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ep2 anakin: there is nothing wrong with wanting to keep particular thread at the top of the forum. Using the word "bump" is a simple and effective way of keeping the thread where it should be.


If no one "bumped" or replied, then this thread would be on page five or six and the author of the models would think, "...hmm I guess no one gives a damn about my model. I think I'll stop making it." And then you and the rest of us would be like "WTF?! What happened to Obi-Wan and Qui Gon?!"


Now I also apologize for spamming but this just had to be said. I am a noob myself; new to posting that is on this forum. but I have been reading this forum for a while. Some of the best stuff is coming out now with the impending (I hope) release of Anakin, Yoda, Mace, Ki Adi Mundi and hopefully Obi-Wan ep1ep2 and Qui Gon Jinn. A lot of really good modellers are coming out of the woods, and I simply can't wait for these models.

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Originally posted by skyvader21

ep2 anakin: there is nothing wrong with wanting to keep particular thread at the top of the forum. Using the word "bump" is a simple and effective way of keeping the thread where it should be.


If no one "bumped" or replied, then this thread would be on page five or six and the author of the models would think, "...hmm I guess no one gives a damn about my model. I think I'll stop making it." And then you and the rest of us would be like "WTF?! What happened to Obi-Wan and Qui Gon?!"


Now I also apologize for spamming but this just had to be said. I am a noob myself; new to posting that is on this forum. but I have been reading this forum for a while. Some of the best stuff is coming out now with the impending (I hope) release of Anakin, Yoda, Mace, Ki Adi Mundi and hopefully Obi-Wan ep1ep2 and Qui Gon Jinn. A lot of really good modellers are coming out of the woods, and I simply can't wait for these models.


they know people want their models, if they thought differently then they'd be f*ckin out of it (which they hopefully aren't ;)) and i personally don't think a modeler likes to keep reading *bump* instead of constructive criticism which is what SHOULD go on here instead. i know if i was a modeler i wouldn't want the thread to be filled up w/ 2-3 pages of *bump*, now i don't know how other people would feel but i personally wouldn't like it, again sorry for spamming:(

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ep2 Anakin: Bumping a post is in fact a good thing. Mainly because it allows newcomers to the community and the game to instantly see the main threads where the best models are at the top of the board. If they aren't at the top of the boards many people won't search through pages looking for threads that they don't know exist.

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ya know, i quit posting on here because it was taking up to much of my time but if you can't just leave it alone then F YOU gonk raider, and i know that the modeler wants comments, i guess i didn't put much thought into my first post, my main point was to stop the bumping cuz i don't think that's what a modeler wants their thread about their model to turn into, so once again i ask for the bumping to stop cuz it's only annoying, and how are new comers gonna get the latest news when they have to first deal with all the bump posts? (not just on this thread, on many others)

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did you not read my last post?!?!?! i said i quit cuz it was getting annoying arguing against 10 people at once, and it was taking up too much of my time so i quit, and y haven't you guys?!?!?!?! i know, cuz you don't have anything better to do than sit on a computer all day long and talk big words that you'd have no chance of backing up in a real situation, you think your gods on a computer so you do whatever you feel like cuz you know the ones your pissing off are probably 100's of miles away and won't travel that far just to kick your scrawny little asses, get a life gram_reaper and kit fisto your pathetic and let this argument go, cuz EVERYONE else but you two did

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thats right pud1, this guys a joke. He said he stopped but then went right back at it. And you say that we cant back ourselves up in real situations, youve probly never actually seen a sitituation that is real and if you were in one, what you gonna do, Swear At Us.Oh yeah Anakin. ..................................
















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y do you insist on keeping this argument going? fine, starting now this argument is over, which means NO MORE BRINGING IT BACK UP!!! i'm tired of arguing w/10people at once and if defending myself makes me a joke then i guess your completely right, i don't know y i didn't see it before but i guess you know everything about someone you've never seen/met before:rolleyes:

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