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Obi Wan ep 1 and 2 model


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Maybe the reason there have been no updates is because there's been so much arguing, you all scared him away.


I REALLY hope that this hasn't been abandoned, but if it has, don't disrespect the work that had been done by turning this into a giant flaming thread.

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Okay so Ep2_anakin ..ya dug yaself a pretty deep hole here havnt ya :D.....so what im gonna suggest is this. Now im not gonna take anyones side


Okay anakin ya put ya view across and ya said please dont flame me.....so ya get a little critisism....ya get flamed a bit but think about what you really said at first......I know people have a tendancy to "bump"....but face it....when people say "bump" it doesnt take up to much space and keeps the model in the interest of Noobs and others who forgot about it....most of these peeps dont bump for bumping sake or for post count but to keep it alive...they want the model that they like to be in the interest of everyone.....and that i have no objection to...


Now i do know you can have your opinion i cant stop ya :D....but when you do get flamed for it dont be hostile..accept it and tell everyone else ya understand and move on...


now ya dont have to apoligise to anyone it was a opinion..



and everyone who is stil content in having a go at anakin think first......is flaming somone really ever worth the time????? its offensive and hurts the whole thread



all that aside......i really do hope TEX comes back to this....he wouldnt want a great model going down the drain



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If they don't plan on finishing the obi wan models(or qui-gon, for that matter), it would be nice if they would release the models to someone who would have the time. I'm sure many good people would jump at the opportunity to finish these suckers off. It'd be a bit of a downer for these awsome obi-wans to sit and rot away on someone's computer. But then again, they could very well be working on them as we speak, in which case an update would be nice if only to "claim" the obi wan and qui-gon models so nobody else has to worry about making them.

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He's probably just reaaaaaaally busy and has other stuff to do, but I hope he didn't forget this either. Btw lok, I have the obi-wan ep1 hilt. It came in that hilt package that came out. If you need it, I'm on AIM. SN is GDD1300. If you don't have AIM, any other way I could send it? (If you need it)

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In my opinion the worst thing 'bout this situation is that with these models 'out-there' it's putting off other people who may have started their own Obi-Wans or Qui-Gons. Now we may be stuck like this for 'a very long time'.

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Just wondering..did anyone ever try e-mailing TEX or mark_li?


(and by that I don't mean everyone should now spam their adresses, but one sending a polite and not-demanding question whether they are still working on it, and if not, if they could give out what they have so far so the community can finish it)


(Please note, I was on holidays the past three weeks and couldn't check any posts here. So if they did post ANYTHING about not having the time at the moment but going to get to it later, then leave them alone, stop flooding the thread with 50x the same post, and wait till they return)

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