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Dont u just hate grip :P


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Im tired of these lammers that use grip all daY!

its even more annoying in platform maps,

one guy just sits near a pit in an indoor map and grips everyone down there, i mean come on :p

i havent got th new patch yet so i dont know if its that effective but seriously its too powerfull

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Grip is way the hell easy to overcome. When someone uses grip on you there is no way in hell they can block your push or pull. So you can either push your way out of it before it does all that much damage and then tear him a new ******* for presuming to casually toss you like a ragdoll, or if you wanna be a real jerk you can wait until they maneuver you over the edge. Timing is real critical now, because it won't work so well once he releases you. As soon as he's facing the ledge, use pull on him to yank his ass right down into the pit with you. :D :D :D

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It is LOL. It doesn't even deal out all that much damage. It's only real tactical advantage is to toss someone over a ledge. The only time grip has ever outright killed me just from being gripped alone was when I had like 6hp left.

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on a 1.02 Grip is pretty damned effective along with drain.. I've run into plenty of 1.02 drain+grip players and you can't do diddly since you've been drained.. granted if you're quick enough you can get absorb up in time but an experienced 1.02 darksider will simply wait to see if you activate absorb and will wait until the right time..


in 1.03 when you get anywhere near a darksider activate absorb and any of their force powers used on you will be unaffective.. or if you get gripped activate absorb then give a good kick and a heavy DFA to finish them off.. if you're really pissed just kick them over and over until they A) die B) fall off the platform to their death


either way there are ways around grip spammers...

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yah hes right! there r many ways to overcome the force! and i seriously do think its an awesome force but DONT GET ME WRONG i dont use it like those other dudes do... unless they piss me off, i go to the dark side and lightning there ass!... hehe anyway I think the pulll thing while hes on grip so he can fall with u is kinda 50/50 cuz u have to have good aim for it to work i say absorb is the best bet

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Grip can be frustrating.


Grip really only pisses me off when I see an opponent with his sabre down watching me as though he wants to duel, so I turn mine off and walk towards him. I challenge him to a duel, and he waits a second, then grips me off a ledge.


For the rest of the match, its pull-backstab on his ass. ;)



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now that's a cheap tactic.. oh well, I had one little punkass mofo starting to mouth off my clan while in a duel server.. he would yap at me so I decided to yap back.. bad idea.. the little prick did a DFA while I was typing.. my mistake for being gullible enough to think he'd fight fair after all that cheap talk.. at least with new absorb you can turn it on and approach an enemy and have it save your bacon instead of reacting too late..

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I was trying out darkside for the 1st time last night. Grip is no real weapon to anyone who puts a point into absorb. It is fun if you can pull it off though. I love griping, getting them right above me, jumping, and useing push3 to send them flying to their death (or with busted shins)

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I've noticed that just level 1 absorb won't break the grip, it will still give you tons of force points though. Problem is if you get gripped long enough to where you grab your neck then you are very vulnerable to just about any attack.

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The first force powers I max is absorb and jump, respectively. After a couple of duels, you will know when to activate absorb before you get to the grip/lightning spammer. I also noticed that when absorb is activated immediately after a grip, the gripper has a short recovery period. If you're in close, you can kick them or quickly switch to strong stace for a free shot :D

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Grip isn't that bad, just gotta know how to use it, don't abuse it, and avoid it. Use absorb or push-pull them. Absorb comes in handy if your in a basic map, but in platform maps push-pull comes really in handy, use them, and quick!

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Once you learn how to deal with grip, the only real danger you face is narrow walkways, pits, shafts etc where you can get thrown off in a split second or two. As stated before Absorb is the best defense against it.


If you're just dealing with a spammer on an FFA server, it's even easier. Pull & backstab. Absorb and run up and backstab or use the yellow jump slash. When they're choking someone else, blue backstab them or if the server has weapons on snipe 'em or use thermal detonators or det packs. Be creative.

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Originally posted by Bladey

Im tired of these lammers that use grip all daY!

its even more annoying in platform maps,

one guy just sits near a pit in an indoor map and grips everyone down there, i mean come on :p

i havent got th new patch yet so i dont know if its that effective but seriously its too powerfull


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Why use level 1 absorb? I personally don't (although I use absorb so infrequently I might try it) but since your opponent doesn't know what level of absorb you have (he'll assume you have level 3 like everyone else!) then that allows you to "fake" real absorb and use points for other powers.

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I think Grip looks cool and usually i'm on servers with either Jedi Knight or Jedi Master Force Abilties, unless onl a server with no Force Abilities at all...

I'm always on the Dark Side and have Lightning everytime. Then i either take drain or grip depending on the map and my mood, or both if possible on Jedi Master Force Abilities servers.

You can grip and fling them off in less than a second...and usually when i grip someone, they either push or absorb but after a while it's easy to fling them off fast or get them over nothingness fast enough so they'd die no matter what they do. Not all of them are experts either and some react slower, so i can almost grip him from a distance away from a hole and quickly get to the hole. Takes a few seconds but not all of them are pro.

When i get gripped i grip him back and we battle to fling each other off, hoping we still survive after that. Otherwise i'll lightning him since it does more damage than grip.

But it's nice when i walk to a battle and see someone already using grip cause a hole would be nearby and i get to the right position and push them all down. Either that or i grip the gripper and fling him down. Then about 2 seconds later i'll have enough force for another grip to throw the gripped guy down. Then i start rolling away for a few seconds to get some force back before fighting who else is there :)

I like to grip them and hold them high in the sky though...it feels fun

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