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Unofficial, non-Raven "Patch"


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Please note right from the beginning that this is NOT an official patch in any way, shape, or form!! This is a 'fix' made by the Knights of Alderaan (specifically by Leen, one of our Padawan).


It is a pk3 file (ie, doesn't change the code directly at all). You simply put it in your base folder, and play away. If you want to 'uninstall it' you simply delete the pk3 file.


What does it do?


** Fixes the light special lunge attack so it can only be done on the ground, not in mid-air


** Fixes all three backstabs for contact and damage. Damage is more varied depending on location of strike. Light backstab requires accuracy, and none of the backstabs can be 'turned' during the motion. They are reasonably blockable now also.


** Tweaks to damage of some special attacks. Values examined and tested to reasonable levels.


** Custom saber colors available. Instead of pre-colored sabers, the sabers are not light sources of sorts, and can be made ANY color other than black using rgb settings.


** g2animent included, functional.


In order to work, this pk3 has to be both client and server-side. I don't know if the general community will adopt it, but some clans may wish to do so.


All I ask for is a host. The file is only 555 kb. However, or own web server is already overloaded as is. If anyone will volunteer to host this file, please reply below!!!

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Oh boy, here we go.....


Now that the source code is out with the version 2.0 release of the tools, get ready for God knows how many of these custom saber patches.


There will never be a patch made, that the majority will all agree upon as the best. Personel preferences and beliefs of what is "better" or "more balanced" will always dictate that, not another patch based on someone elses/other groups opinion.


With any patch made, there will be moves that are more efficient than others, because of that, they will be spammed, most likely even more so, and at least three types of opinions about it:


1. Some will like it because it suites their sabering style.

2. Some will hate it because it does not suit their sabering style.

3. Some adapt and learn whatever patch the people they play with/against the most are using.


With just 1.02 and 1.03 to chose from there has been endless debate. With more patches will come more debate. This is going to only further divide the community and Unless you play with a private group that selectively picks it's members and demands through rules and regulations what patch to play, there will only be confusion.



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So the g2animent thing...it's activated? Don't like that. It's fun to mess around with but the last thing I want is to fend off a bunch of damn stormtroopers when I'm trying to play a serious game. What about all them double-bladed saber servers? For them, since the cheats have to be activated then wouldn't this patch override the g2animent that the mod cancels out with the rest of the other cheats? I wonder if there would be a way to activate or unactivate that specific command alone. That'd be awesome.


Other than that though, you got an awesome patch. I'm not trying to bag on it despite what I said above. Awesome to see that someone at least is trying to fix some of the things in this game. Perhaps this'll be the answer to all the complaining that people have been doing.

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Ok. To those of you who posted here only to criticise, thank you :) It's nice to know there's still people who feel their negative opinion always matters.


On a more serious note: g2animent only works when the server is cheat-enabled. It is included for simplicity's sake, for groups like ours where we use g2animent to create a co-op like experience for our members sometimes.


As for the changes to the various attacks.


The light blue lunge special attack was changed to be on the ground because it was a bug. You were not meant to be able to jump from an impossible height, lunge right before the ground and land without damage. Don't like it? Don't use it.


Backstab was fixed to work like we feel it was supposed it. When it hits, it does good damage. It is not a one-shot kill, and it is harder to hit with. It still hurt like hell though, and if you hit *just* right you can still kill in one shot (when I say just right, I mean if you stab into the guy as he runs up trying to overhead slash you). If you don't like it, don't use it.


The other specials were tweaked minorly to moderate their ability to kill someone from full health with shields. Call it game balancing. Don't like it? Don't use it :)


Other than that, the rest of combat was left alone. There was some thought about tweaking the damage amounts, but one thing we realized after extensive testing: if you know what you're doing, fights are still pretty quick. Either way, they are more varied and more interesting now, and we kind of like the game the way it is, especially with these little fixes.


Again, I don't anticipate this being adopted widely by the community. If it is, then enjoy it. I see it more for large clans who play mostly internally, which is what we do. I emailed a copy to the guy who offered to host and actually gave me an email. If anyone else wants to do so, please provide an email and when you have it hosted, provide a link.


And again for those of you who feel the need to post negative comments: you have a simple choice. Don't use it. It is posted here for some people's enjoyment. You can choose not to be one of them without telling the whole world about it.

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