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Whoa!!!! What Are They Talking About?


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I recently read the E3 reward snippet on the front page of swgalaxies.net, and I can't believe what they are saying!!!!!





We also like how player killing will be handled - in order to assassinate another player, it will need to be consensual. You can neither kill nor be killed unless you've activated that option - and it's not something you're locked into once you step over to that dark side. Combat is turn based, but does not go into a FPS perspective, since that would alienate a segment of the audience who don't have those skills.




Firstly, I understand about the consenual assasination, but what about 'wild areas'? I was under the impression that in the wild areas, anything can happen. I really hope that anything can happen in the wild areas, since that opens up the ability to assasinate, or bounty hunt in secracy. (I don't think there is such a thing as 'Consensual assasination')


Secondly, and more shockingly, is this. [[[[[Combat is turn based]]]] wtf is this???????????????


Firstly turn based combat is the worst thing you could have in almost anygame! Secondly, I'am sure I read in the FAQ that combat is NOT turn based!!! WTF ARE THEY SAYING!!!


Sorry for going crazy, but if this is turn based it will be a huge dissapointment, I mean this is Star Wars, not friggen Pokemon!



Sorry but I had to get that out, thank you for tolerating that! Oh and please tell me if I've missed something, and straighten this mess out!

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Man i've posted about this before! :) ah well here goes.


If you've played RPG games before you should know that there is little to no 'twitch' gameplay like in Jedi Knight 2 or Quake etc.


The way this combat works is you click on the move you want to do and it gets done, for melee combat at least (lightsabers, gaff sticks etc.)


The trade off for this is that the computer already knows exactly what the move and reaction to the move will be so we can have animations which look just like the films.


So although it will not be a game of 'twitch' skill, it will be more based on the skill of your character and more visually pleasing......hopefully.

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from the combat faq:



To help mitigate latency issues, there is a queue used in combat. You do a move, and it goes in line, to be executed next time you have a default move coming up. The move you do may well have a delay (so if you choose the full circle sweep, you may not get to attack again immediately; you may have to wait 3 seconds, for example, and that's the danger of choosing that move). The queue is so you can stack moves for effect, and execute right after one another in the fastest possible way.



I'am not exactly clear on this, but I hope it is not what I think, and what you said Galin Masek. I would very much want at least the better portion of pvp and combat to based on 'twitch' play. (i.e. saber battles just like jediknight 2)


Also, did holocron say that there is no penalty for being killed in pvp?




If so, then what is the point in killing another player? THERE IS 0 gain, in killing them, and 0 loss! [[YODA: (A very pointless activity pvp would become.)]]

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We're still not sure as to what the exact penalty will be for death, as far as i know anyways. as for the combat, it's made this way so there will be fewer lag kills. I've seen movies of it in game, it looks great and it isn't at all ff-ish. no twitch though, which is good so we won't end up with people running in and out and attacking like in jk2

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All very good points guys, better explained than me:)


As I understand it the penalty for death is thus:


You save all your XP and skill information at the cloning station right? Therefore if you have not saved recently you will have lost a lot of things.


Where if u save right before a battle, unlikely, you will loose nothing.


Don't think of cloning as respawning, its more like... reverting back to an earlier stage of yoru character :evanpiel:

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they should allow people to send a hair follicule at any time toa cloning station..but if they dont have money they turn back into earliest person and then get money send it to cloning station and respawn again as the most recently saved guy (the hair folicule)

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Well, the cost of death and such is not decided yet. It is one of the issues that will be tuned once the beta testing starts, to see how players respond to it.


And yes, MMORPG being 'turnbased' is not the same turnbased as for, say, Civilization (which is a terrific game). It simply means that you tell your char what to do next (like clicking on the shoot command, and target an opponent), and then your char starts doing it. Reaction is still important, though tactics are more important (who to attack first, how to protect your allies, etc). But it is not twitch gaming, so a char hits equally good if it is played by a casual gamer or by a professional CS gamer. If you want your character to be a better shot, train his blaster skills.

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As much as i like turn based combat, I find it has no place in a MMORPG like SW:G. However, combat shouldn't be ultra twitchy like a FPS either. Either way, if they don't get the combat right, many people will be VERY dissapointed. Let's keep our fingerscrossed and hope for the best. I'm sure they'll figure it out.


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no....galik.....there is dan in your hair, and one could concieveably be cloned from it....not as a giant hair, as their normal self


A) Thankyou Gaalgoth, it was a joke.


B) The name is Galin.


C) It's not 'dan' its DNA, it stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. Look it up in a text book sometime........


Personally Legacy I do not think combat is that big a deal, I would like it to look good, don't get me wrong. But still, the sense of adventuring and living is what we really want.

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I totally agree with... Galin. I won't play SWG for the combat, even though I plan on playing a char that can handle combat quite ok. If you are only in it for the combat, you are visiting the wrong part of town, par'dner. Its a MMORPG, not a MMOFPS. And well, that's a difference.

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Exploring is indeed a big part of the game, as is 'living'. But pvp and combat is almost equally as big and important!


If the combat is not well done (and/or) boring, much of the purpose of the game will be taken away, and from other areas of interests such as developing your character!



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Originally posted by Galin Masek

A) Thankyou Gaalgoth, it was a joke.


B) The name is Galin.


C) It's not 'dan' its DNA, it stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. Look it up in a text book sometime........


Personally Legacy I do not think combat is that big a deal, I would like it to look good, don't get me wrong. But still, the sense of adventuring and living is what we really want.


Yeah, geez, Gaaly, let's not ruffle the Brit's feathers!!! (j/k!)


Calm down, kid, Gaaly was probably half asleep from making passionate love while drinking champagne!

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