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Mercenaries are superior


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I'm sorry to say this but I have given up my Jedi ways and gone 'old skool with the true reason FPS's were created, GUNS. Sniping, take out unseeing jedi, close combat, DEMP or rocket launcher with a burst of speed and mind trick solves that. Using the force and guns makes mercs unstoppable, whilst everyone is meleeing, the mercs drop a few grenades and rockets, maybe sniping the survivors...mercs are superior

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I have to agree. I played a J vs M server today, me and one other merc, the server, then it became 3 mercs and 6 or so jedi. And the Jedi were hard to kill, took alot of effort. Yet we still had more kills than them. Maahaahahaha! :D

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Originally posted by AB_Legion

I bet they were all noobs.

Hm...quite likely, they would've pull+backsweeped except pull was disabled, but they did spam push and sabrethrow like no tommorow.


Also, don't seem to avoid the det-packs I throw in front of em either. :D

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hmm.. I personally stay true to my lightsaber ways. (and in case you're wondering, the times I've backstabbed are still countable on one hand) tehe, I've grown too fond of my lightsaber since the JKI days, I need a good weapon that can also serve as defence. And that defence also gets backed by light side powers.

So nah, no guns for me in a MP game even though they're "superior" (and besides, thermal dets. and rockets can be force pushed out of harms way, and most other things can get deflected by the saber)

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