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You want to have a lower ping. The ping listed is the amount of time in milliseconds it takes to send/recv infro from your pc to the host. The shorter the ping time, the faster the connection will be to the server you play on.

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The lower the ping time the better.

I think high ping times affect everyone on the server - makes server slower than usual. I also think, if a bounch of people have around 100 ping on average and a person connects with an average ping of 300, others get higher ping as well.


Correct me if I'm wrong, please.

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I might be wrong, but I dont think having high ping times effect server performance, just your performance in the game. Your ping times to the server would be dependant on distance, network congestion, how bogged down the server is...etc. Dont see how having a high ping time could directly effect the server.

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Originally posted by Mallakai

I might be wrong, but I dont think having high ping times effect server performance, just your performance in the game. Your ping times to the server would be dependant on distance, network congestion, how bogged down the server is...etc. Dont see how having a high ping time could directly effect the server.


yes, it does affect the server because you are both sending information to each other and everybody else on the server...so if your going slow...it will affect everybody

this is lag


and when your ping is 999 that basically means that you're REALLY lagging and that it's not even really getting anywhere....


an average ping is about 100-200 depending on the server, the location of the server also affects your ping

if you ARE the server your ping will be about 0-5 no matter how slow you are going

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No...having a high ping time does nothing to directly influence the performance of the server. You send information to the server, which then passes it on to the other players. The information does not pass from player to player. A high ping time is just indicitive of your connection to the server, not everyone else's. If you were flooding the server, that could cause performance issues for the server..but not from normal gameplay. A person with a high ping time might appear to skip around the screen to everyone else because of his/her intermittent/slow connection. If a server is having performance issues, or you have a crappy connection to the server, you will have a high ping time. A high ping time is the indication there is some sort of a problem, not the cause.

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Originally posted by Mallakai

No...having a high ping time does nothing to directly influence the performance of the server. You send information to the server, which then passes it on to the other players. The information does not pass from player to player. A high ping time is just indicitive of your connection to the server, not everyone else's. If you were flooding the server, that could cause performance issues for the server..but not from normal gameplay. A person with a high ping time might appear to skip around the screen to everyone else because of his/her intermittent/slow connection. If a server is having performance issues, or you have a crappy connection to the server, you will have a high ping time. A high ping time is the indication there is some sort of a problem, not the cause.


no, i'll put it in simple terms and a scenario for you



dude with 56k comes on a server (server has 1000k DSL)

everybody slows down and gets lag because of the guy with the 56k not giving out that information to the server fast enough


a high ping time doesn't mean their is a problem, it can mean their is a problem, but not necisarily

it could be you are half way across the world making things even slower, or it could be a crappy internet connection such as a 56k..or even worse...14.4k (yes its sad but true, some people have 14.4kb/second connections!):eek:

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Twin of Doom has it right. When a player that has a ping over 400 in these games will cause some, though not bad, but will cause all players in the server to have lag...


If the ping is 500 or better than the entire server will start to get serious lag.... All players are effected in one way or another by just one player that has a high Ping number...


But some of us are restricted to using a dial up connection as I am... I live way out in the country here in the panhandle of north Fl. I use a shot gun configuration with two modems and two phone lines dialing into the same ISP I can (at best) get on line at 55600bps so I'm very careful about what effect I have on a server as I join. If my ping goes up to around 450 I'm out of that server, so I don't cost all of the other players LAG...


~Nomad WR~


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But some of us are restricted to using a dial up connection


i have a friend who lives outside of a town with 700 people (the town i live in has more people in the schools than his whole town:eek: and i used to live there)


he's restricted to satellite or 56k dial up....unfortunatley his satellite which he got doesn't work for multiplayer so he has a 56k for that;)

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I've only just got into playing mp games and i dont really know what 'ping' is. Is high ping bad and low ping good?


Two trains are heading in opposite directions on different tracks parallel to each other. Train one has a 50 ping train two has a 500 ping. Train one has 12 passengers who spam backstab; train two is filled with Florida vote recounters and is piloted by Al Gore. Which train arrives first?

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hehe i remember the first online game i played. it was tfc. i live in australia, and was playing on an irish server. i'd only just gotten a new computer and net connection. i checked my ping, 600. everyone else had 150-250. i figured that high ping HAD to be good cause i just got this brand new whizz-bang computer hehe.

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I see what you're saying Twins, but I dont agree. Players with high ping times will not cause the server to slow down, just the player. Other players will notice this player having lag, but it will not cause them lag. Let's say me and you are dueling on a server by ourselves. I have a ping of 100, you 1000. I would roam around the world free without slowdown....you would prob move a frame every couple of seconds :p. The server would not know this, it would just recieve the information from our pc's, process it, send it on..etc. The time slowdown you recieve would be because of your connection between the server, not because the server is being bogged down and sending/recv information slower than it should. If there are too many connections open for the server's bandwidth....everyone will get high ping times and the associated lag that goes with it. So if the server is being overcrowded for it's alloted bandwidth, it will have poorer performance, regardless of the people's ping times to it.



Forgot to add this in: As far as I know, in Jedi Outcast you're not sending any information to the other players, just to the server. The server then passes the data on to everyone. You're not directly connected to another

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I must interject for the people with pea sized brains.


A little history on me. I have worked for the last couple of years for @Home until they went out of business and I have worked for both Comcast and Cox internet services(opperative word being HAVE, do not ask me to help you with your connection, I no longer work for any of these companies and even still will not give any advice).


I have hosted many servers. Most of them were directly connected to an OC-48 with bandwidth test showing 13mb/s(yes that's megabytes) down and 9.2mb/s up. The servers I set up were Quake 3 servers which JK2 is based off of the Q3 engine and net code. One person with a high ping time WILL NOT affect a server. The server will still have the same ping time to everyone else as it did before the HPB(High Ping Bastard) connected. The ONLY way it will affect everyone else is that when anyone else that is playing comes across the HPB, they will see them running in place and then jump across the screen or something similar. This is due to packet loss related to the high ping time. The HPB WILL NOT bog down the server. If you come across someone else that has a good ping time, they will appear normal. If you come across the HPB and someone with a normal ping time, the person with high ping will appear jerky and the good ping will appear normal. Thus indicating that the server is NOT affected by one person with a high ping time.


When you are playing multiplayer, you are connecting to a server which will decide who gets fragged and who doesn't based on the packet information it recieves from each person playing. That is why it is often hard to frag an HPB because they are actually never where you see them due to the time delay which is why they appear to jump from one point to another on the screen. This is not peer-to-peer gaming. You are connecting to a server.

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Hello tech support........ Please help me! Someone who is on Pacbell DSL in California is making my gaming speed slow!


Well sir, you are on a cable network and you are in Texas which will not be affected by someone on DSL.


Oh Really! Well these guys told me that my connection is affected by someone else who is having latency.


Well sir, the only comment I can make is that whoever told you that is a F U C K I N G IDIOT!


gg owned

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Sounds like a personal problem. Never has happened to me. Or maybe your connecting to a server that is being hosted by a P133MHz with 16 megs of ram. With all of that computing power, it's no wonder why one would see a "lag". Not enough power to process everything. But that is NOT a ping/network issue.

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Originally posted by SLO-Sentinel

Now that the server affecting high ping problem has been solved, maybe I can get an answer to why do I lag sometimes (150-200 ping on average) for a second when somebody connects to a server? This doesn't occour always.

[begin simple talk mode as not to confuse people to death]


happens to me too, probably just because that person has a slow connection.....that or most likely the server is trying to figure out who that person is and whether to let them connect so it has to send it to that person....and if that person's lagging..............


[end simple talk mode]


wouldn't wanna kill you guys eh?

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