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Something's Missing in the Sound When Sabers Hit Each Other


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With all this blocking happening since 1.03, I've noticed something's wrong with the saber sounds.


If you watch the movies, whenever sabers hit each other it makes a loud "whack" noise...watch the duel in Phantom Menace for a good example.


In this game, there is no sound of sabers hitting each other, only spark noises and a buzzing sound that sounds like mini saber locks.

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I dunno...I know what you mean, but I didn't really notice it till you said something


You ruined the whole game for me!:(




But, nah, I didn't notice, I've been happy enough on the much improvement on the eye candy since JK1.

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He is right actually...


The sound of sabers clashing in this game makes my head hurt: really high-pitched.


I wouldn't mind a mod where someone replaced them with the "sound of wooden sticks beaten together" ep.1+2 style.

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Head over to the moding board, if you haven't already, it'd be really easy to do...well...the trick is having the sound, but still, most modders, I would hope, have the equipment...they can just rent the movie and record a few of those sounds and easily throw them in the game

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