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Saber Throw is getting out of hand


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Someone called me a throw whore earlier today...what crap that is... he shouldn't be swinging his saber when he's way out of range of a swing...


Anyway...yea, saber throw, the only thing that annoys me about it is some time still does dmg even after you blocked it...but saber throw is realitivly easy to counter...most people don't put it at 3 (I don't think) So you could most often just jump out of the way

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Some people find SaberThrow lame. I don't really think the move in itself is lame, just the way some people use it.


In duels, some just wait you out and every time you move/attack, they walk/roll backwards and throw. This makes red stance almost completely useless, since any red stance swing renders you helpless against saber throw long enough to inflict damage upon you. In this situation the most succesful counter against saber throw "standing still" doesn't apply. So you can only dodge, which is rather difficult when going into a red stance swing and trying to get to your opponent. (Ok, I am whining. Sue me. Or...no, wait... anyone has a good counter against the above mentioned "tactic"? )


Apart from that I don't really see the neccessity of such a move. The way it is implemented in the game, it doesn't feel starwars-ish anymore. The only situation in the movies where I can recall a saber throw is Darth Vader in ROTJ when fighting Luke. Other than that, Jedi VERY RARELY give the lightsaber away. Remember Obi Wan in EpII criticizing Anakin for not taking care about his saber. "This weapon is your life!" It doesn't make sense to throw it all over the place.


What I also absolutely can't understand is:


- why is it not more likely to lose the saber on throw? When it hits or is blocked, why can't it fall down?


- why, oh why can't you push a thrown saber like any other projectile. Heh, you CAN push a rocket, but not a thrown saber?! CRAP!!




- If a thrown saber is auto-blocked, make it at some likeliness fall to the floor so that it has to be retrieved by pressing primary attack.


- Instead of facing the saber standing still, make it so you can swing at the thrown saber. With the right timing (and at the risk of getting hit by it when in the middle of a swing just like it is now) you can hit it and make it a 100% chance of falling to the floor or even bat it farther away, making it more difficult to retrieve it. Heh, imagine lightsaber baseball


- Make a thrown saber affectable by pull/push so you can either push it back or stop it cold and make it fall to the floor or maybe jump and push it through under you.


- It should be possible to completely lose your saber. When it falls into an abyss, it's gone. Period. You'll get a new one when you respawn or when you take a saber from a killed opponent (like when you are left saber-less and then kick your opponent to death, you can take his saber.)


Additional suggestions (nice, but unlikely to be realized):


- Make it so you can collect the saber of your opponent and fight with two sabers like Anakin did in EpII against Count Dooku


- In team games like CTF or Team FFA, your team mates can collect your lost saber and give it back to you.


I'd like to hear your comments...

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I rather like most of those suggestions, and all of them are do-able to my knowledge.


I always got the impression Raven weren't entirely happy with the current probability of saber loss after a throw. I especially like the suggestion were a thrown saber could be struck deliberately by a skilled opponent, losing it for a longer period of time (or completely). It gives us something to practice and allows more skilled players another counter against a tactic that DOES get overused.

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i would like having sabers on the floor after the throw for me to run and force pull them...

in sp, i throw them a lot since they are just so simple to use and effective as well...when they get stuck and eventaully drop, i tried to force pull them but i had to walk and grab it instead :(

i wish the last battle with desann could (or must) end in a way when both sabers get locked and or parried or something and our saber drops to the floor and you gotta quickly force pull it and kill him. just a nice way to make an interesting kill. or maybe after both drop on the ground he does a grip on you again like in artus, and it doesn't allow you to push him (also like in artus cuz i was wondering if i could kill him in artus, used cheats but found that he couldn't be pushed even when doing a normal grip on me). and so you just pull your saber to you and either perform a saber throw to slice him in his shock or maybe he will be shocked and quickly narrowly escapes the throw. he then looks for his saber and onces you reach near him and do any form of attack, the game automatically makes you do a slow motioned death from above the very instant he pulls him saber towads him but with you chopping him up just before it reaches his hand and his saber flies past and lands with a clang clang on the floor...



ok that was quite irrelevent i just realised


by the way, there's that grip and throw saber to kill but it doesn't let me throw while gripping. when i stop the grip and do a throw, usually there's this delay and it usually doesn't kill the guy, perhaps only killed him those time when he had low hp. is this actually a viable strat? and would it be considered cheap?

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I rather like most of those suggestions, and all of them are do-able to my knowledge.
Someone told me that it would take a massive coding effort to implement this in multiplayer. I don't quite understand that since it happens in single player all the ime. I am no programmer, though...

in sp, i throw them a lot since they are just so simple to use and effective as well...when they get stuck and eventaully drop, i tried to force pull them but i had to walk and grab it instead
Actually you can press primary attack and the saber comes flying back to your hand. So that is in fact force pulling it to you, just that it is performed by hitting attack, not force pull.

and so you just pull your saber to you and either perform a saber throw to slice him in his shock or maybe he will be shocked and quickly narrowly escapes the throw.
I think this is crap. Like I said, a jedi wouldn't throw the saber like that. Way too dangerous. Especially against such a powerful foe. It would be likely that he pushed the saber away from you or something (if this were in the movies, that is).

by the way, there's that grip and throw saber to kill but it doesn't let me throw while gripping. when i stop the grip and do a throw, usually there's this delay and it usually doesn't kill the guy, perhaps only killed him those time when he had low hp. is this actually a viable strat? and would it be considered cheap?
I wouldn't think it's a cheap strategy since it can be countered very easily (absorb, push ...). To perform this, simply don't let go the grip. Keep gripping him and throw the saber. You probably need to remap your keys (just guessing, for what other reason would you let go of the grip in order to throw, if not for some "I can't reach the secondary attack key while pressing grip"-reason?).


If you like a nice screenshot of this maneuver, check out the "Sweet featured screen" on http://www.jediknightii.net.

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Well the sp game allows the saber to be lost, at least temporaily. What happened to the code for that? And if it *is* in there, surely it's just a matter of finding the right variables and altering them?


Just having a reasonable chance of losing your saber for a while if your opponent blocks it is good enough, everything else is just candy.

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Well the sp game allows the saber to be lost, at least temporaily. What happened to the code for that? And if it *is* in there, surely it's just a matter of finding the right variables and altering them?


Just having a reasonable chance of losing your saber for a while if your opponent blocks it is good enough, everything else is just candy.

Exactly what I think. I don't know why this shouldn't work.

Yes, people spending time writing posts is really gonna change the throw.....
And your point with that reply is...WHAT?!
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Try and guess

well, my first guess is: There is no point.


What you probably were trying to say is:

"Stop the whining and go write a mod if you don't like it the way it is" :violin:


If that's the case, you unfortunately missed the point of my post. Go and read it again. :rolleyes:


My second guess is: your point is "please don't write such extremely detailed and long posts because my concentration span doesn't suffice to read it. Rather than that, keep your posts short and mysterious like mine. This way you quickly get more than 280 posts and seem like you are really an active community member. Also this way you stand a chance of being misunderstood and making your community fellows grumpy and confused :confused:."


If that's the case, well, sad enough. :mad:


If there was another point to your post that I may have missed, I kindly ask you to explain yourself. :D

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Look, I'll explain it to you. :rolleyes:


This is a discussion forum. It is about having a discussion. That involves exchanging opinions.


If I make a statement, I am interested in the other people's opinion. Because that is the point in posting it into the forum. Okay? You can follow me there? ;)


When the first time I didn't see what you mean, I asked. Of course this was when I still believed that your opinion would add to the discussion.


Since you are not willing to make a valuable contribution, I don't care anymore, neither will I beg you on my knees to give your opinion. If you don't wanna tell, keep it for yourself.


Suggestion: Don't spam the forums with posts saying nothing but "hello, I don't want to say anything concerning this topic. I just liked to say that I don't like to say anything."


Have a nice day. :)

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calm down you two europeans. lol...let me try to put this back on topic.


Throw is perfectly fine imo. If someone uses throw, then you have the choice of using pull, absorb, grip, lightning, drain, bleh bleh bleh. So it puts them at a great disadvantage also.


In NF duel servers, it is now KNOWN that throw should NOT be on. If you find in a NF duel server that throw is on, it is obvious that the server host does not read the forums and does not know that he has to change something..you should tell him. LOL..eyah well anyways,....back to working..

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*watching the post go off topic*


=SSC=Kal-El, I grant you that: this is getting funny :D


However, I never said that I don't care about your opinion at all. I will only take a limited effort to make you talk about it. That effort is: ask once.


I heard there are psycho-analysts who have very sophisticated question techniques to make people talk about stuff they don't want to talk about at first. Maybe check in with your local therapist.... :D


*getting back to the topic*


In NF duel servers, it is now KNOWN that throw should NOT be on. If you find in a NF duel server that throw is on, it is obvious that the server host does not read the forums and does not know that he has to change something..you should tell him. LOL..eyah well anyways,....back to working..
What about privat duels in Force FFA games? Force is disabled there, not so saber throw. Also, I like the idea of low force servers, where at least Jump is enabled. Mostly, the Admins also enable saber throw. Of course that's his right, since it is HIS server, and I might go find another server.


My main point is that it is not really starwars-ish IMHO. It should be more risky to use saber throw, e.g. by making it likely to lose the saber.

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Originally posted by Bluezman

*watching the post go off topic*


=SSC=Kal-El, I grant you that: this is getting funny :D


However, I never said that I don't care about your opinion at all. I will only take a limited effort to make you talk about it. That effort is: ask once.


Well I can't proove it because I didn't quote it but I do know what you wrote before you edited.


I heard there are psycho-analysts who have very sophisticated question techniques to make people talk about stuff they don't want to talk about at first. Maybe check in with your local therapist.... :D


I don't even know how you managed to put that in the context...

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Well I can't proove it because I didn't quote it but I do know what you wrote before you edited.
So now you are trying to say that I altered my statement afterwards because I didn't like your answer to it.


In fact if you "know what wrote before I edited it", what was it then? As far as I remember it was the following:


post before edit:

Ah well, it's not that your opinion is that important.


You don't wanna tell, I don't wanna know.


So there.


After seeing it I made some minor changes which were only cosmetic such as adding a smilie making a little clearer what I mean.


Between my post and the edit were only minutes if not seconds. But you obviously were so eager to reply - of course again without getting to the point - that you assumed my edit was due to your answer.


Which leads me to the following:

I don't even know how you managed to put that in the context...
Well, you don't want to say what the point in your initial post was. Not that I still want to know, I'm just explaining why it obviously needs a therapist to make you talk about it, since simply asking for it doesn't do the trick but only makes you engage in stupid riddle play:
Try and guess
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Not to interrupt this little flame war...


I was duelling this llama who kept spamming DFA and I kept sidestepping and throwing to his back. He picks up and runs away saying "All throw." Well, duh, you leave me little incentive to do elsewise. This from the person who would only DFA folks who were duelling and had their backs to him.


Throw, like all moves, has its place. Nothing finer than a well timed throw that slays an opponent from behind as they close in to kill the weaponless opponent >:)


Biggest problem with JKII as it is now are the lame asses who should return to CS IMO.

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