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Binding backstab


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Must..not....flame.....must....not.....fla-ah hell, you *beep*ing son of a @$%# why the ##% do you want to $&^%& bind the #$%#%backstab move??you are a piece of #$%$!!!:swear:


Flaming leads to anger,anger leads to hate,hate leads to suffering!:yoda:

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Mass Flamage in 3, 2, 1....... Burn Baby! Burn!


Can you imagine how pissed people would be if I posted a script that cycled through saber stances and rebinded the same button for each special attack for the stance you where in and another button for backstab? I'm almost considering posting it just for the response!


But then again every new player would spam the hell out of it so um....... NO!

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You know what, if you can't or won't rather help, then STFU.


Backsweep or stab is hard to pull off for me because of my ping. Of course, I'm sure you all have pings under 100.


I do not suck. I rank consistently on the top.

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hey vader, if you can't pull the move off, then you obviously aren't that good. I have clan mates who ping at 300-400 and pull off the pull/backstab consistantly, so it's not difficult at all.


Secondly, just the fact that you are so lazy that you want to bind a button to an already easy to do move shows us you have no skill or talent at all. Please, take some rounds to learn how to time your attacks, it isn't your ping, because my friends have high ping and still can pull it off with ease.


And if you think you're so good Vader, join a ladder, teamwarfare would be a good place to start. join it and see how far up you get. then talk.


*edit* actually..you know what's stupid? He wants to bind back+attack to 1 key. it seems that pushing two keys is too much for him. hahahhaha..how pathetic.

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Originally posted by VaderJM

I know it's deemed a lame move, but I'm not that good with it yet.


I need what I need to put exactly in the console.


Any help would be appreciated.



Oh and Vader, don't blame your ping. You said yourself that you're not good with it yet. Instead of trying to take a short cut and scripting the move to a key, why don't you learn how to use it correctly to your ping and then you won't need the goddamn bind.

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You know...this feels a lot like trying to fight sneezing.


You can feel the urge to flame growing inside you...you fight it and for a moment it seems that it has gone away, but the suddenly: YOU GOD DAMN LAME S.O.B PATHETIC PIECE OF CRAP PLEASE BE STERILE I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND KILL YOU IRL! DIE DIE DIE!!! :swear: :swear: :swear:

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I've played on servers having a 250+ ping and let me tell you, scripting the move isn't going to help. Now if someone would post a script that will keep an opponent where you think they are given your ping rather than 250 milliseconds further away in whatever direction, THEN you'll be cooking with gas :eek::explode::freakout::evil6:

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Wow...that took some balls to post that question...


I wrote a script for a pull/backstab once...out of sheer bordem, to see if I could do it...heh, I couldn't even get it to work on the NPCs..o well, it's a bogus move when spammed anyway...

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How is using one key, gimpier than 2. It's more reliable. I can pull it off, just not as often as I'd like.


Luc Solar, trace my IP, get my address, come to my house, please. I will kill you. I'll save you some time, I'm in Hawaii. You too Tyrion.


Deliboy, or should I say pastramilad, I really don't see how homosexuality comes into play considering binding keys in a computer game. If you know, please explain, cause it's quite interesting.


I suck at saber combat, even pull/bs as of now, but that's not my weapon of choice, I fight, well I might add with guns, that is how I win games.


Phantom, I don't run around backwards, so your pitiful tired "assfighter" doesn't work.


Dark begger, my mother wouldn't know jack**** about gaming, or your pitiful concept of "honor" within such game, so drive through idiot. I'm sure you must feel real special, trying to flame not once, not twice, but three times! I pity you rather, it must be such a curse having multiple personalties, because you change style with each and every post. I'm sure I can beat at least 2 of them in JK2.


It does have something to do with ping, because it's quite easy to do against bots.

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Originally posted by VaderJM

Luc Solar, trace my IP, get my address, come to my house, please. I will kill you. I'll save you some time, I'm in Hawaii. You too Tyrion.


I suck at saber combat, even pull/bs as of now, but that's not my weapon of choice, I fight, well I might add with guns, that is how I win games.


Most pitiful poster yet, seek help my man, maybe some anger management.


If you're too lame to handle a saber, stick with the gun servers Quake-boy.


Nah, ain't nothing wrong with 1.03, is there?

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lol..well if you can pull it off, but not all the time, then its obvious you need to practice more and get it done. The fact that you said you aren't good a saber combat, does not mean you should go and try to find a fast way to get an easy backstab done.


Why don't you practice with sabers a bit more, get good at it, then you can pull it off more often. You know what you sound like? A CS player who goes into a game, finds out he can't 'aim' as good as he would like to (because he dies) and therefore downloads a hack (a la OGC) so that it aims for him. It's exactly what you're doing here. Practice will get the aiming, not some hack or script.


And no, ping has nothing to do with it. There is a difference between playing bots and players, yes, but the difference is timing, now difficulty. Oh and I do feel special flaming you 3 times because you deserve to be flamed hundreds of times. If you came on here hoping to NOT be flamed than you are a complete idiot (which was what the 'mother' comment was meant to be..if you didn't catch it..meaning anyone would obviously flame you).


You are obviously one player that JK2 could do without. I don't see one person on here supporting you, while I see many here flaming you, so isn't it obvious you're doing something wrong?

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